Down the Golang nil Rabbit Hole

 3 years ago
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Down the Golang nil Rabbit Hole


I’m not sure I have another Rust & Postgres blog post in me right now, so let’s learn something about Go instead.

Recently I decided I wanted to add a --unique flag to omegasort. Wait, what’s omegasort?

It’s a text file sorting tool that supports lots of different sorting methods. For example, in addition a standard text sort, it can sort numbered lines, date-prefixed lines, paths (including Windows paths with and without drive letters), IP addresses, and IP networks. It also supports Unicode locales, reverse sorting, and locale-aware case insensitive sorting.

I use it together with precious to sort things like .gitignore files, spellchecker allowlists, and things of that nature.

I realized that I really wanted a --unique flag for all of this. While I could just pipe its output to uniq on a *nix system, this doesn’t work so well on Windows. Plus with tools like precious it’s easier if I can use one binary for a given task. If I want to pipe things I have to put that in a shell script that precious calls.

But my rabbit hole experience didn’t happen with omegasort directly. Instead, it happened when I tried to add some integration tests.

While writing those integration tests, I was using github.com/houseabsolute/detest. This is a Golang package I created that offers a test assertion interface inspired by Test2-Suite in Perl.

For reference, here’s a Test2-Suite example:

use Test2::Suite;

object Subtest => sub {
    call name      => 'TestsFor::Basic';
    call pass      => T();
    call subevents => array {
        object Plan => sub {
            call max   => 4;
            call trace => object {
                call package => 'Test::Class::Moose::Role::Executor';
                call subname => 'Test::Class::Moose::Util::context_do';

I think this is pretty self-explanatory, except for T(), which means “true”.

And here’s something like that in Go with detest:

import (

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
	d := detest.New(t)
		d.Struct(func(st *detest.StructTester) {
			st.Field("size", 43)
			st.Field("Name", "Douglas")
			d.Map(func(mt *detest.MapTester) {
				mt.Key("foo", d.Slice(func(st *detest.SliceTester) {
					st.Idx(0, d.Map(func(mt *detest.MapTester) {
						mt.Key("bar", d.Slice(func(st *detest.SliceTester) {
							st.Idx(1, "buz")
							st.Idx(2, "not quux")
					st.Idx(1, d.Map(func(mt *detest.MapTester) {
						mt.Key("nosuchkey", d.Slice(func(st *detest.SliceTester) {
							st.Idx(1, "buz")
							st.Idx(2, "not quux")

It’s not as nice as the Perl version because it gets quite verbose, but this was the closest I could come. Go’s type system, combined with a lack of syntactic flexibility, means a whole lot of func calls, braces, and parens.

Under the hood, this is implemented with a metric fork ton of runtime reflection using the stdlib’s reflect package. I don’t love this, but absent generics, there’s no other way to implement this sort of API except with code generation. And that codegen would have to be fed by a sort-of-Go language that was translated to real Go, which seems like a terrible idea.

Getting to the Darn Point

So while I was writing those omegasort integration tests using detest, I managed to find a whole lot of bugs in detest.

But the title says nil and I haven’t mentioned those yet.

So here’s a fun fact, Go has multiple “types” of nil. Specifically, there are both typed and untyped nil variables. This surprised me at first, but it makes sense when you think about it.

Let’s take this code1

package main

import (

func main() {
	v1 := reflect.ValueOf(nil)
	var uninit []int
	v2 := reflect.ValueOf(uninit)
	logValue("nil", v1)
	logValue("[]int", v2)
	fmt.Printf("[]int == nil? %v\n", uninit == nil)

func logValue(what string, v reflect.Value) {
	fmt.Printf("%s is valid? %v\n", what, v.IsValid())
	if v.IsValid() {
		fmt.Printf("%s is nil? %v\n", what, v.IsNil())
		fmt.Printf("%s type = %v\n", what, v.Type())

This prints out the following:

nil is valid? false
[]int is valid? true
[]int is nil? true
[]int type = []int
[]int == nil? true

So a bare nil and a variable that has a type but no value are equal, but if you try to get a reflect.Value for nil, it’s not valid. If you try to call other methods like v.IsNil() or v.Type() on an invalid2

Note that an “invalid” value in the context of reflect is not invalid in the context of a Go program. You can use an invalid value everywhere you can use the corresponding valid but uninitialized nil value.

reflect.Value, you will get a panic.

I encountered this when trying to test that an error returned by a func call was nil.

This led to a flurry of detest releases as I realized how many parts of the detest code this impacted. In most places where it uses reflect, I have to guard against a bare nil being passed in.

But wait, it gets even more confusing. Sometimes the Go compiler will turn an untyped nil into a typed nil. Here’s an example3

package main

import (

func main() {
	takesSlice("nil", nil)
	var uninit []int
	takesSlice("[]int", uninit)

func takesSlice(what string, s []int) {
	logValue(what, reflect.ValueOf(s))

func logValue(what string, v reflect.Value) {
	fmt.Printf("%s is valid? %v\n", what, v.IsValid())
	if v.IsValid() {
		fmt.Printf("%s is nil? %v\n", what, v.IsNil())
		fmt.Printf("%s type = %v\n", what, v.Type())

And when we run it we get this:

nil is valid? true
nil is nil? true
nil type = []int
[]int is valid? true
[]int is nil? true
[]int type = []int

So when I pass a bare nil to takesSlice, it gets typed as whatever type the function’s signature says it should be.

But wait, it gets even more confusing yet again! Sometimes the Go compiler won’t turn an untyped nil into a typed nil. Here’s an example4

package main

import (

func main() {
	takesError("nil", nil)
	var uninit error
	takesError("error", uninit)

func takesError(what string, e error) {
	logValue(what, reflect.ValueOf(e))

func logValue(what string, v reflect.Value) {
	fmt.Printf("%s is valid? %v\n", what, v.IsValid())
	if v.IsValid() {
		fmt.Printf("%s is nil? %v\n", what, v.IsNil())
		fmt.Printf("%s type = %v\n", what, v.Type())

If the type of the argument in the function signature is any type of interface, including interface{}, then the underlying value is still untyped and not valid. This … sort of makes sense? I think the way this works is that anything typed as an interface also has a real underlying type. So an error can be an errors.errorString or an exec.ExitError or a mypackage.DogError. But if we pass a bare nil or an uninitialized variable, there’s no underlying type.

This came up with detest when I wanted to test that I didn’t get an error from a call.

err := doThing()
d.Is(err, nil, "no error from doing a thing")

Under the hood, the signature for d.Is() uses interface{} for the two arguments being compared. So bare nil as the second argument will never be valid. And the first argument might be valid or it might not be. If doThing()’s return type is just error and it returns a nil, then the value in err has no type.

All of this led to a fair bit more code in the detest guts to handle this. For example, just because two variables don’t have the same type doesn’t mean they’re not equal (from Go’s perspective). A bare nil and an uninitialized slice are equal when compared with ==, which is what d.Is() emulates using reflect.

So there’s quite a few cases around one or both arguments being invalid that need handling. And there are MANY other methods with the same issues to consider, including things like d.Map() and d.Struct, all of which should handle an invalid value properly.

What Does This Look Like in Other Languages?

Well, I don’t know that many other languages. In Perl this isn’t really a thing, because it has a pretty minimal type system. Perl’s undef can be coerced to lots of things, although under strict trying to use an undef in certain ways is an error, like writing this:

my $x;
say @{$x};

This will blow up with Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference ... at line 2.

Rust (at least safe Rust5

I know very little about unsafe Rust which is why I’m hedging.

) doesn’t have any notion of nil or undefined values. Instead, you have the Option<T> type, which always has a type. For example6:
pub fn main() {
    let a: Option<String> = None;
    let b: Option<i32> = None;
    println!("a == b? {}", a == b);

This just won’t compile. While both a and b are None, they’re not the same type of None so you can’t just compare them with ==. The compiler says:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/main.rs:4:33
4 |     println!("a == b? {}", a == b);
  |                                 ^ expected struct `String`, found `i32`
  = note: expected enum `Option<String>`
             found enum `Option<i32>`

By the way, aren’t these Rust compiler errors nice? The only other language I’ve seen with this type of extremely detailed compiler errors is Raku.

In Summary

It’s tempting to pick on Go and complain about it. I certainly do that a lot at work. But to be fair, this really isn’t an issue for most Go code. It’s only because I’m trying to do weird stuff with reflect that I’m learning about this internal weirdness. In day to day Go code, the compiler’s handling of various types of nil “just works” the way you’d expect it to. And being able to use a bare nil is quite handy.

But I still prefer how Rust does it, using a parameterized Option<T> type. That way I can easily check if something is None without any special cases. Everything is using the same type system, though that type system is much more complex than Go’s.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK