Combat COVID With Your Xbox

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/combat-covid-xbox/
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If you want to help stop the spread of COVID past your social distancing and behaving responsibly, now you can. And you can do it just by playing on your Xbox.

Play Xbox to Fight the Coronavirus

In a tweet, the United Nations Foundation has urged US Xbox gamers to "get in the game" and help in the fight against coronavirus.

The tweet states that Microsoft Rewards will match all donations made by players. So, for all the points you donate, Microsoft Rewards will match you.

How Gaming Can Help Fight COVID-19

Microsoft has already given Xbox players the option to donate their points in order to help fight the deadly virus. This function has been available to US Xbox users since April.

For every 1,000 Microsoft Rewards points a gamer donates, Microsoft will donate $1 to that player's chosen charity. Good job, considering it has profited massively off the back of the pandemic.

Microsoft Is Making Huge Profits Thanks to COVID-19

While other businesses are struggling in the pandemic, Microsoft's profits went up 30 percent.

However, from now until the end of 2020, Microsoft Rewards will match your points-pledge.

Presumably this means that if you donate 1,000 points, Microsoft Rewards will match that pledge. Meaning that, once you convert the total of 2,000 points to a real-life donation, Microsoft donates $2 to your charity instead of just $1.

Now You Can Help Fight Coronavirus, Just by Gaming!

Xbox One Console logo

Usually Xbox gamers can use their Microsoft Reward points to enter sweepstakes and win prizes. Gamers can also use their points to exchange for credit on the game store or for extending their Game Pass.

However, given that there is a global pandemic, it would be a marvelous idea to use your points to help a worthy cause out instead of your games library. It is the season of goodwill, after all.

About The Author


Ste Knight (104 Articles Published)

Ste is the Junior Gaming Editor here at MUO. He is a faithful PlayStation follower, but has plenty of room for other platforms, too. Loves all kinds of tech, from AV, through home theatre, and (for some little-known reason) cleaning tech. Meal provider for four cats. Likes to listen to repetitive beats.

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