Steve Jobs: a fascinating story

 3 years ago
source link: https://pen.so/linked/2020/11/18/steve-jobs-story/
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18 Nov 2020

Steve Jobs: a fascinating story

John Gruber writes:

Steve Jobs was on medical leave for the first half of 2009. When he returned in early summer, he devoted most of his attention and time to crafting and launching the original iPad, which was unveiled in April 2010. After that, he had meetings scheduled with teams throughout the company. One such meeting was about MacBooks. Big picture agenda. Where does Steve see the future of Mac portables? That sort of thing. My source for the story was someone on that team, in that meeting. The team prepared a veritable binder full of ideas large and small. They were ready to impress. Jobs comes in carrying a then-brand-new iPad and sets it down next to a MacBook the team had ready for demos. “Look at this.” He presses the home button on the iPad: it instantly wakes up. He does it again. The iPad instantly wakes up. Jobs points to the MacBook, “This doesn’t do that. I want you to make this” — he points to the MacBook — “do that” — he points to the iPad. Then he picks up the iPad and walks out of the meeting.

The story is fascinating: how Steve Jobs was focused on what matters and didn’t waste any time to be politically correct. The whole article about the M1 is interesting. As always, John Gruber is right on point about Apple moving forward.

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