Observational equivalence and unsafe code

 3 years ago
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Observational equivalence and unsafe code

Oct 2, 2016

I spent a really interesting day last week at Northeastern University. First, I saw a fun talk by Philip Haller covering LaCasa, which is a set of extensions to Scala that enable it to track ownership. Many of the techniques reminded me very much of Rust (e.g., the use of “spores”, which are closures that can limit the types of things they close over); if I have time, I’ll try to write up a more detailed comparison in some later post.

Next, I met with Amal Ahmed and her group to discuss the process of crafting unsafe code guidelines for Rust. This is one very impressive group. It’s this last meeting that I wanted to write about now. The conversation helped me quite a bit to more cleanly separate two distinct concepts in my mind.

The TL;DR of this post is that I think we can limit the capabilities of unsafe code to be “things you could have written using the safe code plus a core set of unsafe abstractions” (ignoring the fact that the safe implementation would be unusably slow or consume ridiculous amounts of memory). This is a helpful and important thing to be able to nail down.

Background: observational equivalence

One of the things that we talked about was observational equivalence and how it relates to the unsafe code guidelines. The notion of observational equivalence is really pretty simple: basically it means “two bits of code do the same thing, as far as you can tell”. I think it’s easiest to think of it in terms of an API. So, for example, consider the HashMap and BTreeMap types in the Rust standard library. Imagine I have some code using a HashMap<i32, T> that only invokes the basic map operations – e.g., new, get, and insert. I would expect to be able to change that code to use a BTreeMap<i32, T> and have it keep working. This is because HashMap and BTreeMap, at least with respect to i32 keys and new/get/insert, are observationally equivalent.

If I expand the set of API routines that I use, however, this equivalence goes away. For example, if I iterate over the map, then a BTreeMap gives me an ordering guarantee, whereas HashMap doesn’t.

Note that the speed and memory use will definitely change as I shift from one to the other, but I still consider them observationally equivalent. This is because I consider such changes “unobservable”, at least in this setting (crypto code might beg to differ).

Composing unsafe abstractions

One thing that I’ve been kind of wrestling with in the unsafe code guidelines is how to break it up. A lot of the attention has gone into thinking about some very low-level decisions: for example, if I make a *mut pointer and an &mut reference, when can they legally alias? But there are some bigger picture questions that are also equally interesting: what kinds of things can unsafe code even do in the first place, whatever types it uses?

One example that I often give has to do with the infamous setjmp/longjmp in C. These are some routines that let you implement a poor man’s exception handling. You call setjmp at one stack frame and then, down the stack, you call longjmp. This will cause all the intermediate stack frames to be popped (with no unwinding or other cleanup) and control to resume from the point where you called setjmp. You can use this to model exceptions (a la Objective C), build coroutines, and of course – this is C – to shoot yourself in the foot (for example, by invoking longjmp when the stack frame that called setjmp has already returned).

So you can imagine someone writing a Rust wrapper for setjmp/longjmp. You could easily guarantee that people use the API in a correct way: e.g., that you when you call longjmp, the setjmp frame is still on the stack, but does that make it safe?

One concern is that setjmp/longjmp do not do any form of unwinding. This means that all of the intermediate stack frames are going to be popped and none of the destructors for their local variables will run. This certainly means that memory will leak, but it can have much worse effects if you try to combine it with other unsafe abstractions. Imagine for example that you are using Rayon: Rayon relies on running destructors in order to join its worker threads. So if a user of the setjmp/longjmp API wrote something like this, that would be very bad:

setjmp(|j| {
        || { /* original thread */; j.longjmp(); },
        || { /* other thread */ });

What is happening here is that we are first calling setjmp using our “safe” wrapper. I’m imagining that this takes a closure and supplies it some handle j that can be used to “longjmp” back to the setjmp call (basically like break on steroids). Now we call rayon::join to (potentially) spin off another thread. The way that join works is that the first closure executes on the current thread, but the second closure may get stolen and execute on another thread – in that case, the other thread will be joined before join returns. But here we are calling j.longjmp() in the first closure. This will skip right over the destructor that would have been used to join the second thread. So now potentially we have some other thread executing, accessing stack data and raising all kinds of mischief.

(Note: the current signature of join would probably prohibit this, since it does not reflect the fact that the first closure is known to execute in the original thread, and hence requires that it close over only sendable data, but I’ve contemplated changing that.)

So what went wrong here? We tried to combine two things that independently seemed safe but wound up with a broken system. How did that happen? The problem is that when you write unsafe code, you are not only thinking about what your code does, you’re thinking about what the outside world can do. And in particular you are modeling the potential actions of the outside world using the limits of safe code.

In this case, Rayon was making the assumption that when we call a closure, that closure will do one of four things:

  • loop infinitely;
  • abort the process and all its threads;
  • unwind;
  • return normally.

This is true of all safe code – unless that safe code has access to setjmp/longjmp.

This illustrates the power of unsafe abstractions. They can extend the very vocabulary with which safe code speaks. (Sorry, I know that was ludicrously flowery, but I can’t bring myself to delete it.) Unsafe abstractions can extend the capabilities of safe code. This is very cool, but also – as we see here – potentially dangerous. Clearly, we need some guidelines to decide what kinds of capabilities it is ok to add and which are not.

Comparing setjmp/longjmp and rayon

But how can we decide what capabilities to permit and which to deny? This is where we get back to this notion of observational equivalence. After all, both Rayon and setjmp/longjmp give the user some new powers:

  • Rayon lets you run code in different threads.
  • Setjmp/longjmp lets you pop stack frames without returning or unwinding.

But these two capabilities are qualitiatively different. For the most part, Rayon’s superpower is observationally equivalent to safe Rust. That is, I could implement Rayon without using threads at all and you as a safe code author couldn’t tell the difference, except for the fact that your code runs slower (this is a slight simplification; I’ll elaborate below). In contrast, I cannot implement setjmp/longjmp using safe code.

“But wait”, you say, “Just what do you mean by ‘safe code’?” OK, That last paragraph was really sloppy. I keep saying things like “you could do this in safe Rust”, but of course we’ve already seen that the very notion of what “safe Rust” can do is something that unsafe code can extend. So let me try to make this more precise. Instead of talking about Safe Rust as it was a monolithic entity, we’ll gradually build up more expressive versions of Rust by taking a safe code and adding unsafe capabilities. Then we can talk more precisely about things.

Rust0 – the safe code

Let’s start with Rust0, which corresponds to what you can do without using any unsafe code at all, anywhere. Rust0 is a remarkably incapable language. The most obvious limitation is that you have no access to the heap (Box and Vec are unsafely implemented libraries), so you are limited to local variables. You can still do quite a lot of interesting things: you have arrays and slices, closures, enums, and so forth. But everything must live on the stack and hence ultimately follow a stack discipline. Essentially, you can never return anything from a function whose size is not statically known. We can’t even use static variables to stash stuff, since those are inherently shared and hence immutable unless you have some unsafe code in the mix (e.g., Mutex).

Rust1 – the heap (Vec)

So now let’s consider Rust1, which is Rust0 but with access to Vec. We don’t have to worry about how Vec is implemented. Instead, we can just think of Vec as if it were part of Rust itself (much like how ~[T] used to be, in the bad old days). Suddenly our capabilities are much increased!

For example, one thing we can do is to implement the Box type (Box<T> is basically a Vec<T> whose length is always 1, after all). We can also implement something that acts identically to HashMap and BTreeMap in pure safe code (obviously the performance characteristics will be different).

(At first, I thought that giving access to Box would be enough, but you can’t really simulate Vec just by using Box. Go ahead and try and you’ll see what I mean.)

Rust2 – sharing (Rc, Arc)

This is sort of an interesting one. Even if you have Vec, you still cannot implement Rc or Arc in Rust1. At first, I thought perhaps we could fake it by cloning data – so, for example, if you want a Rc<T>, you could (behind the scenes) make a Box<T>. Then when you clone the Rc<T> you just clone the box. Since we don’t yet have Cell or RefCell, I reasoned, you wouldn’t be ablle to tell that the data had been cloned. But of course that won’t work, because you can use a Rc<T> for any T, not just T that implement Clone.

Rust3 – non-atomic mutation

That brings us to another fundamental capability. Cell and RefCell permit mutation when data is shared. This can’t be modeled with just Rc, Box, or Vec, all of which maintain the invariant that mutable data is uniquely reachable.

Rust4 – asynchronous threading

This is an interesting level. Here we add the ability to spawn a thread, as described in std::thread (note that this thread runs asynchronously and cannot access data on the parent’s stack frame). At first, I thought that threading didn’t add “expressive power” since we lacked the ability to share mutable data across threads (we can share immutable data with Arc).

After all, you could implement std::thread in safe code by having it queue up the closure to run and then, when the current thread finishes, have it execute. This isn’t really correct for a number of reasons (what is this scheduler that overarches the safe code? Where do you queue up the data?), but it seems almost true.

But there is another way that adding std::thread is important. It means that safe code can observe memory in an asynchronous thread, which affects the kinds of unsafe code that we might write. After all, the whole purpose of this exercise is to figure out the limits of what safe code can do, so that unsafe code knows what it has to be wary of. So long as safe code did not have access to std::thread, one could imagine writing an unsafe function like this:

fn foo(x: &Arc<i32>) {
    let p: *const i32 = &*x;
    let q: *mut i32 = p as *mut i32;
    *q += 1;
    *q -= 1;

This function takes a shared i32 and temporarily increments and then decrements it. The important point here is that the invariant that the Arc<i32> is immutable is broken, but it is restored before foo returns. Without threads, safe code can’t tell the difference between foo(&my_arc) and a no-op. But with threads, foo() might trigger a data-race. (This is all leaving aside the question of compiler optimization and aliasing rules, of course.)

(Hat tip to Alan Jeffreys for pointing this out to me.)

Rust5 – communication between threads and processes

The next level I think are abstractions that enable threads to communiate with one another. This includes both within a process (e.g., AtomicU32) and across processes (e.g., I/O).

This is an interesting level to me because I think it represents the point where the effects of a library like rayon becomes observable to safe code. Until this point, the only data that could be shared across Rayon threads was immutable, and hence I think the precise interleavings could also be simulated. But once you throws atomics into the mix, and in particular the fact that atomics give you control over the memory model (i.e., they do not require sequential consistency), then you can definitely observe whether threading is truly in use. The same is true for I/O and so forth.

So this is the level that shows that what I wrote earlier, that “Rayon’s superpower is observationally equivalent to safe Rust” is actually false. I think it is observationally equivalent to “safe Rust4”, but not Rust5. Basically Rayon serves as a kind of “Rust6”, in which we grow Rust5 by adding scoped threads, that allow sharing data on stack frames.

And so on

We can keep going with this exercise, which I actually think is quite valuable, but I’ll stop here for now. What I’d like to do asynchronously is to go over the standard library and interesting third-party packages and try to nail down the “core unsafe abstractions” that you need to build Rust, as well as the “dependencies” between them.

But I want to bring this back to the core point: the focus in the unsafe code guidelines has been on exploring what unsafe code can do “in the small”. Basically, what types it ought to use to achieve certain kinds of aliasing and so forth. But I think it’s also very important to nail down what unsafe code can do “in the large”. How do we know whether (say) abomonation, deque, and so forth represent legal libraries?

As I left the meeting with Amal’s group, she posed this question to me. Is there something where all three of these things are true:

  • you cannot simulate using the standard library;
  • you can do with unsafe code;
  • and it’s a “reasonable” thing to do.

Whenever the answer is yes, that’s a candidate for growing another Rust level. We already saw one “yes” answer in this blog post, right at the end: scoped threads, which enable threading with access to stack contents. Beyond that, most of the potential answers I’ve come up with are access to various kernel capabilities:

  • dynamic linking;
  • shared memory across processes;
  • processes themselves. =)

What’s a bit interesting about these is that they seem to be mostly about the operating system itself. They don’t feel “fundamental” in the same way as scoped threads: in other words, you could imagine simulating the O/S itself in safe code, and then you could build these things. Not quite how to think about that yet.

In any case, I’d be interested to hear about other “fundamental abstractions” that you can think of.

Coda: Picking and choosing your language levels

Oh, one last thing. It might seem like defining all these language levels is a bit academic. But it can be very useful to pick them apart. For example, imagine you are targeting a processor that has no preemption and always uses cooperative multithreading. In that case, the concerns I talked about in Rust4 may not apply, and you may be able to do more aggressive things in your unsafe code.


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