Paths: Taxonomy, Terminology, and Myths

 3 years ago
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Paths: Taxonomy, Terminology, and Myths

Aug 19, 2018

What is a path? I mean, of course, in the context of computation.

It’s a “string” that can be used to find a resource, in the most general sense.

This document is meant as a general introduction and reference to paths. It was written with beginners in mind. Ambiguity and errors are unintentional, but should be fixed.

Let’s Start with Some Myths

A path corresponds to a file.

Not necessarily.

Okay, it can correspond to a file or a directory.

Not necessarily. A path is still a path even if there is no file nor directory to which it corresponds. Of course we can construct a path to an imaginary file! We need to do so in order to create files, of course. We call open() or mkdir() with a path to a file that may or may not exist!

Alright, then: A path corresponds to a location on the filesystem.

Nope. A path need not have any correspondence to a filesystem at all. Examples might include HTTP resources which correspond to a hierarchical resource-access API that doesn’t have any backing file store. We can still talk about and manipulate the path component of an HTTP request just as we can work with paths attached to filesystem resources.

A path is a structure that tells a system how to walk a hierarchy. Almost always represented as a string. Nothing more, nothing less.

A filesystem path either exists or does not exist.

This is a semantics problem. A path is not a file or directory. You should think of a filesystem path as “instructions” on how to find a file or directory.

A path is more like a phone number or a street address. The phone number is not the phone, and the address is not the building.

Even if a phone number does not correspond to a phone in the network, the phone number itself may have the proper form, and can still be talked about and worked with. The same is true of paths.

A filesystem path corresponds to a file which may or may not exist, but the path itself is not the file. Talking about a path as if it were the file can be confusing and ambiguous. Avoid, if at all possible.

Old step-by-step telephone switching systems also used a phone number as a literal path through the switches to route a call, and may be a good analogy. Take a look.

Paths are strings

Eh… Yes? Paths can be rendered as strings, but if you’ve never worked with a language that has a first-class type to represent paths then you are missing out. Python now has the pathlib module, and C++ has std::filesystem::path. Try not to work with paths using string-based APIs. Then you’re just working in a string-ly type language, and no one likes those.

Paths use the / separator

Usually. On most computer systems (not Windows) the / character splits the components of a Path.

Windows doesn’t support / as a path separator, so my application shouldn’t either

Okay. Sit down. Read some docs. Windows has supported / as the path separator in all of its important APIs for many years. If your program does not allow use of the / character as a path separator, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and fix your software.

On the other hand, if your software doesn’t work with \ as a path separator on Windows, you also need to get it fixed.

Similarly, if you treat \ as a path separator in a program running on a POSIX system, you should just stop. Stop doing that.

Use a decent path processing library (Python’s pathlib or C++ std::filesystem::path) and stop worrying about the path separator so much.

Parsing paths is easy!

Sorry, it is not. Especially in a cross-platform manner. Handling redundant separators, normalization and canonicalization, and path re-basing is quite a handful.

Again, use a path processing library.

String comparison works for paths

Sometimes. This depends on if you want equality or equivalence. The paths /foo/bar/ and /foo/bar are not equal, but they are equivalent on most modern filesystems. Certain tools will treat these paths differently. The paths /foo//bar and /foo/bar are not equal, but they are equivalent and all filesystems and tools I am aware of will treat them as equivalent. The redundant path separators are not significant.

To use string comparison on two paths, you will probably want to pass some amount of normalization/canonicalization over the paths.

Path Terminology

Different pieces of software talk about paths in different ways. A lot of libraries and systems have converged on some common terminology in the recent years, and it is essential to know and understand these terms. Let’s go:

Absolute Path

An absolute or full path is a path which is unambiguous. It will include a root component (Like a / or drive letter) and zero or more components to walk the hierarchy from that root.


Two paths can be joined to form a new path. This operation is not commutative, but is associative. A join is usually performed by gluing the two paths together with a path separator / between them. For this reason, it is common to see path joins being done with the programming language’s binary operator /.

An absolute path should not be the right-hand operand of a join operation. In many implementations, joining with a right-hand of an absolute path will yield the absolute path, ignoring the left operand.

join(/foo/bar,  baz)    -> /foo/bar/baz
join(/foo,      bar)    -> /foo/bar
join(/,         bar)    -> /bar
join(/foo/bar,  /baz)   -> /baz

Relative Path

A relative path is a path which can be joined on the right-hand of another path to form a new path.

When joined with an absolute path, a relative path forms an absolute path.

When joined with a different relative path, a relative path forms a different relative path.

join(/foo, bar)             -> /foo/bar
join(foo, bar)              -> foo/bar
join(foo/bar/baz, qux/duck) -> foo/bar/baz/qux/duck
join(foo, join(bar, baz))   -> foo/bar/baz
join(join(foo, bar), baz)   -> foo/bar/baz

A relative path by itself cannot resolve a resource. We need to join it with an absolute path (the base path) in order to produce an absolute path to a resource. For many tools this joining is implicit (using the current working directory as the left-hand of the join).

Root Path

The root path is the top-most path. You cannot go above this resource. For Unix-like systems this is represented as just the path separator /. On Windows this refers to the drive letter plus a separator C:\ or just the separator in some cases \.

Filename OR Basename OR Leaf

The “leaf” or “basename” or “filename” of a path is the final component of that path, ignoring any trailing separators.

leaf(/foo/bar) -> bar
leaf(/foo/bar.txt) -> bar.txt
leaf(foo) -> foo
leaf(foo.txt) -> foo
leaf(/foo/bar/) -> bar

NOTE: The file extension is part of the filename.

A filename is also a path on its own. It is a relative path for which the filename is the entire path.

Parent Path OR Dirname

The parent of a path is the components of the path preceding the filename. This usually entails trimming everything after the final path separator, and ignoring any trailing separators:

parent(/foo/bar)    -> /foo
parent(/foo/bar/)   -> /foo
parent(/foo)        -> /
parent(foo/bar/baz) -> foo/bar

Both relative paths and absolute paths have parents. A single-element relative path has no parent.

parent(foo) -> ???

The return value of getting the parent of a single-element path varies. Often tools will return . to represent “the current path.”

For most tools, the parent of a root path is the root path itself.

The parent path is also called the “dirname” of a path, because it is often used to obtain the path to the directory which containts the file or directory named by that path.

Qualified Path

A qualified path is a path which is not just a filename. Absolute paths are qualified paths by definition. Relative paths may be a qualified path if it is more than just the leaf of a path.

The distinction between a qualified path and a filename is important to some tools. For example, a Unix shell will execute a qualified path to an executable, but for filenames it will instead search for an executable file by joining that filename with each element of the PATH environment variable.

The Windows cmd.exe will execute a filename if that filename corresponds to a file in the working directory.

A qualified path to a file in the current directory can be created by using . as the parent directory: ./foo.exe is a qualified relative path to foo.exe within the . directory.

Extension OR Extname

The extname of a path is the extension of the filename component, separated from the rest of the filename with a dot ..

extname(foo.txt) -> .txt
extname(foo) -> [Empty string]
extname(/foo/bar.txt) -> .txt
extname(/foo/bar) -> [Empty string]

A stem is the part of the filename that does not include the extname.

stem(foo.txt) -> foo
stem(foo) -> foo
stem(/foo/bar.txt) -> bar
stem(/foo/bar) -> bar

Some Implications

  1. A filename is also a relative path because it can be used as the right-hand operand of a join.
  2. A path is a filename if leaf([path]) == [path]
  3. All paths which are not filenames are qualified.
  4. A filename can be used as if it were a path in any context that accepts a relative (unqualified) path.
  5. A path is qualified if leaf([path]) != [path]
  6. A path is absolute if join([root_path], [path]) == [path], that is: The path is already joined with the root, and cannot be further qualified.
  7. A root path is the only type of path with neither a filename nor distinct parent path.

Many old tools and libraries use different and conflicting terms to refer to paths. Avoid, if at all possible. When working with these tools, be mindful of the terms it uses and how they map to the terms outlined here. When developing new tools and working with paths, be mindful of the terminology.

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