Chrome Developers

 3 years ago
source link: https://developer.chrome.com/
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This is Chrome's official site to help you build Extensions, publish on the Chrome Web Store, optimize your website, and more.

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Construction crane lifting a resource into a Chrome tab
A private sign in German

Private Network Access (CORS-RFC1918) updates

Chrome has some updates to share about the standardization of the Private Network Access - formerly known as CORS-RFC1918 - plans to restrict private network resource accesses, and how your websites can align with those changes.


Eiji Kitamura, Titouan Rigoudy

March 11, 2021

How to report a Chrome bug

  1. Verify the bug
  2. Search the bug base
  3. Create a test case
  4. Report the bug
Question icon inside a speech bubble
March 15, 2021

Heads up⚠️ We appreciate your feedback on the Private Network Access (FKA CORS-RFC1918). web.dev/cors-rfc1918-f… Chrome is moving toward restricting private network access by default in the future. Learn about our plans and get ready: developer.chrome.com/blog/private-n… ^@agektmr

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