Moving to Bray’s Place in Second Life: One of the Best Decisions I’ve Ever Made

 3 years ago
source link: https://ryanschultz.com/2020/12/12/moving-to-brays-place-one-of-the-best-decisions-ive-ever-made/
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Moving to Bray’s Place in Second Life: One of the Best Decisions I’ve Ever Made

Up until now, I have either owned my own place in Second Life (for several years I had a rather expensive homestead in Bay City), or I had a Linden Home as part of my Premium membership.

But recently, I decided to move into a community run by Bray Preston-Rising, which I have written about previously on this blog, called Bray’s Place (SLURL; website). In my 14 years of visiting thousands of Second Life sims, I have never received such a warm welcome, or encountered such a wonderful community! I have truly found a new home.

Parcels range from ocean view bungalows at L$199 a week for 119 prims, all the way up to a large lot where you can erect your own home (or choose from one of Bray’s large selection of homes) at L$850 per week with a 630-prim allotment!

Here are some of the features of these parcels, from the Bray’s Place website:

Brayniac Shores Rentals – Waterfront & Sky Garden Properties

• Below Market Value, Affordable Prices
Generous prim allowance
Special Satellite radio with the club stream
House and landscaping not included in the rental prim allowance – They are ‘gifted’
No Lag Sim
Professional landscaping and large garden areas
Choice of house styles or the option to use a house of your choice.
Private parcels with radio stream options
124 couple dances HUD on each property
Access to our active and friendly Blues club community, large public beach, voice-enabled games room (Greedy, Skippo, Dominoes, and other fun games), state of the art photo studio, meadow and campground.

The games room is just one of the thoughtful amenities at Bray’s Place (there’s a professional photo studio upstairs)

All the parcels (except the skybox cottages) have either ocean, lake or river frontage, and all are beautifully landscaped. And, if you wish, Bray will even decorate for you, taking into account your personal tastes and even your favourite colours! (Bray tells me this service is popular among certain renters, particularly males.)

Here are just a couple of examples of Bray’s decorating work:


If you wish, Bray can also come and install a special radio that plays the music stream from the deejays and performers at Bray’s Place Blues Club! Or, you can set your own parcel music stream to any internet radio station you like.

I had originally intended to rent the Lake Villa property at Bray’s Place, in the vicinity of the Blues club, just for a single week, so that I could take the following pictures. However, after I had finished decorating, I fell in love with the place, so I actually gave up my Linden Home, and moved into my new home at Bray’s Place permanently! It’s one of the best decisions I ever made.

Good bye, tiny old Linden Home!
Hello, Lake Villa at Bray’s Place! This is definitely an upgrade!

I pay L$625 per week for 510 prims, and after decorating my little heart out, I still have almost 100 prims left over to play with! If you wish, you can get more prims from Bray, although I honestly don’t know why I would need extra! Even ancient, prim-heavy furniture from ye olden pre-mesh days can fit easily into my allotment. As you can see from the pictures below, I have added all kinds of finishing touches to the rooms in my Lake Villa home, like stacks of books, wine glasses, teapots and tea cups—even Christmas stockings hanging from the fireplace mantel!

I can see Bray’s Place Blues Club (and the covered bridge) from my living room
I’m all decorated for Christmas!
A view of the living room, hall, and dining room
Having tea in the dining room
A view of the kitchen
The bedroom has doors that open onto the back deck
Another look at the bedroom
A look at the bathroom
The back deck features a fireplace
The rear of the property features a private beach, and there’s more than enough prim space to set up this English garden shed in the backyard, a recent free group gift from Hisa!

If you are interested in renting a home from Bray’s Place, here is a listing of properties currently available. There is also a rental display on the wall to the right of the front door inside the main club building, with photos and a teleport to each parcel (here’s the SLURL):


See you at Bray’s, either as a visitor to the Blues club, or as a fellow renter! As I said, this is one of the best decisions I have ever made in all my years in Second Life.

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Posted on December 12, 2020December 13, 2020Author Ryan SchultzCategories Second LifeTags Bray Preston-Rising, Bray's Place, Second Life, Second Life Home Rentals

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