Microsoft Licenses Windows 10 for New Honor Laptops

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/microsoft-licenses-windows-10-honor-laptops/
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Microsoft has granted Chinese manufacturer Honor a license to ship hardware with Windows 10. Previously, as a Huawei-owned brand, Honor was bound by the executive order banning US tech companies working with or purchasing from Chinese telecommunications companies

That situation has now changed as Huawei has sold Honor, allowing them to conduct business with US businesses.

Microsoft Grants Windows 10 License to Honor

Honor primarily manufactures laptops and smartphones, beginning life as Huawei's budget to mid-range brand. Over time, the popularity of Honor devices has exploded as Huawei's premium tech filtered down to the cost-effective devices.

In November 2020, Huawei sold Honor to the Shenzhen Zhixin New Information Technology Co., Ltd. for a reported $15.3 billion, freeing up Honor to conduct business with US companies for the first time.

Prior to the sale, Honor was bound by the same business limitations placed on Huawei, itself blocked from conducting business with US companies as a foreign company deemed a national security risk.

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Despite President Trump's extension of the original executive order through to May 2021, Honor is now considered a consumer electronics company, rather than telecommunications. The major difference is that Huawei develops and manufactures critical communication technology as well as consumer electronics.

The news that Microsoft will license Windows 10 to Honor is an enormous step forward for the newly separated company. Talking to the China Daily, Honor CEO Zhao Ming said:

Honor is pleased to reach a global cooperation agreement with Microsoft. Through mainstream operating systems and technologies, we will bring consumers PC products with outstanding design, powerful performance and first-class experience. Honor insists on taking consumers as the core and maintaining a fully open attitude and will work together with global industrial chain partners.

Before becoming an independent company, Honor was facing the prospect of shipping laptops with Harmony OS, an Android-based operating system developed by Huawei. Switching to Harmony OS would have considerably damaged Honor's brand, whereas shipping with Windows 10 will revitalize Honor worldwide.

When Will Windows 10 Honor Laptops Start Shipping?

There is no definite timeline on Honor laptops with Windows 10 shipping in the US. However, there are some things we do know.

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US consumers can look forward to the awesome Honor MagicBook Pro appearing at US retailers, complete with Windows 10. The Honor MagicBook Pro was one of our top picks from IFA 2020, too, and it remains a stylish and popular laptop choice.

About The Author


Gavin Phillips (656 Articles Published)

Gavin is the Junior Editor for Windows and Technology Explained, a regular contributor to the Really Useful Podcast, and was the Editor for MakeUseOf's crypto-focused sister site, Blocks Decoded. He has a BA (Hons) Contemporary Writing with Digital Art Practices pillaged from the hills of Devon, as well as over a decade of professional writing experience. He enjoys copious amounts of tea, board games, and football.

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