Ionic - The Cross-Platform App Development Leader

 3 years ago
source link: https://ionic.io/
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A better way to build modern apps at scale.

Our suite of developer-friendly products and services help you build, secure, and deliver enterprise-grade apps in less time — for any platform.

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cross-platform mobile apps.

Let’s be honest. When it comes to mobile app experiences, the bar has been set high. In today’s world, people expect seamless, secure, lightning-fast apps that are fine-tuned to their particular needs. If you can’t deliver that kind of mobile app experience, you can’t expect to build out your business.

For enterprise developers aiming to deliver a seamless digital experience that follows them wherever they are, Ionic is here to help. Our powerful tools and services make it easy to deliver stunning mobile experiences across iOS, Android, and the Web—all with a single codebase that works everywhere. Move fast, spend less, create more, and build better.

See what Ionic can do for you ->
The 86400 in Android and iOS
  • Truly native

    Access the full Native SDKs on each platform, and powerful pre-built solutions for authenticaton and offline storage.

  • Truly cross-platform

    Slash your development time and costs with a platform that lets you build once and deploy anywhere.

  • Powered by the Web

    If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already know how to build stunning mobile apps with Ionic.

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