Friday Q&A 2014-07-18: Exploring Swift Memory Layout

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Exploring Swift Memory Layout
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Friday Q&A 2014-07-18: Exploring Swift Memory Layout
by Mike Ash  

Welcome back to another exploration of Swift. Today I'm going to dig into some implementation details and explore how Swift lays out objects and classes in memory.

Subject to Change
Everything about Swift is subject to change, but internal implementation details like these are even more so. This stuff can be handy to know and potentially useful for debugging, but don't write production code that relies on it, Or Else.

These dumps are from Swift code compiled for x86-64 running on 10.9. In addition to potential variations in future compiler releases, everything may be different on different CPU architectures or OS versions. When reading the dumps, keep in mind that this is a little-endian architecture, so all the numbers will be backwards.

If you're wondering where the data came from, I'm reading Objective-C runtime structures with the standard runtime APIs, and using mach_vm_read_overwrite to read raw memory by chasing pointers recursively, using a custom Swift program that I hope to discuss in a future article.

Let's start out with a simple struct:

    struct TestStruct {
        let a: UInt64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        let b: UInt64 = 0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Dumping the contents of an instance reveals this mundane chunk of memory:

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Let's try a struct with more complicated contents:

    struct PaddingTestStruct {
        let a: UInt8 = 0xaa
        let b: UInt16 = 0xbbbb
        let c: UInt64 = 0xcccccccccccccccc

This produces:

    aaa0bbbbff7f0000 cccccccccccccccc

We can see that b and c are both aligned to their size, with some garbage-filled padding in between.

Let's try adding some functions:

    struct FuncTestStruct {
        let a: UInt64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        func dummy1() {}
        func dummy2() {}
        func dummy3() {}

This produces:


The functions, although conceptually associated with the struct, don't actually show up in the memory contents. Since structs in Swift don't allow inheritance, there's no need for anything besides the variables.

We can see that Swift structs behave a lot like C structs. They store their variables as declared in memory without any annotation or metadata. Although Swift allows structs to contain functions, at runtime they aren't associated with instances of the struct.

Let's check out a simple class with an instance variable and a couple of methods:

    class TestClass {
        let a: UInt64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        func method1() {}
        func method2() {}

Instantiating the class and dumping the contents of the instance produces the following memory dump:

    00393b0701000000 0c00000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It looks similar to an Objective-C object, but there's 16 bytes of metadata instead of just 8 as is the case for Objective-C. It turns out that it is an Objective-C object that can be inspected using the APIs in objc/runtime.h. Here's what it produces:

    Objective-C class _TtC6memory9TestClass:
        Ivar: a 
    Objective-C class SwiftObject:
        Ivar: magic {SwiftObject_s="isa"^v"refCount"q}
        Property: hash TQ,R
        Property: superclass T#,R
        Property: description T@"NSString",R,C
        Property: debugDescription T@"NSString",R,C
        Method: __usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting B16@0:8
        Method: .cxx_construct @16@0:8
        Method: release v16@0:8
        Method: autorelease @16@0:8
        Method: dealloc v16@0:8
        Method: class @16@0:8
        Method: retain @16@0:8
        Method: isEqual: c24@0:8@16
        Method: hash Q16@0:8
        Method: superclass #16@0:8
        Method: self @16@0:8
        Method: zone ^{_NSZone=}16@0:8
        Method: performSelector: @24@0:8:16
        Method: performSelector:withObject: @32@0:8:16@24
        Method: performSelector:withObject:withObject: @40@0:8:16@24@32
        Method: isProxy c16@0:8
        Method: isKindOfClass: c24@0:8#16
        Method: isMemberOfClass: c24@0:8#16
        Method: conformsToProtocol: c24@0:8@16
        Method: respondsToSelector: c24@0:8:16
        Method: retainCount Q16@0:8
        Method: description @16@0:8
        Method: debugDescription @16@0:8
        Method: doesNotRecognizeSelector: v24@0:8:16

There are several interesting things about this:

  1. TestClass's name gets mangled to produce an Objective-C class name that contains not only the Swift name, but also the Swift module (in this case, "memory") and some other stuff.
  2. TestClass gets an Objective-C instance variable, but its methods don't show up. The instance variable has no type annotation, just a name.
  3. Its superclass is SwiftObject, which is a new root class. Plain Swift classes are not subclasses (directly or indirectly) of NSObject. SwiftObject does implement the NSObject protocol, so it can play the part of NSObject to an extent.
  4. SwiftObject contains a single instance variable called magic. Cute.
  5. magic is actually a struct containing two members. The first is the familiar isa, while the second is a long long called refCount.
  6. SwiftObject also contains a method called __usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting. This tells us that there's such a thing as native Swift reference counting. I'm not sure why it's necessary to check for native Swift reference counting at runtime, but apparently it's done with this method.

Let's take a closer look at that refCount field. Here's what the object looks like originally, and then when retained five times:

    00393b0701000000 0800000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    00393b0701000000 0c00000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    00393b0701000000 1000000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    00393b0701000000 1400000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    00393b0701000000 1800000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    00393b0701000000 1c00000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It looks like the bottom two bits are reserved, and each retain increments the refCount field by 4. (Remember, these are little-endian numbers, so they're backwards.) The 1 farther up the number looks like some sort of flag, but its meaning is unknown.

Let's subclass the test class and see what it produces:

    class TestSubclass : TestClass {
        let b: UInt64 = 0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

        override func method2() {}
        func method3() {}
        func method4() {}

The memory contents are what we'd expect to find:

    b0393b0701000000 0c00000001000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

It looks the same as TestClass, with an extra instance variable and a different isa pointer. The Objective-C side just contains one instance variable:

    Objective-C class _TtC6memory12TestSubclass:
        Ivar: b

Let's try an NSObject subclass:

    class TestNSClass: NSObject {
        let a: UInt64 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        func method1() {}
        func method2() {}

The instance contains:

    50333b0701000000 0000000000000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0000000000000000

It looks like it makes room for the extra magic storage from SwiftObject, but the second chunk of memory goes unused. Inspecting the class with the Objective-C runtime produces some actual methods in addition to the instance variable:

    Objective-C class _TtC6memory11TestNSClass:
        Ivar: a 
        Method: method1 v16@0:8
        Method: method2 v16@0:8
        Method: a Q16@0:8
        Method: init @16@0:8

The instance variable still doesn't have a type annotation, but the methods are just as we'd expect. Both methods are present, as well as a getter for the instance variable and an init method.

Let's subclass this and see how it looks:

    class TestNSSubclass : TestNSClass {
        let b: UInt64 = 0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

        override func method2() {}
        func method3() {}
        func method4() {}

An instance of this one contains:

    d0333b0701000000 0000000000000000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

As we'd expect, it maintains the same layout as the superclass, with the additional ivar at the end. The Objective-C class also contains what we'd expect, with a new ivar, entries for the new methods, as well as an entry for the overridden method2:

    Objective-C class _TtC6memory14TestNSSubclass:
        Ivar: b 
        Method: method2 v16@0:8
        Method: method3 v16@0:8
        Method: method4 v16@0:8
        Method: b Q16@0:8
        Method: init @16@0:8

Let's dive into the actual class structures a bit more. They're Objective-C classes, but what else do they contain? Dumping the raw data for TestClass produces this:

    c0383b0701000000 2002610701000000 10bac588ff7f0000 0000000000000000 f14a4099e97f0000 1800000007000000 7800000010000000 70223b0701000000 30443a0701000000 d0433a0701000000 e0433a0701000000 50443a0701000000 1000000000000000 0000000000000000 4802610701000000 c0383b0701000000

What is all that junk? We know it's an Objective-C class, and the structure for that can be found in Apple's runtime sources:

    struct objc_class : objc_object {
        // Class ISA;
        Class superclass;
        cache_t cache;
        uintptr_t data_NEVER_USE;  // class_rw_t * plus custom rr/alloc flags

The first chunk is the isa, or the class of the class. And indeed, that first pointer points to the metaclass of TestClass:

    0x00000001073b38c0: Symbol _TMmC6memory9TestClass

Then comes the superclass:

    0x0000000107610220: Symbol OBJC_CLASS_$_SwiftObject ObjC class SwiftObject

The cache and data_NEVER_USE follow, and then there's more stuff beyond the basic Objective-C class data. Some of it is mysterious and doesn't appear to point to anything, but there are some interesting tidbits a bit further down, starting at offset 56 (the 8th-pointer-sized chunk above) within the class:

    0x00000001073b2270: Symbol _TMnC6memory9TestClass
    0x00000001073a4430: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClassg1aVSs6UInt64
    0x00000001073a43d0: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClass7method1fS0_FT_T_
    0x00000001073a43e0: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClass7method2fS0_FT_T_
    0x00000001073a4450: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClasscfMS0_FT_S0_

That first one is a bit mysterious, but it looks like a Swift-level metaclass. Apple's swift-demangle tool describes it as "nominal type descriptor for memory.TestClass". The others are method implementations. There's the getter for a, implementations for method1 and method2, and finally the init method. This is presumably the vtable used for method dispatch in Swift code.

TestSubclass looks similar:

    70393b0701000000 00393b0701000000 e0e54099e97f0000 0300000002000000 714b4099e97f0000 2000000007000000 9800000010000000 a0223b0701000000 30443a0701000000 d0433a0701000000 c0443a0701000000 50453a0701000000 1000000000000000 30453a0701000000 d0443a0701000000 e0443a0701000000

It starts with Objective-C class data, and then has the same sort of extra stuff:

    0x00000001073b22a0: Symbol _TMnC6memory12TestSubclass
    0x00000001073a4430: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClassg1aVSs6UInt64
    0x00000001073a43d0: Symbol _TFC6memory9TestClass7method1fS0_FT_T_
    0x00000001073a44c0: Symbol _TFC6memory12TestSubclass7method2fS0_FT_T_
    0x00000001073a4550: Symbol _TFC6memory12TestSubclasscfMS0_FT_S0_
    0x00000001073a4530: Symbol _TFC6memory12TestSubclassg1bVSs6UInt64
    0x00000001073a44d0: Symbol _TFC6memory12TestSubclass7method3fS0_FT_T_
    0x00000001073a44e0: Symbol _TFC6memory12TestSubclass7method4fS0_FT_T_

Once again, we have the type descriptor entry followed by the vtable. It maintains the same layout and has some of the same entries. We can clearly see how method1 comes from TestClass but method2 is overridden. The new methods added in TestSubclass are added to the end.

This illustrates how vtable dispatch works. For an instance of TestClass, looking up the slot for method2 will produce _TFC6memory9TestClass7method2fS0_FT_T_, which is TestClass's implementation. For an instance of TestSubclass, that same slot contains _TFC6memory12TestSubclass7method2fS0_FT_T_, so a simple array indexing operation is enough to locate the function to invoke.

TestNSClass and TestNSSubclass show the same structure, including the vtable. Although their methods are made available in the Objective-C runtime, they're still made available to Swift's vtable dispatch mechanism as well. I'm not sure if the vtable actually gets used in that case, but that investigation will have to wait for another day.

There's some interesting stuff going on with variables holding protocol types, since they can hold both objects and structs. There's also interesting stuff to be seen in the layout of arrays and dictionaries. However, I have too many words and not enough time, so that will have to wait for the next article. So far, we've seen that structs and objects are laid out mostly like we'd expect, with objects containing some extra data for reference counting. Swift classes are Objective-C classes, even when they don't subclass NSObject. In that case, they subclass SwiftObject which is a new root class that conforms to the NSObject protocol. In addition to the normal Objective-C class structure, Swift classes also contain a vtable for all of their methods inline in the class.

That's it for today, but we'll return soon with more exploration of Swift's runtime memory structures.

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I expect __usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting is used to set a flag in the objc_class (or the packed isa) that is used to bypass dispatch in objc_release() et al. A similar optimization already exists for the default ObjC implementations in 10.9 and iOS 7.

It’s odd that it’s an instance method, though; you’d expect the flag to be set at class reification time.
The other 32-bit value in the reference count is the unowned reference count, which is incremented by unowned references. The object is destroyed when its strong reference count hits zero (which also decrements the unowned reference count), and deallocated when its unowned reference count hits zero. This allows the runtime to verify that unowned references don't dangle, while avoiding the full cost of a nil-ing weak reference.
What would be interesting to see is, given Swift's C++-like instance var layout and method dispatch, how they solve (I don't doubt that they solve it the first place) the problem of fragile base class.
I'd be interested to see how all this looks on ARM64, considering all the neat trickery done with Objective-C there last year. Seems counterintuitive that Swift objects are nominally bigger than Obj-C objects.
The methods of TestClass don't show up because they are not @objc methods. If you annotate the methods with @objc, then they do show up to the Objective-C runtime.
Saurik does a similar tour through the memory of swift objects in his AltConf talk from this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii-02vhsdVk

Finds some interesting stuff *before* the object start (isa pointer), iirc.
@Pierre: They didm't yet solve the fragile base class issue.
Actually, Apple provide absolutely no ABI stability guarantee if you add a ivar or a method to a superclass and it's not going to change for Swift 1.0.

That said, they promise that this point will be addressed in a futur release of the language.
Don’t forget the swift compiler has an "-emit-assembly" option. You can find much of this info (and more) laid out without having to rummage around memory.
Pierre Lebeaupin: I'd bet that they'll solve the fragile base class problem the same way they did for Objective-C instance variables, namely by storing the offsets in global variables and having the linker fix them up at load time.
A question. Nothing to do with your article right now, but maybe you could help me out.

I did create

@infix func ^ (num: Float, power: Float) -> Float{
    return pow(num, power)

nothing special.

But normaly I would write

var Tstart:Float = 55
var Tenv:Float = 16
let e:Float = 2.71828
var t = 3600 * hours
var a:Float = ...da da.....
var b:Float = ( -1 * t )/a
var Tfinale = Tenv + ( Tstart - Tenv ) * e^b

but this gives wrong answer

Now I have to type

var Tfinale = Tenv + (( Tstart - Tenv ) * (e^b))

Is there a way that I can give an infix func a higher priority compared to * ( multiply )?

Its not a real problem but love to know if it can.

Thank you
@Lord Anubis

operator infix ^ { associativity left precedence 155 }

Not tested. See advanced operators in the main book.

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