A Resource Compiler with CMake and Standard C++

 3 years ago
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A Resource Compiler with CMake and Standard C++

Jan 21, 2017

I recently worked on a project which required that I serve a static web page from an embedded C++ HTTP server. I could have gone the fairly simple route of installing the static page files alongside the executable and serving them from the filesystem, but there was a catch: One of the requirements was extreme portability. This program should be a single executable file that can be moved around and executed all by itself without having a bunch of files lying around.

I could have gone the truly hideous route of writing the entire static page inline as a string literal. I don’t think it requires much explaination on why I didn’t want to do this. I opted to go with the single-page application approach: The interface itself is fairly simple. Still, I didn’t want to have something ugly and hard to maintain. I wanted to be able to work with all my favorite web tooling, Bower, Polymer, etc. I also wanted a half-decent editing experience. It should be abundantly clear as to why an inline string literal approach would be completely unusable.

Of course, the best alternative is resource compilation. For any unfamiliar with the term: This is when you take arbitrary files and bake them into an executable (or library), which you can then load and read from at runtime. It’s a fairly common technique, but usually requires quite a bit of external tooling and dependencies to get it up and running. There are a few common techniques:

  • Qt’s qrc: This is popular among Qt projects, and it works amazingly well. It is tightly integrated with QFile and QDir, so opening and reading files that were compiled in as resources with qrc is as simple as opening and reading real files on disk. I’ve used it in the past to greate effect. The big problem is that this requires dragging in the entire Qt ecosystem. Anyone familiar with Qt knows that you can’t just pick-and-choose your favorite parts from Qt and just use those. It’s an all-or-nothing deal. That’s why Qt is known as a framework, rather than a library. I didn’t want to pull in Qt and all the things it entailed. I wanted an executable that was small and easy to distribute, and Qt’s licensing would make that difficult. Besides that, even if I were able to statically link Qt into the program, the binary size would probably explode (not to mention all the other libraries that Qt depends on).
  • Microsoft’s rc: This is common on Windows platforms, and is actually how executables on Windows get their icons. I’m not as familiar with this technique, but I was unable to make use of it because I needed the program to be cross-platform. This method just wouldn’t work.
  • A pretty neat trick using objcopy: I’ve tinkered with this in the past, but it’s somewhat impractical because of the weird implications with the linker and symbol names. Of course, it it also only available when objcopy is also available, which again, makes it not cross-platform. A no-go.
  • Many, many, other toolset-specific techniques.

I ended up inventing a CMake-based script which would compile the arbitrary files. I can’t show the exact script here (nor would I want to, it was a pretty big hack), but I think I’d like to build something upon the same ideas: Something that others my find usable and informative.

A CMake Foundation

CMake has quite a few tricks up its sleeves that most users are completely unaware of. I’ll be going over those in this post as we see what kind of magic we can pull off. I’ll be building this CMake-based resource compiler as I write this, so it will be learning experience for both of us. My goal is that all of this code should work with standard CMake and standard C++11, no more, no less.

Let’s begin!

The Process

Step 1: A Simple Test Case

While I don’t want to do full-scale TDD, I want to write a little example that I’d like to get working, and then actually implement. Here will be an example C++ program:

#include <cmrc/cmrc.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  auto data = cmrc::open("hello.txt");
  std::cout << std::string(data.begin(), data.end()) << '\n';

Here’s my idea:

  1. cmrc/cmrc.hpp will be a header file with the resource-file loading library.
  2. CMRC_INIT will initialize the resource library. This will be required, I believe. We’ll discuss it a bit more later.
  3. cmrc::open will open a compiled-in resource by filename. What type does it return? I’m not sure yet… But it should have a begin() and end() returning two RandomAccessIterators.

That’s it! Fairly simple, and I’m hoping that upon this one could build more complex and useful abstractions.

Compiling the file would be simple. Here’s the CMakeLists.txt I’d like to have:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)


cmrc_add_resource_library(hello hello.txt)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE hello)

add_test(main main)
set_property(TEST main PROPERTY PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "Hello, world!")

Here’s the idea here:

  1. CMakeRC.cmake is the script that we’ll be going over in this post. It will be doing most of the heavy lifting.
  2. cmrc_add_resource_library does a bunch of magic and eventually calls add_library to generate a new target with the given resource files compiled in.
  3. target_link_libraries called with the resource library will make the resources defined in the linked library available to the linkee.
  4. The simple test case should output Hello, world!, so we set that as the expected output for CTest to check for us.

Of course, we need an example resource file to compile. That will be hello.txt, which contains the text Hello, world!. We should expect that to be the output of the program.

Step 2: Getting the Test Case to Build

Of course, trying to build the test case won’t even configure. We can get it to at least configure by adding a CMakeRC.cmake file like this:

function(cmrc_add_resource_library name)
    add_library(${name} INTERFACE)

We’ll see it fail to build immediately as it cannot find cmrc.hpp. We must generate this file! We can do that when CMakeRC.cmake is first included. Let’s add some basic content at the top of the module:

if(COMMAND cmrc_add_resource_library)
    # CMakeRC has already been included! Don't do anything

set(this_script "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}")

set(CMRC_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_cmrc/include" CACHE INTERNAL "Directory for CMakeRC include files")
# Let's generate the primary include file
file(WRITE "${CMRC_INCLUDE_DIR}/cmrc/cmrc.hpp" [==[

#include <string>

namespace cmrc {

class resource {
    char* begin() { return nullptr; }
    char* end() { return nullptr; }

extern resource open(const char* fname) { return {}; }
inline resource open(const std::string& fname) {
    return open(fname.data());



add_library(cmrc-base INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(cmrc-base INTERFACE "${CMRC_INCLUDE_DIR}")
target_compile_features(cmrc-base INTERFACE cxx_nullptr)
add_library(cmrc::base ALIAS cmrc-base)

Now, as soon as CMakeRC.cmake is included, there will be a target cmrc::base that can be linked to so that anyone can get the proper include directories. We can propagate that further by modifying cmrc_add_resource_library:

function(cmrc_add_resource_library name)
    add_library(${name} INTERFACE)
    target_link_libraries(${name} INTERFACE cmrc::base)

Now anyone who links to a resource library will also link to cmrc::base, and will be able to include cmrc/cmrc.hpp. They’ll also get the required compiler flags for nullptr to be available when they compile. Great!

Of course, the test case doesn’t yet pass. We’ve got a few things to do before we can get there…

Step 3: Compiling a Resource

Now, how does one actually compile an arbitrary file? Well, it’s not actually hard in theory. What we need is to convert the file to a sequence of character literals that we will put into a char[] array that can then be read by the program at runtime.

So, how do we do that?

Well, we need to generate a source file that can be read by the compiler. CMake has great support for this via add_custom_command! Let’s define a function, called _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp, which will generate an intermediate C++ file containing such a character array:

function(_cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp outfile infile)
        # This is the file we will generate
        OUTPUT "${outfile}"
        # These are the primary files that affect the output
        DEPENDS "${infile}" "${this_script}"
                -P "${this_script}"
        COMMENT "Generating intermediate file for ${infile}"

Well… It doesn’t actually generate the array. It adds a build command which will generate the file at build time. We do not want to generate the intermediate file immediately: It may be costly (the input file may be very large), or the input file may be the output of a previous build command. This also allows us to make use of any inherent parallelism afforded us by a build tool like Make or Ninja. We invoke the CMakeRC.cmake script as the build command using cmake -P, which is quite a useful trick for building more complex commands. We pass in three primary arguments: the input file, the output file, and a boolean _CMRC_GENERATE_MODE. I’ll get back to that one later.

So, how do we use _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp? We modify cmrc_add_resource_library to call _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp for each resource file pass in, like so:

function(cmrc_add_resource_library name)
    # Generate a static library with the compiled in character arrays.
    foreach(input IN LISTS ARGN)
        get_filename_component(abs_input "${input}" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a filename based on the input filename that we can put in
        # the intermediate directory.
        file(RELATIVE_PATH relpath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${abs_input}")
        if(relpath MATCHES "^\\.\\.")
            # For now we just error on files that exist outside of the soure dir.
            message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot add file '${input}': File must be in a subdirectory of the source directory")
        get_filename_component(abspath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}-intermediate/${relpath}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate the rule for the intermediate source file
        _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp("${abspath}" "${abs_input}")
        list(APPEND sources "${abspath}")
    # Generate the actual static library. Each source file is just a single file
    # with a character array compiled in containing the contents of the
    # corresponding resource file.
    add_library(${name} STATIC ${sources})
    target_link_libraries(${name} PUBLIC cmrc::base)

Currently, we error if the resource it outside of the source directory. That’s pretty bad, but we’ll get to that later, as it requires a bit of trickery to get right.

If you try to build now, you’ll see an error about add_library being un-scriptable. This is because _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp uses the existing CMakeRC.cmake as the script that will generate the intermediate C++ file. When using -P mode to CMake, we cannot use some commands, including add_library (after all, such a thing doesn’t make sense). This is the purpose of the _CMRC_GENERATE_MODE flag I mentioned earlier. At the top of the CMakeRC.cmake script, we’ll add a short-circuit to do something different if this flag is set:

    message(STATUS "Generating file ${OUTPUT_FILE}")

If I run the build now, we’ll see Generating file <some-path>/hello.txt.cpp, followed by an immediate compiler error because it tries to compile that C++ file, but we never really generated it. So, how do we generate it?

When I was initially thinking about how to solve this resource-compiling problem, the one thing that made me immediately think that CMake was up to the task was one very specific and rarely used CMake feature: file(READ HEX). Yep, CMake’s file(READ) command lets you read in the bytes of a file as a sequence of hexadecimal digits, just by using the HEX keyword on the end. And what can we do with those digits? Well, we can use them to generate character literals, of course! Here’s a simple example:

# Read in the digits
file(READ "${INPUT_FILE}" bytes HEX)
# Forat each pair into a character literal
string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)" "'\\\\x\\1', " chars "${bytes}")
# Just write it to stdout for this example

This example stands entirely on its own, none of the other code is needed. Execute it like so:

cmake -DINPUT_FILE=hello.txt -P CMakeRC.cmake

You’ll see the contents of the file printed to standard out, but as a comma-separated list of character literals:

'\x48', '\x65', '\x6c', '\x6c', '\x6f', '\x2c', '\x20', '\x77', '\x6f', '\x72', '\x6c', '\x64', '\x21',

Integrating this into our existing CMakeRC.cmake is very simple:

    # Read in the digits
    file(READ "${INPUT_FILE}" bytes HEX)
    # Format each pair into a character literal
    string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)" "'\\\\x\\1', " chars "${bytes}")
    file(WRITE "${OUTPUT_FILE}" "
namespace { const char file_array[] = { ${chars} }; }
extern const char* const file_begin = file_array;
extern const char* const file_end = file_array + sizeof(file_array);

Everything should now compile and run, but the test will still fail. If you take a peek into the build directory, you can see the intermediate generated file:

namespace { const char file_array[] = { '\x48', '\x65', '\x6c', '\x6c', '\x6f', '\x2c', '\x20', '\x77', '\x6f', '\x72', '\x6c', '\x64', '\x21' }; }
extern const char* const file_begin = file_array;
extern const char* const file_end = file_array + sizeof(file_array);

The file_array will contain the contents of our hello.txt file encoded as a C++ character array. Pretty neat, and it only took 8 SLOC in CMakeRC.cmake!

There’s a problem, though: We’ve named the two pointers file_begin and file_end, and we never vary them when compiling files. This means that we can only compile one resource into our binary, ever! That’s pretty useless…

In addition, how do we go about accessing the contents from cmrc::open? We could just return a pointer to file_begin and file_end, but we want to get rid of names those and somehow access based on filename. Hm…

Step 4: Encoding the Filesystem Structure

We want to be able to access things by the path from which they were compiled, so we must somehow encode the file paths into both the symbol names as well as some kind of lookup-table that is searched at runtime based on filenames.

Step 4a: Generating Identifiers/Symbols

This is actually a fairly simple task. We want to make a symbol based on the name of the file that is passed in to cmrc_add_resource_library. Let’s make a function to do that:

function(_cm_encode_fpath var fpath)
    string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${fpath}" ident)
    string(MD5 hash "${fpath}")
    string(SUBSTRING "${hash}" 0 4 hash)
    set(${var} f_${hash}_${ident} PARENT_SCOPE)

We do not manipulation of the path: We assume that the caller of _cm_encode_fpath will pass us in the path that they want to be encoded, exactly as they want it. To make us of this, we need to change up _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp a little bit:

function(_cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp libname symbol outfile infile)
        # This is the file we will generate
        OUTPUT "${outfile}"
        # These are the primary files that affect the output
        DEPENDS "${infile}" "${this_script}"
                -P "${this_script}"
        COMMENT "Generating intermediate file for ${infile}"

We add two new parameters to the front: a libname and a symbol. symbol is where we’ll pass the name of the symbol for the file, whereas libname will pass the name of the resource library we are generating. That way, to resource libraries which compile in a file with the same path will not collide with eachother. We pass libname and symbol to our generation script as LIBRARY and SYMBOL, respectively.

We’ll also need to change the generating block at the top of CMakeRC.cmake to make use of these new options:

    # Read in the digits
    file(READ "${INPUT_FILE}" bytes HEX)
    # Format each pair into a character literal
    string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)" "'\\\\x\\1', " chars "${bytes}")
    file(WRITE "${OUTPUT_FILE}" "
namespace { const char file_array[] = { ${chars} }; }
namespace cmrc { namespace ${LIBRARY} { namespace res_chars {
extern const char* const ${SYMBOL}_begin = file_array;
extern const char* const ${SYMBOL}_end = file_array + sizeof(file_array);

The only thing we needed to change was the generated C++ code template. Great!

The last thing we need to do is change our call to _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp in cmrc_add_resource_library:

# Generate a symbol name for the file's character array
_cm_encode_fpath(sym "${input}")
# Generate the identifier for the resource library's namespace
string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${name}" ident)
# Generate the rule for the intermediate source file
_cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp(${ident} ${sym} "${abspath}" "${abs_input}")

And that’s that! We can now add as many source files as we wish, and each one will be compiled to a different object file using a different symbol.

Step 4b: Generating a Lookup Table

The final step will be to generate some code to actually access the resource files at runtime. We can do this by generating a simple C++ file for the library which references each file by name and the corresponding symbol names. This will require that we slightly modify just about everything we’ve done at least a little bit. For this simple use case, we can maintain a single global lookup table for all the resources that are loaded at runtime. Here’s what the string for cmrc.hpp should contain:


#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>

#define CMRC_INIT(libname) \
    do { \
        extern void cmrc_init_resources_##libname(); \
        cmrc_init_resources_##libname(); \
    } while (0)

namespace cmrc {

class resource {
    const char* _begin = nullptr;
    const char* _end = nullptr;
    const char* begin() const { return _begin; }
    const char* end() const { return _end; }

    resource() = default;
    resource(const char* beg, const char* end) : _begin(beg), _end(end) {}

using resource_table = std::map<std::string, resource>;

namespace detail {

inline resource_table& table_instance() {
    static resource_table table;
    return table;

inline std::mutex& table_instance_mutex() {
    static std::mutex mut;
    return mut;

// We restrict access to the resource table through a mutex so that multiple
// threads can access it safely.
template <typename Func>
inline auto with_table(Func fn) -> decltype(fn(std::declval<resource_table&>())) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk{ table_instance_mutex() };
    return fn(table_instance());


inline resource open(const char* fname) {
    return detail::with_table([fname](const resource_table& table) {
        auto iter = table.find(fname);
        if (iter == table.end()) {
            return resource {};
        return iter->second;

inline resource open(const std::string& fname) {
    return open(fname.data());



It’s pretty compact: There’s not much to this file.

with_table protects against races on accessing the lookup table. We use a regular mutex in this case, but using a shared_mutex would definitely lead to better performance under load on open, since multiple threads should be able to safely read from the table at any time. In my example, I’m sticking to what is available to C++11, just because that’s what I had available when implementing my previous version.

We can now see the definition of that CMRC_INIT macro as well. We’ll get to that shortly. For now, we can leave it aside.

The resource class is beginning to be filled out. It honestly doesn’t need much. We can create it from two pointers, and the begin() and end() member functions will return those pointers.

There are two considerable changes to cmrc_add_resource_library:

function(cmrc_add_resource_library name)
    # Generate the identifier for the resource library's namespace
    string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${name}" libident)
    # Generate a library with the compiled in character arrays.
    set(cpp_content [=[
        #include <cmrc/cmrc.hpp>
        #include <map>

        namespace cmrc { namespace %{libident} {

        namespace res_chars {
        // These are the files which are available in this resource library

        inline void load_resources() {
            // This initializes the list of resources and pointers to their data
            static std::once_flag flag;
            std::call_once(flag, [] {
                cmrc::detail::with_table([](resource_table& table) {

        namespace {
            extern struct resource_initializer {
                resource_initializer() {
            } dummy;


        // The resource library initialization function. Intended to be called
        // before anyone intends to use any of the resource defined by this
        // resource library
        extern void cmrc_init_resources_%{libident}() {
    get_filename_component(libdir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}" ABSOLUTE)
    get_filename_component(libcpp "${libdir}/lib.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
    string(REPLACE "%{libname}" "${name}" cpp_content "${cpp_content}")
    string(REPLACE "%{libident}" "${libident}" cpp_content "${cpp_content}")
    string(REPLACE "\n        " "\n" cpp_content "${cpp_content}")
    file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${libcpp}" CONTENT "${cpp_content}")
    # Generate the actual static library. Each source file is just a single file
    # with a character array compiled in containing the contents of the
    # corresponding resource file.
    add_library(${name} STATIC ${libcpp})
    target_link_libraries(${name} PUBLIC cmrc::base)
    foreach(input IN LISTS ARGN)
        get_filename_component(abs_input "${input}" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a filename based on the input filename that we can put in
        # the intermediate directory.
        file(RELATIVE_PATH relpath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${abs_input}")
        if(relpath MATCHES "^\\.\\.")
            # For now we just error on files that exist outside of the soure dir.
            message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot add file '${input}': File must be in a subdirectory of the source directory")
        get_filename_component(abspath "${libdir}/intermediate/${relpath}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a symbol name for the file's character array
        _cm_encode_fpath(sym "${input}")
        # Generate the rule for the intermediate source file
        _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp(${libident} ${sym} "${abspath}" "${abs_input}")
        target_sources(${name} PRIVATE ${abspath})
            "// Pointers to ${input}"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_begin\;"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_end\;"
            "table.emplace(\"${input}\", resource{res_chars::${sym}_begin, res_chars::${sym}_end})\;"

There are two important new things going on here:

  1. The library has one main C++ file contained in the cpp_content string. We use CMake’s bracketed argument syntax, so we must do the variable replacement ourselves in the lines following. This file is written to the path defined by the libcpp variable. The content of the file is written using file(GENERATE) rather than file(WRITE). I’m planning on immediately doing some refactoring of this function which will make this decision much more clear soon. We use two target properties to generate the file: CMRC_EXTERN_DECLS and CMRC_TABLE_POPULATE, both of which are properties containing lines of C++ code which will declare the resource pointers and populate the lookup table, respectively.
  2. As we loop through and generate each resource file’s object file, we append to the aforementioned target properties the relevant lines of C++ code that will both declare the resource pointers and populate the lookup table for the file.

You’ll also notice that the resource library’s C++ file defines a function beginning with cmrc_init_resources_ and ending with the library’s name. This is the function that must be called to initialize the resource library at runtime. This leads back to the CMRC_INIT macro. This macro must be called with the name of the resource library: It calls this function to initialize the resources therein. If this macro is not called, the resources will not be available when we ask for them with cmrc::open. There are a few things I’ve tried to get aroud this requirement:

  1. Define a static object inside the library’s C++ file whose constructor will initialize the resources
    • This is a good idea, and it works pretty well. But alas! The linker is not so keen on letting us succeed so easily: Since we reference no symbols from the resource library from main() neither directly nor indirectly, the linker never considers the object file for inclusion, and the object file is simply discarded: It assumes (Perhaps incorrectly?) that since nothing in the translation unit is referenced from another TU, that TU can have no effect on the rest of the program. This is an important linker optimization. There are ways to get around it, such as using specific linker flags to tell it to never discard any symbols or to specifically link in a given object file. I myself was unable to find a way to get these to work in a cross-platform manner using CMake.
  2. Define a global constructor using __attribute__ ((constructor))
    • This works as well, but only on GCC/Clang, and it still suffers all the same problems listed above for static object constructors.

If anyone can find a way to initialize the resource tables without the CMRC_INIT macro, please don’t hesitate to contact me or leave an issue/PR on the GitHub project.

Step 5: Celebrate?

Well, the test is passing now: We see “Hello, world!” on the output, and CTest recognizes it as a passing test too. Great! But I think we can make some improvements…

Step 6: Another Test

Let’s check that we can read larger, non-text files. Here’s a new test case that reads in an image of a flower and tests it against a compiled in flower.jpg.

#include <cmrc/cmrc.hpp>

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid arguments passed to flower\n";
        return 2;
    std::cout << "Reading flower from " << argv[1] << '\n';
    std::ifstream flower_fs{ argv[1], std::ios_base::binary };
    if (!flower_fs) {
        std::cerr << "Invalid filename passed to flower: " << argv[1] << '\n';
        return 2;

    using iter = std::istreambuf_iterator<char>;
    const auto fs_size = std::distance(iter(flower_fs), iter());

    auto flower_rc = cmrc::open("flower.jpg");
    const auto rc_size = std::distance(flower_rc.begin(), flower_rc.end());
    if (rc_size != fs_size) {
        std::cerr << "Flower file sizes do not match: FS == " << fs_size << ", RC == " << rc_size << "\n";
        return 1;
    if (!std::equal(flower_rc.begin(), flower_rc.end(), iter(flower_fs))) {
        std::cerr << "Flower file contents do not match\n";
        return 1;

It’s fairly simple as well: It reads in the path to the source image as a command line argument, checks that the size of the file on disk and file in memory are the same, then checks that they are byte-for-byte identical. Here’s the definition for this executable and test case in the CMakeLists.txt:

add_executable(flower flower.cpp)
target_link_libraries(flower PRIVATE hello)
add_test(flower flower ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/flower.jpg)

We just need to add a flower.jpg file into the source directory. The particular image is unimportant, but I’ve chosen a 2.5 MB image from WikiMedia Commons in the public domain, found here.

Running CTest again, the flower test will fail because the resource size is zero! That’s because we haven’t added it to the hello resource library.

I could just add it to the list of resources to our original cmrc_add_resource_library above, or I could take the opportunity to refactor out some of the ugly from cmrc_add_resource_library. I did the latter:

function(cmrc_add_resources name)
    get_target_property(is_reslib ${name} CMRC_IS_RESOURCE_LIBRARY)
    if(NOT TARGET ${name} OR NOT is_reslib)
        message(SEND_ERROR "cmrc_add_resources called on target '${name}' which is not an existing resource library")

    # Generate the identifier for the resource library's namespace
    string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${name}" libident)

    foreach(input IN LISTS ARGN)
        get_filename_component(abs_input "${input}" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a filename based on the input filename that we can put in
        # the intermediate directory.
        file(RELATIVE_PATH relpath "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${abs_input}")
        if(relpath MATCHES "^\\.\\.")
            # For now we just error on files that exist outside of the soure dir.
            message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot add file '${input}': File must be in a subdirectory of the source directory")
        get_filename_component(abspath "${libdir}/intermediate/${relpath}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a symbol name for the file's character array
        _cm_encode_fpath(sym "${relpath}")
        # Generate the rule for the intermediate source file
        _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp(${libident} ${sym} "${abspath}" "${abs_input}")
        target_sources(${name} PRIVATE ${abspath})
            "// Pointers to ${input}"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_begin\;"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_end\;"
            "table.emplace(\"${relpath}\", resource{res_chars::${sym}_begin, res_chars::${sym}_end})\;"

Now, any time we wish to add additional resources to a resource library, we can call cmrc_add_resources instead of providing them all upfront. I have further plans for this function later.

Additionally, our cmrc_add_resource_library function now is much simpler, with only four lines at the tail end:

    add_library(${name} STATIC ${libcpp})
    target_link_libraries(${name} PUBLIC cmrc::base)
    cmrc_add_resources(${name} ${ARGN})

We simply make use of our factored out functionality. Convenient and easy. Now, to add our flower.jpg to our resource library we simply add one line to our CMakeLists.txt:

cmrc_add_resources(hello flower.jpg)

And now our hello resource library now contains the flower.jpg, and our tests are all green!

Step 7: Moar Features

Qt’s resource system has some pretty snazzy features, like the ability to rewrite file path prefixes. Wouldn’t that be great? I’d like that too.

function(cmrc_add_resources name)
    get_target_property(is_reslib ${name} CMRC_IS_RESOURCE_LIBRARY)
    if(NOT TARGET ${name} OR NOT is_reslib)
        message(SEND_ERROR "cmrc_add_resources called on target '${name}' which is not an existing resource library")

    set(args WHENCE PREFIX)
    cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 ARG "${options}" "${args}" "${list_args}")


    # Generate the identifier for the resource library's namespace
    string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${name}" libident)

        get_filename_component(abs_input "${input}" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a filename based on the input filename that we can put in
        # the intermediate directory.
        file(RELATIVE_PATH relpath "${ARG_WHENCE}" "${abs_input}")
        if(relpath MATCHES "^\\.\\.")
            # For now we just error on files that exist outside of the soure dir.
            message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot add file '${input}': File must be in a subdirectory of ${ARG_WHENCE}")
        get_filename_component(abspath "${libdir}/intermediate/${relpath}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
        # Generate a symbol name relpath the file's character array
        _cm_encode_fpath(sym "${relpath}")
        # Generate the rule for the intermediate source file
        _cmrc_generate_intermediate_cpp(${libident} ${sym} "${abspath}" "${abs_input}")
        target_sources(${name} PRIVATE ${abspath})
            "// Pointers to ${input}"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_begin\;"
            "extern const char* const ${sym}_end\;"
            set(ARG_PREFIX "${ARG_PREFIX}/")
            "// Table entry for ${input}"
            "table.emplace(\"${ARG_PREFIX}${relpath}\", resource{res_chars::${sym}_begin, res_chars::${sym}_end})\;"

The primary change is that we now have two keyword arguments to cmrc_add_resources: WHENCE and PREFIX. WHENCE determines the root directory where each resource is read from. This handles the case where we want to add resource files which exist outside of the source directory: We simply need to tell CMakeRC how to rewrite the paths into the resource library. PREFIX lets us add a directory-like prefix to the path at runtime.

Step 8: Publish!

I feel pretty good about the code as it is now, and I think it’s fairly usable in its current state. As such, the code can all be found on github, and should be easy to use. Feedback, comments, and bug reports are all welcome!

Step 9: Fix Bugs and Make it Better

This section was added on March 3rd, 2018.

It’s been a while since I wrote “Step 8,” and a few things have happened.

Fix Dependency Ordering

While it didn’t break anything, we had a bit of sadness in the way CMake evaluated our dependencies. The trouble was that every time the user ran the CMake configure, we’d re-write the cmrc.hpp and lib.cpp files. Build tools that work on timestamps (most of them) would consider every file that included cmrc.hpp to be out-of-date and would rebuild them, even if the file had identical contents. No good.

To fix the issue with cmrc.hpp, we split generating the file into a phase where we generate the string content, then write the file only if the content on disk has changed. That means this:

file(WRITE "${CMRC_INCLUDE_DIR}/cmrc/cmrc.hpp" [[<content>]])

becomes this:

set(hpp_content [[<content>]])
set(cmrc_hpp "${CMRC_INCLUDE_DIR}/cmrc/cmrc.hpp" CACHE INTERNAL "")
set(_generate 1)
if(EXISTS "${cmrc_hpp}")
    file(READ "${cmrc_hpp}" _current)
    if(_current STREQUAL hpp_content)
        set(_generate 0)
file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${cmrc_hpp}" CONTENT "${hpp_content}" CONDITION ${_generate})

In the above, we set hpp_content to the file contents, then read the already-existing file (if it exists). We set a _generate variable to 1 if we need to generate, otherwise 0. The file(GENERATE ...) line will conditionally write the file depending on the value of _generate.

Generating the lib.cpp file is a little more complex because we don’t know what it’s final content will be at the time we call file(GENERATE ...) for it. For this reason, we instead use add_custom_command to generate the file using CMake’s copy_if_different subcommand. We’ll use file(GENERATE ...) to generate an intermediate file and then add a custom command to copy to the final destination. That changes this line:

file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${libcpp}" CONTENT "${cpp_content}")

To several lines:

get_filename_component(lib_tmp_cpp "${libdir}/lib_.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${lib_tmp_cpp}" CONTENT "${cpp_content}")
get_filename_component(libcpp "${libdir}/lib.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${libcpp}"
    DEPENDS "${lib_tmp_cpp}" "${cmrc_hpp}"
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${lib_tmp_cpp}" "${libcpp}"
    COMMENT "Generating ${name} resource loader"

Fix the libdir Path Bug

cmrc_add_resources had a bug: It used the libdir variable that was set locally in the cmrc_add_resource_library function. This variable told it where to put generated files for the resource library. If this variable wasn’t set, cmrc_add_resources added files at incorrect paths.

Since libdir is associated with the resource library, we’ll set it as a target property in cmrc_add_resource_library:

set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY CMRC_LIBDIR "${libdir}")

And read it back in cmrc_add_resources:

get_target_property(libdir ${name} CMRC_LIBDIR)

Generate the Intermediate C++ Files Faster

For large input files, generating the C++ code takes a while. On my machine, encoding a 10MB file of random bytes takes about 22 seconds. It’s not horrible, but it could be faster.

For this speedup, I changed the generated code a bit: Instead of writing a literal array of characters, I generate a single string literal of \xNN escapes. No need to worry about commas.

I also tried to generate a single big C++11 raw-string literal of the raw input content, but certain sequence of bytes simply won’t be accepted by the compiler.

The biggest speedup I could manage was by doing the transform with more than one byte at a time. Experimentation reveals that doing five bytes per regex match gives the best performance. That means that this:

string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)" "'\\\\x\\1', " chars "${bytes}")

becomes this:

string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)" "\\\\x\\1\\\\x\\2\\\\x\\3\\\\x\\4\\\\x\\5" chars "${bytes}")

But we’re not done yet. We’ll have some leftover bytes unless the file is exactly a multiple of five bytes in size. The workaround is a bit ugly, but the speedup is worth it:

# Since we did this in groups, we have some leftovers to clean up
string(LENGTH "${bytes}" n_bytes2)
math(EXPR n_bytes "${n_bytes2} / 2")
math(EXPR remainder "${n_bytes} % 5") # <-- '5' is the grouping count from above
set(cleanup_re "$")
set(cleanup_sub )
    set(cleanup_re "(..)${cleanup_re}")
    set(cleanup_sub "\\\\x\\${remainder}${cleanup_sub}")
    math(EXPR remainder "${remainder} - 1")
if(NOT cleanup_re STREQUAL "$")
    string(REGEX REPLACE "${cleanup_re}" "${cleanup_sub}" chars "${chars}")

Doing math in CMake code is a miserable experience.

We’ll also need to fix the pointer to the resource end. Since we are using a string literal character array, we’ll have an extra null terminator that wasn’t in the original file. Instead of using sizeof(file_array), well just drop @n_bytes@ into the code template. This has the edded benefit that we can now guarantee that resource file pointers are null-terminated.

With this change, processing a 10MB file only takes ten seconds on my machine. It’s still way slower than if we did this in native code, but the speed issue isn’t a huge concern since we can process multiple files in parallel and resources are rarely more than several megabytes.

Again, all the code can be found and downloaded on GitHub.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK