Friday Q&A 2010-11-6: Creating Classes at Runtime in Objective-C

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Creating Classes at Runtime in Objective-C
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Friday Q&A 2010-11-6: Creating Classes at Runtime in Objective-C
by Mike Ash  

Friday Q&A is back! I had some very important slacking to take care of for the past couple of months, but now I'm ready to resume business as usual. For this return to Friday Q&A, I'm going to talk about how to create Objective-C classes at runtime, a topic suggested by Kevin Avila. This topic is meaty enough that this will be a two-parter; today's post will talk about the basics of how to create classes at runtime, and then the next one will discuss uses for such classes and how to take advantage of them.

One of the things I did during my off time was build MAObjCRuntime, a nice OO wrapper around a lot of common runtime functionality, including everything that I'm going to talk about today. For my discussion today I will not involve MAObjCRuntime, so that you can see how to use the runtime directly.

If you decide to use these techniques on your own, I'd recommend using MAObjCRuntime instead, as it makes life considerably easier.

What and Why
What exactly does it mean to create a class at runtime? If you've done any Objective-C at all, you know what it means to create a class. You create an @interface block, an @implementation block, add instance variables and methods, and you have a class that you can use.

Creating a class at runtime gives you the same result. The difference is that you write code which calls into the runtime to create class structures in memory directly, rather than writing classes to be interpreted by the compiler. You can add methods and instance variables just as you would normally.

Why would you do such a thing? It's often handy to create new classes at runtime to override functionality in arbitrary classes. For example, MAZeroingWeakRef does this in order to catch memory management events in order to implement zeroing weak references.

Creating a Class
The act of creating a class is accomplished using the objc_allocateClassPair function in objc/runtime.h. You pass it a superclass, a name, and a size for per-class storage (generally best left at 0), and it returns a class to you:

    Class mySubclass = objc_allocateClassPair([NSObject class], "MySubclass", 0);

And that's it! Of course this is pretty boring, since the new class doesn't do anything yet. I'll cover how to actually put things into it shortly.

An aside: why is it called "allocate class pair"? As you probably already know, all Objective-C classes are also Objective-C objects. You can put them in variables, send them messages, add them to arrays, etc. just like you would with any other object. All objects have a class, and the class of a class is called the metaclass. Each class has a unique metaclass, and thus the pair: objc_allocateClassPair allocates both the class and the metaclass together.

A full discussion of what the metaclass is and how it works is beyond the scope of this post, but Greg Parker has a good discussion of metaclasses if you're interested in reading more.

Adding Methods
You know how to create a class, but it won't do anything interesting unless you actually put things in it.

Methods are the most obvious things to add to a newly created class. You add methods to a class using the class_addMethod function in objc/runtime.h. This function takes four parameters.

The first two parameters are the class you want to manipulate, and the selector of the method that you want to add. Both of these should be pretty obvious.

The next parameter is an IMP. This type is a special Objective-C typedef for a function pointer. It's defined as:

    typedef id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);

Objective-C methods take two implicit parameters, self and _cmd, which are the first two parameters listed here. The other parameters are not listed, and are up to you.

To create the IMP that you pass to this function, implement a function that takes id self and SEL _cmd as its first two parameters. The rest of the parameters are the parameters that the method will take, and the return type is the method return type.

For example, let's say you wanted to write an IMP with this signature:

    - (NSUInteger)countOfObject: (id)obj;

You'd write the function like this:

    static NSUInteger CountOfObject(id self, SEL _cmd, id obj)

Unfortunately, the type of this function doesn't match the IMP typedef, so you have to cast it when passing it to class_addMethod.

The last parameter is a type encoding string which describes the type signature of the method. This is the string that the runtime uses to generate the NSMethodSignature that's returned from methodSignatureForSelector:, among other uses.

The best way to generate this type encoding string is to retrieve it from an existing class which has a method with the same signature. This way you can just trust the compiler to get it right and don't have to worry about the details of how these strings are put together. For example, the method above has the same signature as -[NSArray indexOfObject:], so you can retrieve that type encoding string:

    Method indexOfObject = class_getInstanceMethod([NSArray class],
    const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(indexOfObject);

If no existing class has a matching method, consider writing a small dummy class that does, and then querying it.

If you absolutely must build your own type encoding string (not recommended), then you can do it using the @encode directive to generate strings for the individual components, then combine them. Compiler-generated strings also have numeric stack offset information embedded in them, which means that your string won't completely match its output, but it's often good enough.

The components of a method's type encoding string are simply the @encode representation of the return type, followed by the argument types, including the two implicit parameters at the beginning:

    NSString *typesNS = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s%s%s%s",
                         @encode(id), @encode(SEL),
    const char *types C = [typesNS UTF8String];

But again, avoid this if it's at all possible.

Here's a full example of adding a description method to a newly created class:

    static NSString *Description(id self, SEL _cmd)
        return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@ %p: foo=%@>", [self class], self, [self foo]];
    // add Description to mySubclass
    // grab NSObject's description signature so we can borrow it
    Method description = class_getInstanceMethod([NSObject class],
    const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(description);
    // now add
    class_addMethod(mySubclass, @selector(description), (IMP)Description, types);

A bit verbose, but not too difficult at all.

Adding Instance Variables
You can add instance variables to a class using the class_addIvar method.

The first two parameters to this function are the class to manipulate and the name of the instance variable you want to add. Both are straightforward.

The next parameter is the size of the instance variable. If you're using a plain C type as the instance variable, then you can simply use sizeof to get the size.

Next is the alignment of the instance variable. This indicates how the instance variable's storage needs to be aligned in memory, potentially with padding in between it and the end of the previous instance variable. A trick to this parameter is that it's the log2 of the alignment rather than the alignment itself. Passing 1 means aligning it to a 2-byte boundary, passing 4 means 16-byte alignment, etc. Since most types want to be aligned to their size, you can simply use rint(log2(sizeof(type))) to generate the value of this parameter.

The last parameter is a type encoding string for the parameter. This can be generated using the @encode directive and giving it the type of the variable that you're adding.

Here's a full example of adding an id instance variable:

    class_addIvar(mySubclass, "foo", sizeof(id), rint(log2(sizeof(id))), @encode(id));

Accessing Added Instance Variables
Accessing this newly-added variable is not as easy as it normally would be. You can't just write foo in your code, because the compiler has no idea that this thing even exists.

The runtime provides two functions for accessing instance variables: object_setInstanceVariable and object_getInstanceVariable. They take an object and a name, and either a value to set, or a place to put the current value. Here's an example of getting and setting the foo variable constructed above:

    id currentValue;
    object_getInstanceVariable(obj, "foo", &currentValue);
    // it will be replaced, so autorelease
    [currentValue autorelease];
    id newValue = ...;
    [newValue retain]; // runtime won't retain for us
    object_setInstanceVariable(obj, "foo", newValue);

Another way is to simply use key-value coding to read and write the instance variable. As long as you don't have a method with the same name, it will directly access the variable's contents. It will also do proper memory management on object-type variables. As a potential downside, it will box primitive values in NSValue or NSNumber objects, which could add complication.

With either technique, don't forget to add a dealloc method to release your object instance variables.

If you need per-instance storage, consider using the associated object API (objc_setAssociatedObject and objc_getAssociatedObject) instead of instance variables. It takes care of memory management for you.

Adding Protocols
You can add a protocol to a class using class_addProtocol. This is not usually very useful, so I won't go into how to use it. Keep in mind that this function only declares the class as conforming to the protocol in question, but it doesn't actually add any code. If you want the class to actually implement the methods in a protocol, you have to implement and add those methods yourself.

Adding Properties
Although there are plenty of functions for querying the properties of a class, Apple apparently forgot to provide any way to add a property to a class. Fortunately, like protocols, it's not usually very useful to add a property to a class at runtime, so this is not a big loss.

Registering the Class
After you're done setting up the class, you have to register it before you can use it. You do this with the objc_registerClassPair function:


It's now ready to use.

Note that you must register a class before you use it, and you can't add any instance variables to a class after you register it. You can add methods to a class after registration, however.

Using the Class
Once you've registered the class, you can message it just like you would any other class:

    id myInstance = [[mySubclass alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"%@", myInstance);

You can access the class using NSClassFromString as well, and in general it behaves just like any other class at this point.

Now you know how to create a new class at runtime, how to add methods and instance variables to it, and then use it from code. In two weeks, I'll cover how to actually do useful and interesting things with the above, instead of just using four times the code to imitate what the compiler does. Until then, keep sending in your suggestions for topics; the next article is already booked, but I'm open for ideas after that.

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Nice article. The objc_allocateClassPair example should use a C string, not an NSString.
Another really interesting article, thanks :-)
Great article. Looking forward to part two.
It's a shame the compiler doesn't emit @encode(...) as literal strings, so you could just say:

const char * x = @encode(NSUInteger) @encode(id) @encode(SEL) @encode(id);

Great article, and thanks for MAObjCRuntime!
Jason: Indeed, I have rued and lamented that many times.
Jason, that sounds like an excellent feature request to make for clang/LLVM.
One thing I'm curious about:
The return type of CountOfObject is NSUInteger which is not compatible with id, then why could it be safely cast to IMP?
It's best to ignore the formal definition of IMP and just think of it as being a generic method implementation pointer, kind of like a void * for methods. Just like you can't access the contents of a void * without casting it to a more specific type, so you shouldn't use an IMP without casting it to a more specific type.

To put it another way, compatibility with the declared type of IMP doesn't matter. What does matter is compatibility with the code that will be generated at the call site to the method, which is determined by the method declaration that you're trying to match.
As of iOS 5, on the simulator Class mySubclass = objc_allocateClassPair([NSObject class], "MySubclass", 0); will cause an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception...
I'm running into the same issue with objc_allocateClassPair on both the simulator and device. Is there an alternative to using objc_allocateClassPair or a way of getting it working?
Mr. Wight was using ARC, and I assume you are as well. It's not currently possible to safely call objc_allocateClassPair with ARC. Move your relevant code into a separate file and disable ARC for that file, and all should be well.
Apparently it is a bug that objc_allocateClassPair doesn't work in iOS 5 with ARC enabled. The workaround is to use the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc on the file using the objc_allocateClassPair method and it will work fine.
Mike, sorry about the double post about ARC, didn't see your response until after I posted.
Great article, thanks.

A little typo there near the end of this line:

object_getInstanceVariable(obj, "foo", &currentValue;);
You can use NSGetSizeAndAlignment() to get those values when adding an ivar.
how to call the description method on the class instance
Your music is amazing. You have some very talented artists. I wish you the best of success.
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!

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