National Blog Post Month

 3 years ago
source link: https://alexgaynor.net/2010/nov/01/national-blog-post-month/
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National Blog Post Month · Alex Gaynor

Alex Gaynor

Hi, I'm Alex. I've been CISO at a startup named Alloy, an engineer working on Firefox security, and before that at the U.S. Digital Service. I'm an avid open source contributor and live in Washington, DC.

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National Blog Post Month

Mon, Nov 1, 2010

It’s November again, and that means National Blog Post Month (or NAMBLA), and it’s also the second anniversary of me having a blog. Once again I’m going to be making an effort to blog post every day, as you can tell I’m off to a great start with this post, Murphy willing the content will improve as the month goes on.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK