Friday Q&A 2014-08-01: Exploring Swift Memory Layout, Part II

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Exploring Swift Memory Layout, Part II
mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?
Friday Q&A 2014-08-01: Exploring Swift Memory Layout, Part II
by Mike Ash  

Continuing the theme from the previous article, I'm going to continue exploring implementation details of Swift's memory layout. Today, I'm going to look at the memory layout of generics, optionals, and protocol objects.

Reminder: Subject to Change
Just as before, this is all internal details from a pre-release version of the language on a specific CPU/OS combination and may change at any time. Don't write code that relies on it. Specifically, these dumps are from x86-64 code running on 10.9. This is a little-endian architecture (as is everything Apple anymore) so all the numbers will be backwards.

Generics are surprisingly simple. Everything just gets laid out and shifted around as necessary. Let's start with a simple generic struct:

    struct WrapperStruct<T> {
        let value: T

Let's dump two versions of it:

    WrapperStruct(value: 42)
    WrapperStruct(value: (42, 43))

The result is:

    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000

Everything is laid out contiguously with no padding and no waste. Nice.

How about multiple generic values?

    struct WrapperStruct2<T, U> {
        let value1: T
        let value2: U

    WrapperStruct2(value1: 42, value2: 43)
    WrapperStruct2(value1: (42, 43), value2: 44)
    WrapperStruct2(value1: 42, value2: (43, 44))

No surprises in the memory dump:

    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000
    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000 2c00000000000000
    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000 2c00000000000000

In particular, note how the last two are identical. Although the compile-time types are different, that isn't evident in the memory dump. The type difference is all in how the values are accessed.

How about classes? You might expect this to be more complicated since classes have dynamic dispatch and are allocated on the heap. They're not:

    class WrapperClass<T> {
        let value: T

        init(_ value: T) {
            self.value = value

    dumpmem(WrapperClass((42, 43)))

The result:

    c8033074807f0000 0800000001000000 2a00000000000000
    28093074807f0000 0800000001000000 2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000

We see the 16-byte object header discussed in the previous post, followed by the data. Note that the isa pointer of the two objects is not identical, even though both are an instance of WrapperClass. Evidently, a specialization of a generic class is a separate class at runtime.

It's also interesting to note that instances of generic classes can have different sizes. This is a natural consequence of the straightforward implementation of generics, but it's striking coming from Objective-C, where instances of any given class are always the same size, absent certain runtime shenanigans.

Let's start off with an easy one: optional object pointers.

A quick refresher: in Swift, unlike Objective-C, a straight object reference cannot be nil:

    let ptr: NSObject

This variable is guaranteed (as far as a compiler can guarantee things) to always point to an object. If we want to allow nil, we have to explicitly declare an optional by specifying the type as NSObject? or NSObject!.

Plain object pointers just contain the address of the object they point to, just like Objective-C. When Objective-C APIs are bridged to Swift, the object pointers get translated to optionals, so we'd expect that, for object pointers, Swift optionals are represented just like Objective-C: a plain address when pointing to an object, and all zeroes for nil. Let's see:

    let obj: NSObject? = NSObject()
    let nilobj: NSObject? = nil
    let explicitobj: NSObject! = NSObject()
    let explicitnilobj: NSObject! = nil

These variables contain:


It's just as we expected. They either contain an object address or all zeroes. Further, explicit and implicit optionals contain the same sort of stuff, which makes sense as explicit/implicit is just syntactic sugar.

Let's move on to integers. Unlike pointers, there's no underlying machine value that doesn't correspond to a valid integer, so something else must be at work. Let's see what we get:

    let x = 42
    let y: Int? = 42
    let z: Int? = nil

This produces:

    2a00000000000000 00
    0000000000000000 01

A plain Int stores the raw value in eight bytes of memory, as expected. The optional type adds an extra byte at the end to signal whether or not a value is present. If that trailing byte is zero, a value is present. If that trailing byte is 1, the optional contains nil. Thus, optional Ints take up nine bytes rather than eight.

How about structs? If you guessed they'd be the same, you'd be right:

    let rect: NSRect? = NSMakeRect(1, 2, 3, 4)
    let nilrect: NSRect? = nil

    000000000000f03f 0000000000000040 0000000000000840 0000000000001040 00
    0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 01

We can see that optionals for value types are implemented by adding an extra byte to the end, where zero means the optional contains a value, and one means the optional is nil. Reference types are implemented by storing the address when the optional contains a value, and storing zero when the optional contains nil.

Protocols are pretty straightforward for the most part. Any conforming class or struct implements the methods or properties specified by the protocol, and you can call those. However, there's one interesting aspect of protocols, namely that it's possible to declare a variable that's a protocol type. This is nothing special in Objective-C, since it's just another kind of static type on top of an object pointer. Swift is different, because protocols can apply to structs as well as classes. A struct is a value type, but a class is a reference type, so how can you combine them?

Let's start with a simple example protocol:

    protocol P {
        func p()

Let's make NSObject conform to P in an extension:

    extension NSObject: P {
        func p() {}

Then let's stuff an NSObject instance into a variable of type P:

    let pobj: P = NSObject()

Here's what pobj contains:

    4000201b9c7f0000 2200000000000080 0000050701000000 40e3401a9c7f0000 a8ebb90601000000

The first chunk is the object pointer. 0x00007f9c1b200040 (remember, it's backwards) points to an NSObject instance in memory. The next two chunks are just garbage, used for padding here. The last 16 bytes contain two pointers to metadata tables. The first one, at offset 24, contains a pointer to the "direct type metadata" for the underlying type. This in turn contains pointers to structures containing things like the type name and fields. The last one, at offset 32 is a "protocol witness table" for the underlying type and the protocol, which contains pointers to the type's implementations of the protocol methods. This is how the compiler is able to invoke methods, such as p(), on a value of protocol type without knowing the underlying type at runtime.

Let's check out a simple struct. In this case, we'll start with Int, which is ultimately a struct in Swift:

    extension Int: P {
        func p() {}

    let pint: P = 42

The dump is much the same:

    2a00000000000000 0a00000000000080 c0014a0201000000 98912d0201000000 d00b050201000000

It contains the underlying value, some garbage-filled padding, then the two metadata pointers at the end.

Let's try a bigger struct. It starts to get interesting:

    struct S: P {
        let x: Int
        let y: Int

        func p() {}

    let s: P = S(x: 42, y: 43)

This produces:

    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000 e001540201000000 2815050201000000 d80b050201000000

It looks like that padding is available for use if the underlying value needs the storage. Is the same true of the third chunk?

    struct T: P {
        let x: Int
        let y: Int
        let z: Int

        func p() {}

    let t: P = T(x: 42, y: 43, z: 44)

    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000 2c00000000000000 38c61d0401000000 e0bb1d0401000000

Indeed so. What happens if the struct requires more storage than that?

    struct U: P {
        let a: Int
        let b: Int
        let c: Int
        let d: Int

        func p() {}

    let u: P = U(a: 42, b: 43, c: 44, d: 45)

Dumping the memory of u produces:

    801f600401000000 1500000000000080 10046c0401000000 58c71d0401000000 e8bb1d0401000000

There's nothing recognizable anymore. None of the struct elements are present. The first chunk is a pointer to malloc memory, and dumping that produces:

    2a00000000000000 2b00000000000000 2c00000000000000 2d00000000000000

There's the struct storage. It seems that protocol values provide 24 bytes of storage. If the underlying value fits within 24 bytes, it's stored inline, otherwise it's automatically spilled to the heap.

Swift memory layout for generics is completely straightforward. The values are laid out just as they are with non-generic types, even if it means that class instances change size. Optionals of reference types represent nil as all zeroes, just like we're used to in Objective-C. Optionals of value types append a byte to the end of the value to indicate whether or not a value is present. Protocol types take up 40 bytes of storage, with the last two pointers containing references to type metadata tables, and the rest available for storying the underlying value. If more than 24 bytes of storage is needed, the value is automatically placed on the heap, and a pointer to the allocation is stored instead.

That's it for today. Come back next time for more exciting Swift adventures!

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Nice post. Note that the layout rules for optionals are not a special case. The compiler can find free bits in types that have them and have quite a bit of knowledge about enums. Check out the memory layout of "NSObject??" for example, when containing "nil" and ".Some(nil)".
Is the memory layout of a class any different when it is marked with @objc?
Chris L: I see, very nice. Assuming your last name ends in "attner", I really appreciate your occasional comments here. For anyone else reading this, here's the results of a quick test:

let justnil: NSObject? = nil
let somenil: NSObject?? = .Some(nil)
let somenil2: NSObject??? = .Some(nil)
let somesomenil: NSObject??? = .Some(.Some(nil))
let somenil3: NSObject???? = .Some(nil)
let somesomenil2: NSObject???? = .Some(.Some(nil))
let somesomesomenil: NSObject???? = .Some(.Some(.Some(nil)))
let somesomesomesome: NSObject???? = NSObject()

The results of dumping them, in order:


That last one is, of course, the address of the NSObject instance.

For enums:

enum Enum { case a; case b; case c; }
let e: Enum? = nil

This produces 03, so apparently it's just picking the number past the end of the last enum element.

Marc P: As far as I can tell, marking a class with @objc just makes it subclass NSObject instead of SwiftObject, and the rest stays the same.
Thanks Mike for this exciting article. As usual its great! Why did Apple move from big endian to little endian anyways? What is the advantage of writing bytes in reverse?
I found these stuff that sort of answers my question



I see that little endian byte ordering is used in OSX on Intel chips. I am not sure about iOS on ARM chips.

Could you please share the code of dumpmem() function? It will be nice to know that as well.
Endianness is mostly determined by CPU architecture. The original Macs were big-endian because the 68000 was big-endian. Same with the PowerPC. Switching to Intel required a switch to little-endian, since that's how Intel CPUs are. In theory, it would have been possible to make an Intel CPU with a big-endian mode and use that, but that would have lost many of the advantages of the Intel switch, like moving to more commodity parts and taking advantage of economies of scale.

One place where it's a bit up in the air is ARM, since it can run either way. I'd guess that Apple runs ARM in little-endian mode just to keep commonality with Intel CPUs. Little-endian ARM seems to be the common use for ARM, so it may have just been a matter of doing what's common.

Historically, little-endian made life a bit easier for the hardware guys. Arithmetic operations need to start with the least significant byte, and little-endian means that the data is stored in memory in the same order it's used. This is no longer relevant at all, but historical reasons can persist forever.
The implementation of the memory dumper is coming in a future article. Probably the next one, but no promises. It gets pretty complex, so it deserves some proper discussion.
For a good example of endianness performance impact, look at the instruction cycle timings of the big endian Motorola 6800 vs the little endian MOS 6501/6502. They use the same bus[1] and their cycle timings are similar when performing the same operation, but whenever they're performing indexed memory access[2] the 6502 is able to shave off a cycle. The 6502 can adjust the LSB of the address while loading the MSB, while the 6800 has to sit on the MSB while it pulls the LSB from the bus.

It's all ancient history now that we no longer have 8-bit buses, but as Mike says historical reasons can persist forever.

[1] The 6501 was even pin compatible and had to be pulled after a lawsuit, leaving the 6502 which differs only in pinout.
[2] Accessing the memory at an address offset by the value of an index register, A = (M + X).
In regard to Mike's comment about marking a class @objc, it doesn't appear to force to superclass to be NSObject, it just exposes the class to the Objective-C runtime.
Maybe you already found this but the debugger has a bit more information about memory layout:

(P) $R0 = {
  payload_data_0 = 0x0000000100500140 -> 0x00007fff7dfaf810 (void *)0x00007fff7dfaf838: OBJC_METACLASS_$_NSObject
  payload_data_1 = 0x0000000000000000
  payload_data_2 = 0x0000000000000000
  instance_type = 0x0000000102800020
  protocol_witness_0 = 0x0000000100005228 foo`protocol witness table for ObjectiveC.NSObject : foo.P

Interesting to look at how protocol witness functions are used to do dynamic dispatch when protocols are used as types – maybe for a future blog post? :)
MagerValp: That's a wonderful concrete example. I love how predictable the timings were on those old CPUs.

Luke Howard: I did not know that. Nice info. Glad it agrees with what I found. As for the witness dispatch, it looks like it's just a vtable filled with all the protocol methods.
Incidentally, protocol objects can actually be as little as 32 bytes, or can be higher than 40. This is the case when using the protocol<A,B,C,...> construct. Note that Any is defined as protocol<>. It seems the protocol object contains one witness table for each protocol listed in this combined protocol type:

(Any) $R0 = {
  payload_data_0 = 0x0000000000000003
  payload_data_1 = 0x2818c53e00007fff
  payload_data_2 = 0x00000001001e0cc0 direct type metadata for Swift.VaListBuilder + 16
  instance_type = 0x00000001001cef88 libswiftCore.dylib`direct type metadata for Swift.Int + 8

(protocol<Printable, Reflectable>) $R1 = {
  payload_data_0 = 0x0000000000000003
  payload_data_1 = 0x0000000000000000
  payload_data_2 = 0x0000000000000000
  instance_type = 0x00000001001cef88 libswiftCore.dylib`direct type metadata for Swift.Int + 8
  protocol_witness_0 = 0x00000001001c70e8 libswiftCore.dylib`protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.Printable
  protocol_witness_1 = 0x00000001001c7df0 libswiftCore.dylib`protocol witness table for Swift.Int : Swift.Reflectable

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