Press Release: Capital.com Involved In Launching World’s First Tokenized Governm...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.trustnodes.com/2020/12/11/press-release-capital-com-involved-in-launching-worlds-first-tokenized-government-bond
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Press Release: Capital.com Involved In Launching World’s First Tokenized Government Bond

December 11, 2020 10:20 am 0

Capital.com Now Offers Crypto Trading

The fintech startup with offices in four locations across Europe, Capital.com, has expanded its operations to trading cryptocurrencies on a level that no single company from the niche has reached. First, let us introduce you to Capital.com. What stands on its website as a motto – “Our mission is to make the world of finance more accessible, engaging and useful” – has been recently completely fulfilled. 

Capital.com has always been committed to building the world’s best trading experience, ever since it has been established, three years ago. Capital.com has an access to over 3,000 worldwide markets, enabling its clients whose number has reached 788,000, to trade CFDs globally with leverage across the most popular indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, shares, and currency pairs. The volume of trading at Capital.com got to $13 billion. 

What this company with offices in London (UK), Limassol (Cyprus), Gibraltar, and Minsk (Belarus) offers to its clients is an AI-enabled technology that powers its platform. And it is a unique concept that analyses your trading behavior to help you make more profitable trading decisions. As such, it is recognized around the world as unique, which can be seen in awards that were given to Capital.com. We will mention a few awards: Best Forex Trading App 2018 (UK Forex Awards), Best Online Trading Services 2018 (Shares magazine), Best Online Trading Platform 2019 (Shares magazine)… 

As you can realize from the above mentioned, Capital.com enables its clients to trade on both the web and smartphone with a simple and intuitive platform tailored to help smarter trading. As a client, with Capital.com you will have an access to over 70 technical indicators, thousands of charts (for instance BTC USD chart), client sentiment, price alerts, and 1:200 leverage (for professionals). It is noteworthy that with Capital.com you will never lose more than you put in due to stop-loss, take-profit orders, and negative balance protection. Capital.com will work to detect clients’ trading biases and recommend personalized content to help them trade smarter.

Now, apart from indices, forex, commodities, and lastly, cryptocurrencies, Capital.com got involved in making the world’s first tokenized government bond. Along with its sister company Currency.com, it leveraged the technology and strategy for this new venture. What underlies the core of the world’s first tokenized government bond? 

Until 2019, instead of providing access to traditional capital markets with real value and revenues, crypto exchanges focused on providing access to highly risky ICOs, which are, as it is already known, a sort of gambling that may or may not pay you off. It all started when Currency.com launched its beta in January 2019. It was detected in the crypto world as a good way to annul the aforementioned shortcoming of the crypto exchange. 

Currency.com, in cooperation with Capital.com, announced it attracted 150,000 people to the waiting list to test the platform. In the last year, Currency.com effectively integrated into the procedure around 5,000 of them so far. That is where we come to the point of the story. The next, big step was launching what is considered to be the world’s first tokenized government bond. 

Will the market welcome this breakthrough or not we will have to see. The plans of Currency.com to fully launch 1,000 tokenized securities available to both private and institutional investors globally but it will exclude the USA and countries that are considered risky in relation to this and which are put on the FATF list. As an ultimate goal, Currency.com, with the help of Capital.com, will enable users to trade and invest in tokenized government bonds using fiat money, Bitcoin, or Ethereum.

Thanks to Viktor Prokopenya, the Belarusian entrepreneur residing in London, UK, the Belarusian government bonds were the first whose tokenized version has been issued. It is planned that more tokenized governments and corporate bonds will be included in the process. How will this change the way investors use their cryptocurrencies? Tying crypto to the price of stocks and shares will allow Bitcoin and Ethereum holders a concrete and visible way of accessing traditional financial markets.

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