Advent Calendars 2020

 3 years ago
source link: https://kinkyfox.design/advent-calendars-2020/
Go to the source link to view the article. You can view the picture content, updated content and better typesetting reading experience. If the link is broken, please click the button below to view the snapshot at that time.
Advent Calendars 2020 – Kinky Fox Designs

Please remember this is a hobby rather than a professional attempt for blogging. Use CTRL+F to find the name of your favorite store. If you’d like to donate to help out for time spent on this my SL name is EroDoll Resident.

For reference on bodies Andonia (brunette) is Legacy, Penny (blonde) is Maitreya, Taisce (elf) is Freya, and Percy is Jake. I know that Legacy clothing is rarer so if it’s available I switch back to Andonia for the model.

Daily update note: 12/18/2020 – Finished adding the stores and separated stores that had a separate male and female calendar. Only thing I’m missing is a board picture for Lux Aeterna. This makes the list have a total of 195 calendars! Also, the 17th did not get pictures because my husband decided I needed a break as this can take up to 12 hours a day to get fully updated.

4- Seasons Shopping Mall

7 Deadly S[K]ins

  • December 1st – January 1st
  • Group needed for gifts / Gifts for non-group members on weekends
  • 1000L to join in December
  • I’m not doing this one because I don’t want to join the group and don’t need extra skins.
  • The calendar was hard (for me) to find. Area search Day 1 if you have trouble too.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK