Friday Q&A 2010-08-12: Implementing NSCoding

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Friday Q&A 2010-08-12
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Friday Q&A 2010-08-12: Implementing NSCoding
by Mike Ash  

Welcome back to another frightening edition of Friday Q&A. This time around, friend and local OS X coder Jose Vazquez has suggested that I discuss how to implement NSCoding in Objective-C classes.

Objects in memory can't be directly saved or moved to other programs. They contain data, such as pointers, which are only valid in the context of your process's memory space. Move the contents of an object into another program and all of those pointers suddenly make no sense. Serialization is the process of converting the non-portable, in-memory representation of an object into a portable stream of bytes that can be stored and moved between processes.

Cocoa offers two built-in serialization methods. The most commonly-used method is property list serialization, implemented in the NSPropertyListSerialization class. Property list serialization is fast and produces output that's easy to understand, but is fairly limited in what it can do. It can only store a limited number of classes which support property list serialization, such as NSDictionary and NSString, and it's not possible to extend the classes it supports.

The other method offered by Cocoa is archiving. Archiving can serialize arbitrary objects connected in arbitrary ways, and reconstitute the entire thing on demand. It's extremely powerful, however it's not completely automatic, and requires the programmer to write some code in order to allow their classes to be archived.

Archiving is split into two pieces. One piece is the actual archiver and unarchiver classes. These are NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver (and their non-keyed equivalents). They handle the nuts and bolts of translating a bunch of objects into a bunch of bytes.

The other piece is the NSCoding protocol. This is code that you implement in order to tell the archiver how to encode and decode instances of your class.

The NSCoding protocol is short and simple, containing only two methods:

    @protocol NSCoding
    - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder;
    - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder;

You implement encodeWithCoder: to tell the archiver how to serialize your object into bytes, and initWithCoder: to tell the archiver how to transform the serialized representation into a new object. It is necessary to implement both methods.

Note that the parameter to encodeWithCoder:, although typed as NSCoder, is actually the particular archiver instance (for example, an NSKeyedArchiver) that you're working with. Likewise, the parameter to initWithCoder: is actually the particular unarchiver instance (e.g. NSKeyedUnarchiver) that you're using.

Basic Implementation of NSCoding
To implement encodeWithCoder:, you should go through all of the essential properties of your object and use the various methods on NSCoder to encode them. For object properties, just use encodeObject:forKey:. The key can just be a short string that describes the property being encoded:

    - (void)encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
        [coder encodeObject: [self name] forKey: @"name"];
        [coder encodeObject: [self title] forKey: @"title"];

The initWithCoder: implementation is then more or less symmetrical. However, there are a few different ways to implement it, depending on your particular taste.

One way is to implement it as a normal initializer, directly setting your instance variables:

    - (id)initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
        if((self = [self init]))
            _name = [[coder decodeObjectForKey: @"name"] retain];
            _title = [[coder decodeObjectForKey: @"title"] retain];
        return self;

Important note: if you use this style and are not using garbage collection, you must retain the objects that come out of decodeObjectForKey:. It's easy to forget to do this, but this method follows the standard Cocoa memory management rules and returns an object that you do not own. If you don't retain it, it will disappear and you will crash.

Another way is to use setter methods rather than setting the instance variables directly:

    - (id)initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
        if((self = [self init]))
            [self setName: [coder decodeObjectForKey: @"name"]];
            [self setTitle: [coder decodeObjectForKey: @"title"];
        return self;

Whether it's better to use a setter or set the instance variable directly is, of course, a matter of some debate.

Finally, you can implement it in terms of your normal initializer. Decode the objects first, then call through to your normal initializer:

    - (id)initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
        NSString *name = [coder decodeObjectForKey: @"name"];
        NSString *title = [coder decodeObjectForKey: @"title"];
        return [self initWithName: name title: title];

Of all the possibilities, this last one probably makes things simplest overall. Among other things, it gives your class a single override point for subclasses that need to implement initializers.

Keyed Versus Unkeyed Archiving
If you look at NSCoder, you'll notice that most methods have one variant that takes a key, and one variant that doesn't. For example:

    - (void)encodeObject:(id)object;
    - (void)encodeObject:(id)objv forKey:(NSString *)key;

So why are there two?

Back in the dark days before Mac OS X 10.2 shipped, the non-keyed variants were all that existed. They require that the exact same sequence of calls be made to encode and decode. Any variation causes an error, because the archiver has no way of knowing what you intended. This caused enormous problems when making changes to a code base over time. If you add a third property that needs to be encoded and you want your code to still be able to read old archives (using a default value for the new property) then you had to jump through many painful hoops.

The keyed variants are enormously more flexible. You can encode and decode in any order. You can encode data and neglect to decode it. When decoding, you can check for the presence of a key and supply a default value or take a different action if it's missing.

Today, there is essentially no reason to support non-keyed archiving. (It can still be useful if you're using NSPortCoder with Distributed Objects, but that is an extremely rare situation.) Therefore, in general, you should write your NSCoding implementation to assume keyed coding, and use NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver.

If for some reason you do need to support both, you can simply check [coder allowsKeyedCoding] to see what kind you're dealing with, and take the appropriate actions.

Conditional Encoding
The great thing about NSCoding is that it makes it easy to encode large, complex object graphs. The coder automatically ensures that cyclical references don't cause an infinite loop, and that multiple references to the same object don't result in multiple copies of that object being encoded.

However, sometimes you don't want to encode the entire object graph. Imagine an implementation of a board game, with a class for the board and for the pieces:

    @interface GameBoard : NSObject <NSCoding>
        NSMutableArray *_gamePieces;
    @interface GamePiece : NSObject <NSCoding>
        GameBoard *_gameBoard; // weak reference to avoid retain cycles

You want to be able to serialize an entire board and have all of the pieces automatically included. This is easy, of course: just have GameBoard encode its _gamePieces array. You also want to ensure that the GamePiece back reference to the board is preserved. This can be done by simply encoding it and decoding it. Since it's a weak reference, you would decode it and not retain it.

This approach works fine as long as you're serializing an entire board. But perhaps you also want to serialize a single piece by itself. What happens then?

With the simple approach to implementing NSCoding, you'll end up serializing not only the piece, but the board that it's a part of, every other piece on the board, and any other data that's part of the game board. Worse, because the _gameBoard reference is weak, the board will be destroyed after decoding, causing a dangling pointer. Your archives are large and your code sometimes mysteriously crashes when loading them. Not what you want!

In order to solve this problem, NSCoder provides conditional objects. This allows you to encode an object only if something else unconditionally encodes it. If nothing needs the object, then it doesn't get encoded. In that situation, when you decode, you get nil.

Conditional objects are perfect for encoding just one piece of a larger object graph. The GamePiece can use a conditional object when encoding _gameBoard. If you explicitly encode the entire board, then the conditional object will point to it. However, if you encode an individual game piece, then the board will not be encoded, because nothing ever encoded it unconditionally.

Thus, to solve this problem, you simply change -[GamePiece encodeWithCoder:] to look like this:

    - (void)encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder *)coder
        [coder encodeConditionalObject: _gameBoard forKey: @"gameBoard"];

In general, anything that's a weak reference in memory should be a conditional object in your NSCoding implementation.

Encoding Non-Object Data
So far I've talked a lot about encoding objects, but what about all of that non-object data floating around?

For primitives, NSCoder provides a variety of methods to encode various integer and floating-point types. You can simply call encodeInteger:forKey: or encodeDouble:forKey: to save your individual values. For types that aren't supported, for example short, you can simply encode as a bigger compatible type that is supported, like int.

Structs can get more difficult. Non-keyed archiving actually supported encoding and decoding of arbitrary structs, but for some reason this capability was removed in the keyed archivers. Perhaps because it made things too fragile; you couldn't alter the struct without breaking all of your archives.

In general, the best way to handle a struct is to simply encode and decode each field of the struct separately. If that is too unwieldy, then you should consider rewriting the struct as an Objective-C class that supports NSCoding itself, so that you can just directly encode instances of it.

For built-in Cocoa structs like NSRect, use the built-in functions to transform them to NSString. For example, call NSStringFromRect and encode the resulting string, and call NSRectFromString on the decoded object. This is somewhat less efficient, but much easier to code and debug.

The worst part is arrays. There is no built-in support for archiving C arrays. There are a few workarounds you can use, depending on how big your arrays are and how much code you want to write:

  1. Transform your C array into an NSArray containing instances of NSValue, and encode that. You can either construct a temporary NSArray from your C array in your -initWithCoder: implementation, or you can do a complete conversion use the NSArray throughout.
  2. Construct keys dynamically and encode each entry in the array separately. You can write a loop like this:
            for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                [coder encodeInt: intArray[i] forKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"intArray%d", i]];

    And then a similar loop on decoding.

  3. Encode raw bytes using encodeBytes:length:forKey:. This requires paying special attention to things like endianness and data type issues. (If you have an array of NSInteger or CGFloat, they will not be the same size between machines. If you have an array of any multi-byte values, they may not be in the same format between machines.) How to handle these issues is somewhat beyond the scope of this article, but research on endianness and serializing raw C data should cover it.
For C strings, which are a special case of arrays, the simplest way to handle it is probably to simply convert it to an NSString and encode that. It would also be safe to run a C string through encodeBytes:length:forKey:.

Reading Old Archives
If your code lives long enough, eventually you'll change what you encode and decode. Normally, you still want your code to be able to read old archives despite the changes.

For simple changes, like adding a new property to a class, you often don't need to do anything. Your call to decodeObject:forKey: will return nil. Calls to methods like decodeIntForKey: will return 0. Write your new code to tolerate this, and your job is done.

Sometimes you need to do more. If your changes are complicated enough, you may want to create two separate code paths, one for the old data structure and one for the new. In that case, it's easy to differentiate between the two by adding a version key to your NSCoding implementation. Check the value of the key when decoding, and you'll know which path to take.

Note that adding a version key isn't something that needs to be done ahead of time. You can add it in your new code. The lack of a version key in the old archives will identify them as such. If you encode a simple integer, set the new version as 1, and then trying to get the version of an old archive will conveniently give you 0, and you'll have room to expand further if you need more changes.

If you refactor your code, you might change class names. If these classes are archived, then you have an incompatibility. The old class name exists in the old archive, and when the unarchiver tries to find it at decoding time, it will fail.

This can be worked around by using the -setClass:forClassName: before unarchiving:

    [unarchiver setClass: [NewClass class] forClassName: @"OldClass"];

Reading New Archives With Old Code
You often want to go in reverse as well. Just because you added some new information to your archive format doesn't mean you want to make new archives incompatible with old versions of your software. It's not always possible to maintain backwards compatibility, but if your changes are simple then it can be easy.

If you add a new property to a class, ensure that the existing properties remain consistent amongst each other, and complete in terms of what the old version of your software needs. Then old versions will continue to work with little effort. For example, imagine if you add a title property to a Person class. The old version will only see the old name property, and will lose title, but will otherwise continue to work.

If you completely revamp a class, you might consider archiving both the new properties and a set of compatibility properties intended for old code. New code can read the new properties, and old code can read the old properties and continue to work, at least in some fashion.

Finally, if you rename a class, that will break old versions of the software unless you compensate for it, just as renaming a class will break old archives. To fix this, you can tell the archiver to save your class under its old name using the setClassName:forClass: method:

    [archiver setClassName: @"OldClass" forClass: [NewClass class]];

Backwards compatibility can be difficult, particularly if you add a lot of new data or capabilities. It's also generally much less important than forward compatibility. Consider all of the tradeoffs involved and don't be afraid to break backwards compatibility. Just ensure that, if you do, trying to load a new archive into an old version of your software fails gracefully.

NSCoding is a powerful way to serialize objects so that you can pass them between processes or save it to a file. Implement the NSCoding protocol on your custom objects that you want to serialize, then use NSKeyedArchiver to serialize them and NSKeyedUnarchiver to deserialize them.

That's it for this edition of Friday Q&A. Come back next time for another exciting adventure in the world of Mac programming. Until then, if you have an idea that you would like to see covered here, please send me your suggestions!

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Thanks for the post. This article would have saved me some headaches a few weeks ago.

I do have one more related question. From what I understood in the Hillegass book, you should call encodeWithEncoder: and initWithEncoder: on super if you are subclassing something other than NSObject. You didn't mention that in your article, so I wonder if you disagree or simply forgot to mention it.

Thanks again for the article.
You must call the superclass versions if the superclass implements NSCoding, but not if it doesn't. That's the case if you subclass NSObject, but also any one of the numerous other classes that don't implement it.
Just a heads-up: I've noticed that specifying a different name for a class causes a crash in iOS 3.2.
> You must call the superclass versions if the superclass implements NSCoding

Actually no. A sample is iOS'es UIViewContoller that implements its view serialization as a part of encodeWithCoder:. I had a case when I need to serialize the UIViewController subclass that creates its view in runtime, so I had to override encodeWithCoder: with own version that does not call the superclass. This way it would be deserealized with view==nil and could re-create the view according to new UI conditions.
I'd really wonder at any code that had to serialize and deserialize a view controller. Typically you should only be serializing model objects. (Nibs are obviously a big exception to this, but of course that's already done for you.) What was your use case for this?

Anyway, that's the sort of advice which isn't completely universal, but by the time you need to violate it you'll know enough to do so, so it isn't necessary to spell out all of the caveats.
Thanks once again, Mike, for taking the time to bring us another terrific instalment.
What happens if you encodeInt:forKey: on a 64 bit ppc machine, and then decodeInt:forKey: the resulting archive on a 32 bit intel machine, say?
Well, int is 32-bit even on 64-bit Mac OS X, so the only problem there is endianness. NSCoder knows about endianness and will take care of any byte flipping.

For a type of inconsistent size, such as NSInteger, it will also take care of adjusting the size. However, if you use such a size, you must ensure that you never store a value on the 64-bit machine that can't be represented on the 32-bit machine, otherwise you'll get an exception when decoding.
Thank you for your answer! As always, it's a great article.
The call to [self init] from -initWithCoder: could probably use some more discussion - I would have written [super init] there.

Done as you have here, -initWithCoder: is not a designated initializer of the class. -initWithCoder: is a designated initializer of say, NSView, so this is a pitfall. If the -init method of this class or any subclass writes to any of the ivars, code in -initWithCoder: method of this class or one of its subclasses is likely to overwrite the ivars and leak.

I thought you had a post on designated initializers, but maybe not. In any case, the goal is to make this rule true: One and only one of each class's designated initializes runs during the bringup of an object. Each _class_, not object, has a set of designated initializers. The sets of designated initializers of a class and of its superclass are not necessarily related.
Good point on possibly overwriting instance variables. I suppose if you use [self init] or similar, you shouldn't be replacing instance variables directly.

For implementing NSCoding, I think the best approach is to decode the values you need, then call through to the "real" initializer.

Incidentally, I think NSView's approach of having two separate designated initializers is painful and really shouldn't have been built that way. If initWithCoder: would call through to initWithFrame:, it would avoid a decent bit of hassle involved in subclassing Cocoa views. Too late to change it now, I imagine.

While it works to have multiple designated initializers (so long as only one ever runs), I think it's best to try to only ever have one.

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