Recursive Sans & Mono

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.recursive.design/
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Recursive Sans & Mono

Get Recursive

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Webfonts from Google Fonts

Get the partial family on Google Fonts or the full family via the Google Fonts API, configurable with the controls below.



















≈27kb 281kb

Estimated size of woff2 file with a basic Latin character set. Actual results may vary.


To embed Recursive into a webpage, copy this code into the <head> of your HTML.


CSS Import

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Recursive&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

CSS declaration to specify Recursive:

font-family: 'Recursive', monospace;

Visit the Google Fonts API Docs to learn more about custom font requests.

A typographic palette for vibrant code & UI
## A highly-flexible new variable font.
Built to maximize versatility, control, and performance, Recursive is a five-axis variable font. This enables you to choose from a wide range of predefined styles, or dial in exactly what you want for each of its axes: *Monospace, Casual, Weight, Slant, and Cursive*. Taking full advantage of variable font technology, Recursive offers an unprecedented level of flexibility, all from a single font file.
## Extraordinarily versatile.
Recursive draws inspiration from single-stroke casual signpainting, a style of brush writing that is stylistically flexible and warmly energetic. Adapting this aesthetic basis into a type system, Recursive is designed to excel in digital interactive environments. This makes the typeface ideal for a wide range of uses, including data-rich apps, technical documentation and code editors.
### One font. Infinite combinations.
Recursive is crafted with adaptability and diversity in mind, offering a complete type system but ensuring that each style can pair perfectly with its siblings. With so many possible variations across its subfamilies, weights and styles, Recursive allows for a dozen of font combinations that provide enough contrast to clearly define typographic roles, while maintaining a cohesive voice.
## Sans && Mono. In one file. MONO
The typeface comes in two practical and highly readable subfamilies, Sans and Mono. Thanks to its *Monospace* axis (MONO), both of these subfamilies can be used in a single font file. You can even select custom instances that are semi-proportional or semi-monospaced. 
Of course, vertical metrics such as line height, cap height, and x-height are shared across the entire *Monospace* axis. This allows harmonious and performant layouts, even where different proportions are mixed, such as in data-rich applications and technical documentation. 
*Recursive Sans* is made for text & user interface design. While its proportional characters deliver comfortable reading at text sizes, its heaviest weights are perfect to create punchy, tightly-spaced headlines.
*Recursive Mono* is made for code. Its characters share the same width for clear legibility and perfect alignment. This is particularly helpful for use in programming and data-heavy design tasks, but also allows for creative possibilities in display typography.
### A Sans for more robust layouts.
The characters within both subfamilies, Sans & Mono, maintain the exact same width across all font styles, independently of the values set on the *Weight, Casual, Slant, and Cursive* axes. You can therefore use Recursive to create animated font transitions without breaking the layout of UI elements like menus and buttons.
## Ready for work. Ready for play. CASL
Recursive uses its *Casual* axis (CASL) to offer a range of personality, allowing you to get just the right tone for any context. Along this axis, letterforms adjust in stroke curvature, contrast, and terminals to go from a sturdy, rational *Linear* to a friendly, energetic *Casual*. All the styles along this axis are designed to maintain high legibility at medium and text sizes. In display sizes, it is most effective to use either end of the *Casual* axis. 
*Linear* (CASL 0) styles have subtly-flattened edges and simple, open forms. This optimizes readability and enables enhanced focus in dense information, such as long-form text and complex code.
*Casual* (CASL 1) echoes the soft & curvy brush strokes of casual signpainting, but simplifies these forms for a striking and inviting tone. This makes it ideal for web headlines, code snippets, and command line interfaces.
## Light to ExtraBlack. And everything in between. wght
Recursive comes in a wide range of weights, from Light (300) to a super-heavy ExtraBlack (1000). You can choose from its seven predefined weights, or set a custom value through its *Weight* (wght) axis. And because Recursive maintains consistent letterforms along the entire *Weight* axis, it allows for smooth animations between any of its different weights.
## Slant and Cursive. Two axes that work great together, or separate. slnt, CRSV
In Recursive, slant and cursive letterforms can be controlled separately. The *Slant* axis (slnt) defines the angle of the letters, while the *Cursive* axis (CRSV) lets you tweak how cursive letterforms are substituted in along slnt.
Recursive’s cursive letterforms (CRSV 1) replace familiar “roman” letterforms with cursive alternates like the single-story “a” and “g”. By default, Recursive will automatically apply these cursive alternates when setting the *Slant* axis (slnt) beyond -14. This allows smooth, animated transitions from normal to oblique type up to 13.99° of slope, but also a “true italic” style with cursive letterforms at 14°. It is also possible to use sloped romans (slnt -15, CRSV 0), upright italics (slnt 0, CRSV 1), or set custom values on both axes for more options to play with.
## Powerful, yet simple to use.
As a variable font, Recursive gives you fine-grained control over each one of its styles. However, it also comes with 64 predefined styles that are easy to access through your font menu. Called *named instances¹*, these work just like regular static fonts do.
¹ Named instance: a predetermined location in the designspace of a variable font, similar to the "static instances" that are familiar in traditional digital fonts.
## Supports over 200 languages.
To meet the needs of global communication, Recursive supports a wide range of Latin-based languages, including Vietnamese. It also comes with an extended set of currencies, symbols, fractions, and arrows.

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