Post Your Windows Setup: Past & Present!

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/post-your-windows-setup-past-present.190508/
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Post Your Windows Setup: Past & Present!


macrumors 6502a

Original poster

Jan 21, 2006
It would be great to show MacRumour member's Windows setups!

AND even cooler, to see them past and present to show how they've progressed, SO, i shall start

mine goes:

1 • Custom Build PC AMD XP2400/1 GB/ nVida FX5600/120GB
2 • Dell Dimension

Post photos of your setup! Your current one is great, but past setups too if ya have them!

Reactions: rodnygenon21


macrumors 65816
Nov 19, 2005 1,484
I've got mine trashed right before i got my iMac.....

but anyway, here's my piece of trash....

Custom-built P4 1.8A/512MB/GF2/200GB...

couldn't post any photo coz my trash has already ended up in the scrap yard....


macrumors member

Aug 5, 2005


I only got a picture of my actually setup.

Specs: P4 3.06GHz @ 3.2GHz, 512MB Ram, Radeon 8500le, everything watercooled (external radiator in the cd rack)

The pic is kinda dated, but if you take away all that junk and rubbish of my table, it should look like this


macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2003
Here's my PC. Never owned the other kind


  • My PC.jpg
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Reactions: g-7



May 26, 2004 19,580

Randy's House

Dell Inspircrap P4 3.2


macrumors 6502a
Jul 15, 2003
Past setup: 600 mhz P3

Current windows setup: Home-brew AMD 3800 x64, 2 gigs ram, 240gig HD RAID (mirrored and striped), 256 VRAM.

Alex Duggan

macrumors member

Sep 16, 2004


Here's my last PC from a couple of years ago:


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Compaq 667mhz, 15 gig hd POS never worked from the beginning always reinstalled OS updated OS POS wouldn't restart I hated it I'm never looking back
Here is my setup just added lcd's from 2 crt's. iMac G5 and P4 2.8 2GB


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Here you see my only Windows machine, the IBM Thinpad 390X with Windows XP Pro, used very rarely.


macrumors 68000

Dec 21, 2005 1,651


This post should be shut down, as a matter of fact I am reporting it.



May 26, 2004 19,580

Randy's House

technicolor said:
This post should be shut down, as a matter of fact I am reporting it.
Your signature should most definitely be shut down while you're at it.


macrumors 68000

Dec 21, 2005 1,651


iGary said:
Your signature should most definitely be shut down while you're at it.
Don't quit your day job



May 26, 2004 19,580

Randy's House

technicolor said:
Don't quit your day job
Too late, I gave notice last week.


macrumors 68000

Dec 21, 2005 1,651


iGary said:
Too late, I gave notice last week.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus

Apr 3, 2004 32,191

Adelaide, Australia

MacRumors, meet Derek. Derek, meet MacRumors.

Everybody be nice to Derek. He's very self conscious living with two beautiful girls (iRene the iBook and iRis the iMac G5).

Reactions: -BigMac-



May 26, 2004 19,580

Randy's House

mad jew said:
MacRumors, meet Derek. Derek, meet MacRumors.

Everybody be nice to Derek. He's very self conscious living with two beautiful girls (iRene the iBook and iRis the iMac G5).
What's Derek doing in your home?!?!?

mad jew

Moderator emeritus

Apr 3, 2004 32,191

Adelaide, Australia

I know, I know... It's very embarrassing. I guess I just feel sorry for stray operating systems.

In truth, he's only really there for the girlfriend. I like to check out how Windows is coming along every now and then, but the girl has no idea how OSX works and subsequently demands a PC. And people think I'm mad!


macrumors 6502a

Oct 29, 2004

Grand Rapids, MI

technicolor said:
Don't quit your day job
Why should this thread be shut down? There's millions of Windows stuff on this site, and this is just one of those threads. And learn your place here, iGary's a legend.


macrumors 68000

Dec 21, 2005 1,651


besler3035 said:
Why should this thread be shut down? There's millions of Windows stuff on this site, and this is just one of those threads. And learn your place here, iGary's a legend.
Oh please. It was a joke, and dont you ever tell me to learn my place again. I dont get off on internet positions or e-hype or ranks. Save that for somebody who cares. I will respect iGary as a poster who hasnt done anything wrong to me, i dont care how long he has been here or how much you bow at his feet. Get a life.

He obviously knew i was joshin with him, based on his responses.

but yep i did report the post
here's mine, from days of old:

sorry, i reduced the quality quickly with preview.



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I have a comcrap laptop...sorry no pics, my cam is scared of it.



macrumors 6502a

Feb 24, 2006


my gaming rig

2 years old
3.2ghz P4
1gb Ram
200GB Hd
ATi x800XT PE
Creative Audigy ZS 2


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2005
Clydefrog said:
my gaming rig

2 years old
3.2ghz P4
1gb Ram
200GB Hd
ATi x800XT PE
Creative Audigy ZS 2


macrumors regular

Mar 10, 2005

Philadelphia, PA

this is currently my machine right now...i edited this pic awhile back but i can't seem to find the original camera pic no more. oh well.

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