Immortals Fenyx Rising – Myths of the Eastern Realm DLC Introduces a New Hero

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/immortals-fenyx-rising-myths-of-the-eastern-realm-dlc-introduces-a-new-hero-532546.shtml
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Help goddess Nuwa restore the fractured sky, save humanity

The second narrative DLC for Immortals Fenyx Rising, Myths of the Eastern Realm, is now available on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Also, for those who don't have the game yet, Ubisoft released a demo that's now available on all platforms mentioned earlier.

Myths of the Eastern Realm is inspired by a popular Chinese myth called Nuwa Mends the Heavens. Players take the role of Ku, as he tries to help the goddess Nuwa restore the fractured sky and save humanity. The Chinese-themed adventure is full of legendary Chinese deities and, more importantly, players will battle new enemies using a unique fighting style based on Chinese martial arts.

Not unusual for a Ubisoft open-world game, the world in Myths of the Eastern Realm remains true to its cultural origins and features a Chinese architectural style with tall, jagged peaks found in traditional Chinese scrolls and art.

Those who love puzzles will have a lot of content to enjoy in this post-launch adventure, as they will have their wit, agility, and logic challenged by the puzzles found in the Ruins of Heaven. New gameplay mechanics and features such as morph cubes, clouds, bamboo, wind controller, and air rings will be available too, as well as the new abilities that players can unlock, including Nuwa’s Agility, Blades of Huang Di, and the Axe of Yan Di.

On a related note, Ubisoft announced that Immortals Fenyx Rising is offering a brand-new, limited-time Monster Hunt Twitch Extension until April 7. Viewers can collect monsters and complete challenges – such as clicking on monsters that appear randomly every two minutes - for in-game rewards while following their favorite streamers’ progression.

To access Immortals Fenyx Rising - Myths of the Eastern Realm, players can purchase the Season Pass for $40 / €40, which includes access to all three post-launch DLC packs introducing players not only to new characters and challenges but to new realms and new ways to play. Immortals Fenyx Rising - Myths of the Eastern Realm can also be purchased separately for €14.99.

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