Powershell tricks::Hide Process by kd.exe

 3 years ago
source link: https://3gstudent.github.io/3gstudent.github.io/Powershell-tricks-Hide-Process-by-kd.exe/
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neoserver,ios ssh client

0x02 相关概念

PCB(process control block):












Windows开启Local kernel debugging模式后,可进入ring0,使用内核态调试器



kd -kl -y "srv*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols" -c "dt nt!_eprocess"


lkd> kd: Reading initial command 'dt nt!_eprocess;Q'
   +0x000 Pcb              : _KPROCESS
   +0x2d8 ProcessLock      : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x2e0 RundownProtect   : _EX_RUNDOWN_REF
   +0x2e8 UniqueProcessId  : Ptr64 Void
   +0x2f0 ActiveProcessLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x300 Flags2           : Uint4B
   +0x300 JobNotReallyActive : Pos 0, 1 Bit
   +0x300 AccountingFolded : Pos 1, 1 Bit
   +0x300 NewProcessReported : Pos 2, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ExitProcessReported : Pos 3, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ReportCommitChanges : Pos 4, 1 Bit
   +0x300 LastReportMemory : Pos 5, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ForceWakeCharge  : Pos 6, 1 Bit
   +0x300 CrossSessionCreate : Pos 7, 1 Bit
   +0x300 NeedsHandleRundown : Pos 8, 1 Bit
   +0x300 RefTraceEnabled  : Pos 9, 1 Bit
   +0x300 DisableDynamicCode : Pos 10, 1 Bit
   +0x300 EmptyJobEvaluated : Pos 11, 1 Bit
   +0x300 DefaultPagePriority : Pos 12, 3 Bits
   +0x300 PrimaryTokenFrozen : Pos 15, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ProcessVerifierTarget : Pos 16, 1 Bit
   +0x300 StackRandomizationDisabled : Pos 17, 1 Bit
   +0x300 AffinityPermanent : Pos 18, 1 Bit
   +0x300 AffinityUpdateEnable : Pos 19, 1 Bit
   +0x300 PropagateNode    : Pos 20, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ExplicitAffinity : Pos 21, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ProcessExecutionState : Pos 22, 2 Bits
   +0x300 DisallowStrippedImages : Pos 24, 1 Bit
   +0x300 HighEntropyASLREnabled : Pos 25, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ExtensionPointDisable : Pos 26, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ForceRelocateImages : Pos 27, 1 Bit
   +0x300 ProcessStateChangeRequest : Pos 28, 2 Bits
   +0x300 ProcessStateChangeInProgress : Pos 30, 1 Bit
   +0x300 DisallowWin32kSystemCalls : Pos 31, 1 Bit
   +0x304 Flags            : Uint4B
   +0x304 CreateReported   : Pos 0, 1 Bit
   +0x304 NoDebugInherit   : Pos 1, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ProcessExiting   : Pos 2, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ProcessDelete    : Pos 3, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ControlFlowGuardEnabled : Pos 4, 1 Bit
   +0x304 VmDeleted        : Pos 5, 1 Bit
   +0x304 OutswapEnabled   : Pos 6, 1 Bit
   +0x304 Outswapped       : Pos 7, 1 Bit
   +0x304 FailFastOnCommitFail : Pos 8, 1 Bit
   +0x304 Wow64VaSpace4Gb  : Pos 9, 1 Bit
   +0x304 AddressSpaceInitialized : Pos 10, 2 Bits
   +0x304 SetTimerResolution : Pos 12, 1 Bit
   +0x304 BreakOnTermination : Pos 13, 1 Bit
   +0x304 DeprioritizeViews : Pos 14, 1 Bit
   +0x304 WriteWatch       : Pos 15, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ProcessInSession : Pos 16, 1 Bit
   +0x304 OverrideAddressSpace : Pos 17, 1 Bit
   +0x304 HasAddressSpace  : Pos 18, 1 Bit
   +0x304 LaunchPrefetched : Pos 19, 1 Bit
   +0x304 Background       : Pos 20, 1 Bit
   +0x304 VmTopDown        : Pos 21, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ImageNotifyDone  : Pos 22, 1 Bit
   +0x304 PdeUpdateNeeded  : Pos 23, 1 Bit
   +0x304 VdmAllowed       : Pos 24, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ProcessRundown   : Pos 25, 1 Bit
   +0x304 ProcessInserted  : Pos 26, 1 Bit
   +0x304 DefaultIoPriority : Pos 27, 3 Bits
   +0x304 ProcessSelfDelete : Pos 30, 1 Bit
   +0x304 SetTimerResolutionLink : Pos 31, 1 Bit
   +0x308 CreateTime       : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x310 ProcessQuotaUsage : [2] Uint8B
   +0x320 ProcessQuotaPeak : [2] Uint8B
   +0x330 PeakVirtualSize  : Uint8B
   +0x338 VirtualSize      : Uint8B
   +0x340 SessionProcessLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x350 ExceptionPortData : Ptr64 Void
   +0x350 ExceptionPortValue : Uint8B
   +0x350 ExceptionPortState : Pos 0, 3 Bits
   +0x358 Token            : _EX_FAST_REF
   +0x360 WorkingSetPage   : Uint8B
   +0x368 AddressCreationLock : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x370 PageTableCommitmentLock : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x378 RotateInProgress : Ptr64 _ETHREAD
   +0x380 ForkInProgress   : Ptr64 _ETHREAD
   +0x388 CommitChargeJob  : Ptr64 _EJOB
   +0x390 CloneRoot        : _RTL_AVL_TREE
   +0x398 NumberOfPrivatePages : Uint8B
   +0x3a0 NumberOfLockedPages : Uint8B
   +0x3a8 Win32Process     : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3b0 Job              : Ptr64 _EJOB
   +0x3b8 SectionObject    : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3c0 SectionBaseAddress : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3c8 Cookie           : Uint4B
   +0x3d0 WorkingSetWatch  : Ptr64 _PAGEFAULT_HISTORY
   +0x3d8 Win32WindowStation : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3e0 InheritedFromUniqueProcessId : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3e8 LdtInformation   : Ptr64 Void
   +0x3f0 OwnerProcessId   : Uint8B
   +0x3f8 Peb              : Ptr64 _PEB
   +0x400 Session          : Ptr64 Void
   +0x408 AweInfo          : Ptr64 Void
   +0x410 QuotaBlock       : Ptr64 _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK
   +0x418 ObjectTable      : Ptr64 _HANDLE_TABLE
   +0x420 DebugPort        : Ptr64 Void
   +0x428 WoW64Process     : Ptr64 _EWOW64PROCESS
   +0x430 DeviceMap        : Ptr64 Void
   +0x438 EtwDataSource    : Ptr64 Void
   +0x440 PageDirectoryPte : Uint8B
   +0x448 ImageFilePointer : Ptr64 _FILE_OBJECT
   +0x450 ImageFileName    : [15] UChar
   +0x45f PriorityClass    : UChar
   +0x460 SecurityPort     : Ptr64 Void
   +0x468 SeAuditProcessCreationInfo : _SE_AUDIT_PROCESS_CREATION_INFO
   +0x470 JobLinks         : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x480 HighestUserAddress : Ptr64 Void
   +0x488 ThreadListHead   : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x498 ActiveThreads    : Uint4B
   +0x49c ImagePathHash    : Uint4B
   +0x4a0 DefaultHardErrorProcessing : Uint4B
   +0x4a4 LastThreadExitStatus : Int4B
   +0x4a8 PrefetchTrace    : _EX_FAST_REF
   +0x4b0 LockedPagesList  : Ptr64 Void
   +0x4b8 ReadOperationCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4c0 WriteOperationCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4c8 OtherOperationCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4d0 ReadTransferCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4d8 WriteTransferCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4e0 OtherTransferCount : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x4e8 CommitChargeLimit : Uint8B
   +0x4f0 CommitCharge     : Uint8B
   +0x4f8 CommitChargePeak : Uint8B
   +0x500 Vm               : _MMSUPPORT
   +0x5f8 MmProcessLinks   : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x608 ModifiedPageCount : Uint4B
   +0x60c ExitStatus       : Int4B
   +0x610 VadRoot          : _RTL_AVL_TREE
   +0x618 VadHint          : Ptr64 Void
   +0x620 VadCount         : Uint8B
   +0x628 VadPhysicalPages : Uint8B
   +0x630 VadPhysicalPagesLimit : Uint8B
   +0x638 AlpcContext      : _ALPC_PROCESS_CONTEXT
   +0x658 TimerResolutionLink : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x668 TimerResolutionStackRecord : Ptr64 _PO_DIAG_STACK_RECORD
   +0x670 RequestedTimerResolution : Uint4B
   +0x674 SmallestTimerResolution : Uint4B
   +0x678 ExitTime         : _LARGE_INTEGER
   +0x680 InvertedFunctionTable : Ptr64 _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE
   +0x688 InvertedFunctionTableLock : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x690 ActiveThreadsHighWatermark : Uint4B
   +0x694 LargePrivateVadCount : Uint4B
   +0x698 ThreadListLock   : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x6a0 WnfContext       : Ptr64 Void
   +0x6a8 Spare0           : Uint8B
   +0x6b0 SignatureLevel   : UChar
   +0x6b1 SectionSignatureLevel : UChar
   +0x6b2 Protection       : _PS_PROTECTION
   +0x6b3 HangCount        : UChar
   +0x6b4 Flags3           : Uint4B
   +0x6b4 Minimal          : Pos 0, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 ReplacingPageRoot : Pos 1, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 DisableNonSystemFonts : Pos 2, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 AuditNonSystemFontLoading : Pos 3, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 Crashed          : Pos 4, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 JobVadsAreTracked : Pos 5, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 VadTrackingDisabled : Pos 6, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 AuxiliaryProcess : Pos 7, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 SubsystemProcess : Pos 8, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 IndirectCpuSets  : Pos 9, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 InPrivate        : Pos 10, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 ProhibitRemoteImageMap : Pos 11, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 ProhibitLowILImageMap : Pos 12, 1 Bit
   +0x6b4 SignatureMitigationOptIn : Pos 13, 1 Bit
   +0x6b8 DeviceAsid       : Int4B
   +0x6c0 SvmData          : Ptr64 Void
   +0x6c8 SvmProcessLock   : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x6d0 SvmLock          : Uint8B
   +0x6d8 SvmProcessDeviceListHead : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x6e8 LastFreezeInterruptTime : Uint8B
   +0x6f0 DiskCounters     : Ptr64 _PROCESS_DISK_COUNTERS
   +0x6f8 PicoContext      : Ptr64 Void
   +0x700 TrustletIdentity : Uint8B
   +0x708 KeepAliveCounter : Uint4B
   +0x70c NoWakeKeepAliveCounter : Uint4B
   +0x710 HighPriorityFaultsAllowed : Uint4B
   +0x718 EnergyValues     : Ptr64 _PROCESS_ENERGY_VALUES
   +0x720 VmContext        : Ptr64 Void
   +0x728 SequenceNumber   : Uint8B
   +0x730 CreateInterruptTime : Uint8B
   +0x738 CreateUnbiasedInterruptTime : Uint8B
   +0x740 TotalUnbiasedFrozenTime : Uint8B
   +0x748 LastAppStateUpdateTime : Uint8B
   +0x750 LastAppStateUptime : Pos 0, 61 Bits
   +0x750 LastAppState     : Pos 61, 3 Bits
   +0x758 SharedCommitCharge : Uint8B
   +0x760 SharedCommitLock : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x768 SharedCommitLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
   +0x778 AllowedCpuSets   : Uint8B
   +0x780 DefaultCpuSets   : Uint8B
   +0x778 AllowedCpuSetsIndirect : Ptr64 Uint8B
   +0x780 DefaultCpuSetsIndirect : Ptr64 Uint8B

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