Rust and Tell Lightning Talks

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.meetup.com/RustDC/events/kcfpzryccfbpb/
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Tuesday, March 16, 20217:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

Every 2nd Thursday of the month until April 7, 2021

Online event

Link visible for attendees


What cool thing have you learned recently? What's that one weird trick the borrow checker doesn't want you to know?

Summon your derring-do and share with us a fistful of slides and a dream!

Intrigued? Here's the deets:

* 5 minutes max of you presenting. 2 minutes of questions. We'll watch the clock (and notify when you're nearing the cut-off).
* Slides, terminal, live-coding, mixed-media---it's up to you...anything you can share or demonstrate via Zoom.

To avoid duplicates and to see what others plan to talk about, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4le8wZzMWo6hBFcWqXYz-E-yJGXmLYpxdueEKWO4Bg .

When you have an idea you'd like to share, ping me via Meetup.com or our Zulip instance (https://rust-dc.zulip.com) with your topic, and I'll add you to the list.

Want to brainstorm with others? That's excellent! I like that you're expanding on the weather-based theme! Post a comment in the Zulip topic: https://rust-dc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/183309-general/topic/March[masked]Lightning.20Talks

If you have any other questions, ping me, Anders Bennehag, or Dan Paz-Soldan!

SCHEDULING NOTE: This event will be on Tuesday, March 16 rather than the originally scheduled date.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK