Album Artwork folder? can it be deleted?

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/album-artwork-folder-can-it-be-deleted.2287895/
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Album Artwork folder? can it be deleted?


macrumors 601

Original poster

Jul 11, 2008 4,021
I was looking inside the iTunes folder and saw the album artwork folder, I don't see any actual images in the folder. What is the purpose of this folder?

I only ask cause I have on iTunes it turned off to automatically update artwork, but sometimes iTunes will say updating artist art work on the bottom left corner. Even though it says updating artist artwork my album art stays the same that I see. Its whatever I changed it to.


macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2013
Any folders that sit in a application library like photos or music I would leave as is. If you delete that folder the Music application will likely recreate the folder at a later date.

Reactions: michael31986


macrumors 601

Original poster

Jul 11, 2008 4,021
Any folders that sit in a application library like photos or music I would leave as is. If you delete that folder the Music application will likely recreate the folder at a later date.

I just hope iTunes isn't actually updating my album art. I have it turned off to automatically update in the settings.

I guess ill notice if it happens.


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2020
That folder ( if using iTunes ) is all the artwork downloaded by iTunes via the Store.

If you have embedded the artwork in your tracks, you can safely delete the folder ( I have done this many times )

Always back up before deleting or at the very least, copy the folder to your desktop, then delete and then check everything is still ok in iTunes.

I download artwork from Google and albumartwork websites so never use the iTunes downloads.

The sub folder cache is normally a good one to keep as it is the cache for displaying within iTunes. If deleted, iTunes will recreate it again anyway.
Last edited: 4 minutes ago

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