Microsoft will not be releasing a December patch for the Surface Duo

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-will-not-be-releasing-a-december-patch-for-the-surface-duo
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Microsoft will not be releasing a December patch for the Surface Duo

Microsoft has been serving monthly updates to the Surface Duo since its launch, bringing improvements and fixes to various aspects of the device such as touch screen reliability, camera quality, and more. The monthly updates also brought the latest Android security patches to the offerings from the Redmond giant.

For December, however, Microsoft might not be releasing firmware updates for the Duo. Windows Central reports that a company spokesperson has confirmed that the updates for the dual-screened device will arrive sometime in 2021. This means that the device will likely also skip the monthly Android security patch for December.

While the company has been releasing these patches in the middle of the month, the possible explanation for the omission of this month’s release is the holiday break. Windows Central’s Zac Bowden mentioned on Twitter earlier this month that a blocking bug was causing delays with the release of the December patch. It is possible that the company decided against going ahead with a potentially tricky update, especially during the holiday period when staffing is scarce, which could cause troubles should there be problems.

Additionally, while the company does not specify a firm January timeframe for the next update, it would not be surprising to see more fixes arrive for the device, especially since it is heading to more markets early next year.

Source: Windows Central

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