Programming Rule Number 0 - Never, Ever Work too Hard

 3 years ago
source link: https://fuzzyblog.io/blog/ruby/2020/06/08/programming-rule-number-0-never-ever-work-too-hard.html
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Programming Rule Number 0 - Never, Ever Work too Hard

Jun 8, 2020


One of the better lessons that you learn as a programmer is that you never want to work too large, in short, that laziness can be a virtue. I'm speaking, of course, of doing things manually that you can automate. I recently wanted to download a set of images from github that represented anonymous animals. Here's the repo:


What I needed to automate downloading these was two things:

  • A set of filenames
  • A means to iterate them and fetch the data

The set of filenames I got just by copying text from the github page and using a text editor macro to reduce it to a set of filenames that %w could easily make into an array. Here's the code for that:

  def self.animals
    anims = %w(

My routine to download these looks like this:

  def self.wgets
    AnonAnimalCommon.animals.each do |animal|
      `cd /Users/sjohnson/Sync/coding/rails/wipmarks/app/assets/images && wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wayou/anonymous-animals/master/icons/#{animal}`

My final step was to call this routine from the Rails console (the entire class is called AnonAnimal):


Downloading all of these manually would have been likely about a half hour. Writing this code took maybe 10 minutes. Laziness for the win!

Posted In: #programming #ruby

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Joyk means Joy of geeK