How to stay fast and fresh with Angular

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-lipaiZII8
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#webdevLIVE #Angular #livecoding

How to stay fast and fresh with Angular

•Jul 16, 2020

Watch a live coding demo walking through the top principles and tools you can use to make your applications shine when it comes to startup performance and bundle size.

Resources: Angular → https://goo.gle/3dEhA6o Angular on web.dev → https://goo.gle/2Zb2uQR Angular Update Guide → https://goo.gle/2ZhOhBs

Related Playlists: Day 3 → https://goo.gle/WDL20Day3

Subscribe to the Chrome Developers → https://goo.gle/ChromeDevs

Speaker: Stephen Fluin

#webdevLIVE #Angular #livecoding

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