Rust Manchester Opening Night!

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.meetup.com/rust-manchester/events/276567843/
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Thursday, March 18, 20217:00 PM to 8:30 PM GMT

Online event

Link visible for attendees


Rust Manchester is here (or Rust North is back...)! We're hoping to get more Rust activity going in Manchester, along with building a community of Rust programmers!

We're still working on the exact details, but the structure should be as follows:

7pm: Opening
7:10pm: Using Rust for cross platform mobile development - Ryan Roberts
7:35pm: Generating API client code with openAPI in Rust - Niel Drummond
7:55pm: Q&A with speakers
8:10pm (ish): Community chat: what do you want from Rust Manchester?
8:30pm: Finish

About the talks:

Using Rust for cross platform mobile development - Ryan Roberts

Cross platform mobile development is fiddly - it has the high churn rate of modern user interface development, the potential to target resource constrained devices and is inherently a difficult language integration problem. Hybrid applications allow developers to share code between platforms, but at a significant performance cost (and it usually involves JavaScript). Rust allows developers to share efficient components between platforms, may be a useful tool where you have complex or performance sensitive on-device requirements and can interface with hybrid or native frameworks. I have built two applications requiring real time event streaming using this technique, and I will explain the architecture and tooling required to make it relatively painless

Generating API client code with openAPI in Rust - Niel Drummond

Proprietary and open source HTTP service API’s are often documented with openAPI specifications, and clients are especially in the static typing world at the mercy of upstream changes breaking consuming applications at runtime. We will take a look at how we can leverage openAPI generators to provide correct and up-to-date client API’s in Rust and how we can generate parts of an API, to provide a nicer surface API to the end-user.

We're looking forwards to seeing you there!

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