iOS 利用 AudioToolbox 将 PCM 编码为 AAC

 3 years ago
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iOS 利用 AudioToolbox 将 PCM 编码为 AAC

本文讲解了数字音频、PCM 音频格式和AAC 音频格式这些理论知识,然后讲解在 iOS 上通过 AudioToolbox 中的 Audio Converter Services 来将 PCM 编码为 AAC。

Camera Sea



  • 封装格式,时长,存储大小
  • 视频编码,视频码率,分辨率,帧率
  • 音频编码,音频采样率,音频码率,声道


Analog Signal To Digital Signal

首先,要对模拟信号进行采样,由此引出音频的 采样率 sampleRate,1 秒种会采样的次数,根据奈奎斯特定理(也称为采样定理),按比声音最高频率高 2 倍以上的频率对声音进行采样(也称为 AD 转换),对于高质量的音频信号,其频率范围(人耳能够听到的频率范围)是 20 Hz~20 kHz,所以采样频率一般为 44.1kHz,这样就可以保证采样声音达到 20 kHz 也能被数字化,从而使得经过数字化处理之后,人耳听到的声音质量不会被降低。

其次,量化是指在幅度轴上对信号进行数字化,由此引出音频的量化格式,比如用 16 比特的二进制信号来表示声音的一个采样,而 16 比特(一个 short)所表示的范围是 [-32768,32767],共有 65536 个可能取值,因此最终模拟的音频信号在幅度上也分为了 65536 层。


声道分为单声道 mono 和立体声 stereo,也就是不分左右和分左右。

由此可以得出,音频码率 = 采样率 * 量化格式 * 声道数

脉冲编码调制 Pulse Code Modulation,简写 PCM,是非压缩数据的音频编码,原始音频数据,查看 视音频数据处理入门:PCM 音频采样数据处理 来了解如何分离声道、调节音量、调节速度、量化格式转换、音频截取等,这些基本概念很有用。

AAC ADTS Sequence

AAC 是压缩数据的音频编码,并且多用于视频中的音频编码,参考 视音频数据处理入门:AAC音频码流解析 的代码和 音视频封装格式:AAC音频基础和ADTS打包方案详解 对 AAC 格式的详细解读,我编写了 AACParser 来解析 AAC 音频文件。

将 PCM 编码为 AAC

Audio Converter Services

通过 AudioToolbox 中的 Audio Converter Services 来完成编码。

Audio converter objects convert between various linear PCM audio formats.(LPCM 格式之间转换)They can also convert between linear PCM and compressed formats.(LPCM 和压缩格式之间转换) Supported transformations include the following:

  • PCM bit depth - 转换量化格式的比特数
  • PCM sample rate - 转换采样率
  • PCM floating point to and from PCM integer - 转换量化格式的表示格式
  • PCM interleaved to and from PCM deinterleaved - 转换存储格式(交错存储和非交错存储)
  • PCM to and from compressed formats - PCM 和压缩格式之间转换

A single audio converter may perform more than one of the listed transformations.(一次可以进行上面的多个转换)


后面多个地方会用 AudioStreamBasicDescription 来指定音频的格式,其定义如下:

struct AudioStreamBasicDescription {
    Float64 mSampleRate;        // sample frames per second
    UInt32  mFormatID;          // a four-char code indicating stream type
    UInt32  mFormatFlags;       // flags specific to the stream type
    UInt32  mBytesPerPacket;    // bytes per packet of audio data
    UInt32  mFramesPerPacket;   // frames per packet of audio data
    UInt32  mBytesPerFrame;     // bytes per frame of audio data
    UInt32  mChannelsPerFrame;  // number of channels per frame
    UInt32  mBitsPerChannel;    // bit depth
    UInt32  mReserved;          // padding
typedef struct AudioStreamBasicDescription AudioStreamBasicDescription;

存储格式是指交错存储或非交错存储,输出或者输入数据都存储于 AudioBufferList 中的属性 ioData 中,假设声道是双声道的,那么对于交错存储(isPacked)来讲,对应的数据格式如下:

ioData->mBuffers[0]: LRLRLRLRLRLR...

而对于非交错的存储(Non Interleaved)来讲,对应的数据格式如下:

ioData->mBuffers[0]: LLLLLLLLLLLL...
ioData->mBuffers[1]: RRRRRRRRRRRR...

第一步,打开 PCM 音频输入文件:

statusCode = AudioFileOpenURL(inputFileURL as CFURL, .readPermission, 0, &inputFileId)
guard statusCode == noErr, let inputFileId = inputFileId else {
    DDLogError("AudioFileOpenURL failed for input file with URL: \(inputFileURL)")

第二步,获取 PCM 音频输入文件的 AudioStreamBasicDescription:

size = UInt32(MemoryLayout.stride(ofValue: inputAudioStreamFormat))
statusCode = AudioFileGetProperty(inputFileId, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &inputAudioStreamFormat)
if statusCode != noErr {
    DDLogError("AudioFileGetProperty couldn't get the inputAudioStreamFormat data format")

打印输出 PCM 音频输入文件的 AudioStreamBasicDescription:

Input Audio Stream Format:
Sample Rate: 44100.0 // 采样率
Format ID: lpcm // 格式
Format Flags: kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked kLinearPCMFormatFlagsSampleFractionShift kAppleLosslessFormatFlag_16BitSourceData kAppleLosslessFormatFlag_24BitSourceData // kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked 是存储格式为交错存储,kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat 是量化格式的表示格式为 Float
Bits per Channel: 32 // 量化格式的比特数为 32 位,也就是 4 字节
Channels per Frame: 2 // 双声道
Bytes per Frame: 8 // 上面两个相乘 4 * 2
Frames per Packet: 1 // 1 个包中 1 个帧
Bytes per Packet: 8 // 也是 8 字节

第三步,配置 AAC 音频输出文件的 AudioStreamBasicDescription:

bzero(&outputAudioStreamFormat, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: outputAudioStreamFormat))
outputAudioStreamFormat.mSampleRate = inputAudioStreamFormat.mSampleRate // 同输入音频的采样率
outputAudioStreamFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC // AAC 格式
outputAudioStreamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = inputAudioStreamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame // 同输入音频的声道数

size = UInt32(MemoryLayout.stride(ofValue: outputAudioStreamFormat))
statusCode = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_FormatInfo, 0, nil, &size, &outputAudioStreamFormat) // 根据上面的信息填充其他信息
if statusCode != noErr {
    DDLogError("AudioFormatGetProperty couldn't fill out the outputAudioStreamFormat data format")

打印输出 AAC 音频输出文件的 AudioStreamBasicDescription:

Output Audio Stream Format:
Sample Rate: 44100.0
Format ID: aac 
Format Flags: 
Bits per Channel: 0
Channels per Frame: 2
Bytes per Frame: 0
Frames per Packet: 1024 // 1 个包中 1024 个帧
Bytes per Packet: 0


// 根据编码格式 AAC,软编码或硬编码来查找可用的音频编码器描述,却找不到硬编码相关的音频编码器描述
guard var description = getAudioClassDescription(with: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, from: kAppleSoftwareAudioCodecManufacturer) else {
    DDLogError("Could not getAudioClassDescription")

// 但是可以直接创建编码格式 AAC 和硬编码的音频编码器描述
var description = AudioClassDescription(mType: kAudioEncoderComponentType, mSubType: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, mManufacturer: kAppleHardwareAudioCodecManufacturer)



statusCode = AudioConverterNewSpecific(&inputAudioStreamFormat, &outputAudioStreamFormat, 1, &description, &audioConverter)
if statusCode != noErr || audioConverter == nil {
    DDLogError("AudioConverterNew failed \(statusCode)")

第六步,创建 AAC 音频输出文件:

statusCode = AudioFileCreateWithURL(outputFileURL as CFURL, kAudioFileAAC_ADTSType, &outputAudioStreamFormat, .eraseFile, &outputFileId)
if statusCode != noErr {
    DDLogError("AudioFileCreateWithURL failed \(statusCode)")

编码的整体流程如下图,其数据流转的核心是包 packet,从 PCM 文件读取 PCM 包到输入缓冲,发送输入缓冲给音频转换器,音频转换器进行编码转换,输出 AAC 包到输出缓冲,再把输出缓冲写到 AAC 文件:

iOS Audio Converter Services

第七步,请求 AAC 包来填充输出缓冲,再把输出缓冲写到 AAC 文件:

输出缓冲的大小由自己指定,输出的每个包的大小可以是固定的、也可以是变化的,如果是变化的,需要得到每个包的大小的最大值以及初始化每个包的描述信息 AudioStreamPacketDescription 的存储空间:

outputBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: Int(outputBufferSize))
outputSizePerPacket = outputAudioStreamFormat.mBytesPerPacket
if outputSizePerPacket == 0 {
    // if the destination format is VBR, we need to get max size per packet from the converter
    var size = UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: outputSizePerPacket))
    statusCode = AudioConverterGetProperty(audioConverter, kAudioConverterPropertyMaximumOutputPacketSize, &size, &outputSizePerPacket)
    if statusCode != noErr {
        DDLogError("AudioConverterGetProperty kAudioConverterPropertyMaximumOutputPacketSize failed \(statusCode)")
    outputPacketDescriptions = .allocate(capacity: Int(outputBufferSize / outputSizePerPacket))


var outAudioBufferList = AudioBufferList()
outAudioBufferList.mNumberBuffers = 1
outAudioBufferList.mBuffers.mNumberChannels = UInt32(channels)
outAudioBufferList.mBuffers.mDataByteSize = outputBufferSize
outAudioBufferList.mBuffers.mData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(outputBuffer)

var ioOutputDataPackets = outputBufferSize / outputSizePerPacket
statusCode = AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(audioConverter,

把输出缓冲写到 AAC 文件:

let inNumBytes = outAudioBufferList.mBuffers.mDataByteSize
statusCode = AudioFileWritePackets(outputFileId, false, inNumBytes, outputPacketDescriptions, outputFilePosition, &ioOutputDataPackets, outputBuffer)
if statusCode != noErr {
    DDLogError("AudioFileWritePackets failed \(statusCode)")

第八步,从 PCM 文件读取 PCM 包到输入缓冲,发送输入缓冲给音频转换器:

输入缓冲的大小由自己指定,输入的每个包的大小可以是固定的、也可以是变化的,如果是变化的,需要得到每个包的大小的最大值以及初始化每个包的描述信息 AudioStreamPacketDescription 的存储空间:

inputBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: Int(inputBufferSize))
if inputAudioStreamFormat.mBytesPerPacket == 0 {
     if the source format is VBR, we need to get the maximum packet size
     use kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound which returns the theoretical maximum packet size
     in the file (without actually scanning the whole file to find the largest packet,
     as may happen with kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize)
    size = UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: inputSizePerPacket))
    statusCode = AudioFileGetProperty(inputFileId, kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound, &size, &inputSizePerPacket)
    if statusCode != noErr {
        DDLogError("AudioFileGetProperty kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound failed \(statusCode)")
    // How many packets can we read for our buffer size?
    let numPacketsPerRead = inputBufferSize / inputSizePerPacket
    // Allocate memory for the PacketDescription structs describing the layout of each packet.
    inputPacketDescriptions = .allocate(capacity: Int(numPacketsPerRead))
} else {
    // CBR source format
    inputSizePerPacket = inputAudioStreamFormat.mBytesPerPacket
    inputPacketDescriptions = nil

计算输入缓冲中最多能存多少个包,和回调请求的包数量进行比较,计算出从 PCM 文件读取包的数量:

let maxPackets = encoder.inputBufferSize / encoder.inputSizePerPacket
if ioNumberDataPackets.pointee > maxPackets {
    ioNumberDataPackets.pointee = maxPackets

var outNumBytes = maxPackets * encoder.inputSizePerPacket

statusCode = AudioFileReadPacketData(encoder.inputFileId, false, &outNumBytes, encoder.inputPacketDescriptions, encoder.inputFilePosition, ioNumberDataPackets, encoder.inputBuffer)
if statusCode != noErr {
    DDLogError("AudioFileReadPacketData failed \(statusCode)")


// put the data pointer into the buffer list
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(encoder.inputBuffer)
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize = outNumBytes
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mNumberChannels = UInt32(encoder.channels)
// don't forget the packet descriptions if required
if let outDataPacketDescription = outDataPacketDescription {
    if let inputPacketDescriptions = encoder.inputPacketDescriptions {
        outDataPacketDescription.pointee = inputPacketDescriptions
    } else {
        outDataPacketDescription.pointee = nil

可以利用 iOS Audio Unit 录制音频文件和播放音频文件iOS AVAudioEngine 录制音频文件和播放音频文件 录制 PCM 音频文件,然后利用上面代码转换为 AAC 音频文件。

前面打印过 PCM 格式的信息:

Frames per Packet: 1 // 1 个包中 1 个帧

前面打印过 AAC 格式的信息:

Frames per Packet: 1024 // 1 个包中 1024 个帧

这样算下来,1 个 AAC 包需要 1024 个 PCM 包,和如下转换过程输出信息一致:

read 4096 packets with 32768 btyes at position 0
read 4096 packets with 32768 btyes at position 4096
read 4096 packets with 32768 btyes at position 8192
read 4096 packets with 32768 btyes at position 12288
read 4096 packets with 32768 btyes at position 16384
read 1024 packets with 8192 btyes at position 20480
write 21 packets with 6937 btyes at position 0


通过 ffprobe 来查看,最直观的可以看到 AAC 文件大小比 PCM 文件小了很多:

$ ffprobe -show_format -pretty audio.caf
Input #0, caf, from 'audio.caf':
  Duration: 00:00:04.90, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2829 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Audio: pcm_f32le (lpcm / 0x6D63706C), 44100 Hz, 2 channels, flt, 2822 kb/s
format_long_name=Apple CAF (Core Audio Format)
size=1.652542 Mibyte
bit_rate=2.829087 Mbit/s
$ ffprobe -show_format -pretty audio.aac
Input #0, aac, from 'audio.aac':
  Duration: 00:00:04.78, bitrate: 167 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Audio: aac (LC), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 167 kb/s
format_long_name=raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
size=97.811523 Kibyte
bit_rate=167.786000 Kbit/s


AACParser 对每一个 ADTS Frame 的输出(截取了部分):

  Num|     Profile| Frequency|  Channel| Size|
    0|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|   13|
    1|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  209|
    2|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  370|
    3|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  332|
    4|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  314|
    5|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  325|
    6|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  397|
    7|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  437|
    8|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  364|
    9|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  364|
   10|      AAC LC|   44100Hz|        2|  354|

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