django-taggit 0.9 Released

 3 years ago
source link: https://alexgaynor.net/2010/sep/21/django-taggit-09-released/
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django-taggit 0.9 Released · Alex Gaynor

Alex Gaynor

Hi, I'm Alex. I've been CISO at a startup named Alloy, an engineer working on Firefox security, and before that at the U.S. Digital Service. I'm an avid open source contributor and live in Washington, DC.

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django-taggit 0.9 Released

Tue, Sep 21, 2010

It’s been a long time coming, since taggit 0.8 was released in June, however 0.9 is finally here, and it brings a ton of cool bug fixes, improvements, and cleanups. If you don’t already know, django-taggit is an application for django to make tagging simple and awesome. The biggest changes in this release are:

  • The addition of a bunch of locales.
  • Support for custom tag models.
  • Moving taggit.contrib.suggest into an external package.
  • Changed the filter syntax from filter(tags__in=["foo"]) to filter(tags__name__in=["foo"]). This change is backwards incompatible, but was necessary to support lookups on all fields.

You can checkout the docs for complete details. The goals for the 1.0 release are going to be adding some useful widgets for use in the admin and forms, hopefully adding a class based generic view to replace the current one, and adding a migration command to move data from django-tagging into the django-taggit models.

You can get the latest release on PyPi. Enjoy.

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