Hoppscotch — Open-Source API development ecosystem

 3 years ago
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Hoppscotch — Open-Source API development ecosystemliyasthomas 5 days ago.
Hi everyone,
We’re building Hoppscotch (web app: https://hoppscotch.io, GitHub: https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch) — An open-source API development ecosystem built on web (a progressive web app). Hoppscotch help developers to test, save and share APIs directly from the browser window with ease.

Hoppscotch support testing and debugging:
- RESTful API endpoints
- GraphQL API endpoints
- WebSockets
- SSE endpoints
- Socket.IO endpoints
- MQTT brokers
- Generate self-hostable API documentation
- Save and share APIs in collections and folders
- Environment variables
- Pre-request script
- Post-request tests
- Team collaboration (beta)
- Workspaces (closed beta)

We will continue to work with the community to build Hoppscotch. We would love to hear your experiences, thoughts and ideas!

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