iOS 浏览图片、剪裁图片和旋转图片

 3 years ago
source link: http://blog.danthought.com/programming/2020/06/29/ios-photo-crop-rotate/
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本文讲解在 iOS 中如何实现图片的剪裁和旋转,重点在于对 UIScrollView、手势触控、UIView 和 CALayer 的理解。

Camera Sea



先通过浏览如下图片的示例来深入理解下 UIScrollView:

class PreviewPhotoViewController: UIViewController {
    var page = 0
    private let scrollView = UIScrollView()
    private let imageView = UIImageView()
    private let photo: UIImage
    private var fitScale: CGFloat = 1

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    init(photo: UIImage) {
        self.photo = photo
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .black
        imageView.image = photo
        imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: photo.size.width, height: photo.size.height)
        scrollView.contentSize = photo.size
    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
        scrollView.zoomScale = fitScale
    private func setupScrollView() {
        scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
        scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
        scrollView.delegate = self
        if #available(iOS 11, *) {
            scrollView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
        scrollView.snp.makeConstraints { make in
    private func centerContents() {
        let maxFrame = view.bounds
        var contentsFrame = imageView.frame
        if contentsFrame.size.width < maxFrame.size.width {
            contentsFrame.origin.x = maxFrame.minX +
                (maxFrame.size.width - contentsFrame.size.width) / 2
        } else {
            contentsFrame.origin.x = maxFrame.minX
        if contentsFrame.size.height < maxFrame.size.height {
            contentsFrame.origin.y = maxFrame.minY +
                (maxFrame.size.height - contentsFrame.size.height) / 2
        } else {
            contentsFrame.origin.y = maxFrame.minY
        imageView.frame = contentsFrame
    private func caculateZoomScale() {
        let scaleWidth = view.bounds.size.width / photo.size.width
        let scaleHeight = view.bounds.size.height / photo.size.height
        fitScale = min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
        if fitScale < 1 {
            scrollView.minimumZoomScale = fitScale
            scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1
        } else {
            scrollView.minimumZoomScale = fitScale
            scrollView.maximumZoomScale = fitScale * 1.5
        if scrollView.zoomScale != fitScale {
            scrollView.zoomScale = fitScale

extension PreviewPhotoViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {

    func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
        return imageView
    func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

UIScrollView 的 contentSize

如上的代码,一个 UIImageView 作为 UIScrollView 的子 View,同样放置了一张图片到了 UIImageView,并且将图片的大小设置为 UIScrollView 的 contentSize,也就如下图所示,可显示区域就是 UIScrollView 的 bounds,图片的大小超过了 UIScrollView 的 bounds,也可以看到 contentOffset 是 UIImageView 原点到 UIScrollView 原点的偏移,目前都是正的 x 和 y。

UIScrollView contentOffset nonzero


caculateZoomScale() 方法用于计算出 UIScrollView 的 zoomScale 的范围,这里限定了只计算 aspectFit 模式,后面再细讲。

UIScrollView 的 zoomScale

UIScrollViewDelegate 中实现的代码表明,通过 pinch 手势就可以改变 UIScrollView 的 zoomScale,示例中 UIScrollView 的内容就是 UIImageView,UIScrollView 的 zoomScale 表示缩放程度,其实就是通过改变 UIScrollView 的 contentSize 来实现,contentSize 和 UIImageView 大小一致,所以就会缩放 UIImageView,当 contentSize 都小于等于 UIScrollView 的 bounds,contentOffset 就是 0,centerContents() 方法主要作用就是在这种情况下计算 UIImageView 的 frame,使其居中,如下图所示:

UIScrollView contentOffset zero

UIScrollView 的 bounds

上面说到可显示区域就是 UIScrollView 的 bounds,如下图中,1 是显示图片最左上角,2 是显示图片最右上角,3 是显示图片最左下角,4 是显示图片最右下角,和 UIScrollView 的 bounds 非常的贴合,没有任何间距。

UIScrollView bounds


View 层级关系


三个平级的 View:

  • UIScrollView 放置图片
  • PhotoEditorMaskView 遮罩视图
  • PhotoEditorResizeView 剪裁区域控制视图
Resize View Hierarchy

重要的 CGRect

  • bounds - UIScrollView 的 bounds
  • maxFrame - 剪裁区域控制视图的最大 frame
  • cropRectMaxFrame - 剪裁区域的最大 frame
  • cropRect - 剪裁区域
Resize Frames

centerContents() 初始化 UIImageView 和剪裁控制区域的位置,计算和设置 UIScrollView 的 zoomScale 和 contentOffset:

private func centerContents() {
    imageView.image = photo
    imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: photo.size.width, height: photo.size.height)
    scrollView.contentSize = photo.size
    caculateZoomScale(cropRect: resizeView.cropRectMaxFrame)

    let maxFrame = resizeView.cropRectMaxFrame
    var contentsFrame = imageView.frame
    if contentsFrame.size.width < maxFrame.size.width {
        contentsFrame.origin.x = maxFrame.minX +
            (maxFrame.size.width - contentsFrame.size.width) / 2
    } else {
        contentsFrame.origin.x = maxFrame.minX
    if contentsFrame.size.height < maxFrame.size.height {
        contentsFrame.origin.y = maxFrame.minY +
            (maxFrame.size.height - contentsFrame.size.height) / 2
    } else {
        contentsFrame.origin.y = maxFrame.minY
    fitBounds = view.bounds.applying(.init(translationX: contentsFrame.origin.x,
                                           y: contentsFrame.origin.y))
    imageView.frame = contentsFrame
    resizeView.updateFrame(wtih: contentsFrame)
    caculateContentInset(cropRect: contentsFrame)
Resize Touch

上图中的红色区域展示了上和下触控点、左上和右下的触控点,剪裁区域控制视图,一共有 8 个触控控制区域,每个触控点改变的区域大小方式也是不同的:

private enum ThumbPosition {
    case unknown
    case upLeftCorner
    case upSide
    case upRightCorner
    case rightSide
    case downRightCorner
    case downSide
    case downLeftCorner
    case leftSide

iOS 上处理触控分几个阶段,第一个是开始触控阶段,第二个是移动阶段,第三个和第四个是结束触控阶段,第二个移动阶段根据移动距离来调整剪裁控制区域:

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    guard let touchPoint = touches.first?.location(in: self) else { return }
    thumbPosition = .unknown
    var thumbPositionViewFrame: CGRect = .zero
    for (position, area) in caculateThumbAreas() {
        if area.contains(touchPoint) {
            thumbPosition = position
            thumbPositionViewFrame = area
    if isDebug && thumbPosition != .unknown {
        thumbPositionView.isHidden = false
        thumbPositionView.frame = thumbPositionViewFrame

override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    guard let touchPoint = touches.first?.location(in: self),
        let previous = touches.first?.previousLocation(in: self) else {
    let deltaWidth =  previous.x - touchPoint.x
    let deltaHeight = previous.y - touchPoint.y

    let originX = frame.origin.x
    let originY = frame.origin.y
    let width = frame.size.width
    let height = frame.size.height
    let originFrame = frame
    var finalFrame = originFrame
    switch thumbPosition {
    case .upLeftCorner:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (-deltaWidth / width)
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (-deltaHeight / height)
        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
        finalFrame.origin.x = originX + width - finalFrame.size.width
        finalFrame.origin.y = originY + height - finalFrame.size.height
    case .upSide:
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (-deltaHeight / height)

        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
        finalFrame.origin.y = originY + height - finalFrame.size.height
    case .upRightCorner:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (deltaWidth / width)
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (-deltaHeight / height)

        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
        finalFrame.origin.y = originY + height - finalFrame.size.height
    case .rightSide:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (deltaWidth / width)

        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
    case .downRightCorner:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (deltaWidth / width)
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (deltaHeight / height)
        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
    case .downSide:
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (deltaHeight / height)
        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
    case .downLeftCorner:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (-deltaWidth / width)
        let scaleY = 1.0 - (deltaHeight / height)
        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
        finalFrame.size.height = height * scaleY
        finalFrame.origin.x = originX + width - finalFrame.size.width
    case .leftSide:
        let scaleX = 1.0 - (-deltaWidth / width)
        finalFrame.size.width = width * scaleX
        finalFrame.origin.x = originX + width - finalFrame.size.width
    case .unknown:

    if finalFrame.maxX <= maxFrame.maxX &&
        finalFrame.minX >= maxFrame.minX &&
        finalFrame.maxY <= maxFrame.maxY &&
        finalFrame.minY >= maxFrame.minY &&
        finalFrame.maxX - finalFrame.minX >= minSize &&
        finalFrame.maxY - finalFrame.minY >= minSize {
        frame = finalFrame
        delegate?.resizeView(self, didResize: cropRect)
    if isDebug && thumbPosition != .unknown {
        thumbPositionView.isHidden = true

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

还有,非 8 个触控控制区域的地方,仍然可以响应 pinch 和 pan 的手势,通过如下方法来排除这些区域,可以参考 iOS 基础 - 处理屏幕点击事件 了解更多:

override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
    if bounds.contains(point) {
        for area in caculateThumbAreas().values {
            if area.contains(point) {
                return true
    return false

根据剪裁区域的调整,改变 UIScrollView 的 zoomScale 和 contentInset:

extension PhotoEditorViewController: PhotoEditorResizeViewDelegate {
    func resizeView(_ resizeView: PhotoEditorResizeView, didResize cropRect: CGRect) {
        var isEdit = false
        if cropRect.height > scrollView.contentSize.height ||
            cropRect.width > scrollView.contentSize.width {
            isEdit = true
        caculateZoomScale(cropRect: cropRect, isFit: false, isEdit: isEdit)
        caculateContentInset(cropRect: cropRect)

调整 UIScrollView 的 zoomScale:

private func caculateZoomScale(cropRect: CGRect, isFit: Bool = true, isEdit: Bool = true) {
    let scaleWidth = cropRect.size.width / photo.size.width
    let scaleHeight = cropRect.size.height / photo.size.height
    let scale = isFit ? min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight) : max(scaleWidth, scaleHeight)
    if scale < 1 {
        scrollView.minimumZoomScale = scale
        scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1
    } else {
        scrollView.minimumZoomScale = scale
        scrollView.maximumZoomScale = scale * 1.5
    if scrollView.zoomScale != scale && isEdit {
        scrollView.zoomScale = scale

isFit 用于控制如下两种等比缩放模式:aspectFit 和 aspectFill。

UIScrollView Aspect

isEdit 用于控制是否改变 zoomScale,前面代码的计算,当剪裁区域大于当前 UIScrollView 的 contentSize(也就是 UIImageView 的大小)时,才设置 isEdit 为 true。

调整 UIScrollView 的 contentInset:

private func caculateContentInset(cropRect: CGRect) {
    scrollView.contentInset = .init(top: cropRect.minY - fitBounds.minY,
                                    left: cropRect.minX - fitBounds.minX,
                                    bottom: fitBounds.maxY - cropRect.maxY,
                                    right: fitBounds.maxX - cropRect.maxX)

注意这里没有使用 UIScrollView 的 bounds 来计算 UIScrollView 的 contentInset,而是在 bounds 的基础上做了一定的偏移:

fitBounds = view.bounds.applying(.init(translationX: contentsFrame.origin.x,
                                           y: contentsFrame.origin.y))


@objc private func done() {
    let cropRect = resizeView.convert(resizeView.cropRectInResizeView, to: imageView)
    guard let correctImage = photo.cgImageCorrectedOrientation(),
        let croppedImage = correctImage.cropping(to: cropRect) else {
    let croppedPhoto = UIImage(cgImage: croppedImage)
    delegate?.photoEditor(viewController: self, didEdit: croppedPhoto)

旋转就是调整 UIImage.Orientation 来实现的,然后再走一次初始化的流程,可以看下 图像的方向 深入理解下:

@objc private func rotate() {
    if let cgImage = photo.cgImage {
        switch photoOrientation {
        case .up:
            photoOrientation = .right
        case .right:
            photoOrientation = .down
        case .down:
            photoOrientation = .left
        case .left:
            photoOrientation = .up
        photo = UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: 1.0, orientation: photoOrientation)
        // some kinds of cache can cause frame is not right, so recreate
        imageView = UIImageView()
        delegate?.photoEditor(viewController: self, didRotate: photo)

在没有触控操作剪裁区域时,需要显示黑色遮罩,但是剪裁区域不需要遮罩,通过 CALayer 的 mask 属性来实现:

func toggleMask(rect: CGRect?) {
    if let rect = rect {
        if layer.mask == nil {
            backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.8)
            let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
            maskLayer.fillRule = .evenOdd
            let path = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds)
            path.append(UIBezierPath(rect: rect))
            maskLayer.path = path.cgPath
            layer.mask = maskLayer
    } else {
        if layer.mask != nil {
            backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
            layer.mask = nil

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