Supporting blanket impls in specialization

 3 years ago
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Supporting blanket impls in specialization

Oct 24, 2016

In my previous post, I talked about how we can separate out specialization into two distinct concepts: reuse and override. Doing so makes because the conditions that make reuse possible are more stringent than those that make override possible. In this post, I want to extend this idea to talk about a new rule for specialization that allow overriding in more cases. These rules are a big enabler for specialization, allowing it to accommodate many use cases that we couldn’t handle before. In particular, they enable us to add blanket impls like impl<T: Copy> Clone for T in a backwards compatible fashion, though only under certain conditions.

Revised algorithm

The key idea in this blog post is to change the rules for when some impl I specializes another impl J. Instead of basing the rules on “subsets of types”, I propose a two-tiered rule. Let me outline it first and then I will go into more detail afterwards.

  1. First, impls with more specific types specialize other impls (ignoring where clauses altogether).
    • So, for example, if impl I is impl<T: Clone> Clone for Option<T>, and impl J is impl<U: Copy> Clone for U, then I will be used in preference to J, at least for those types where they intersect (e.g., Option<i32>). This is because Option<T> is more specific than U.
    • For types where they do not intersect (e.g., i32 or Option<String>), then only one impl is used.
    • Note that the where clauses like T: Clone and U: Copy don’t matter at all for this test.
  2. However, reuse is only allowed if the full subset conditions are met.
    • So, in our example, impl I is not a full subset of impl J, because of types like Option<String>. This means that impl I could not reuse items from impl J (and hence that all items in impl J must be declared default).
  3. If the impls types are equally generic, then impls with more specific where clauses specialize other impls.
    • So, for example, if impl I is impl<T: Debug> Parse for T and impl J is impl<T> Parse for T, then impl I is used in preference to impl J where possible. In particular, types that implement Debug will prefer impl I.

Another way to express the rule is to say that impls can specialize one another in two ways:

  • if the types matched by one impl are a subset of the other, ignoring where clauses altogether;
  • otherwise, if the types matched by the two impls are the same, then if the where clauses of one impl are more selective.

Interestingly, and I’ll go into this a bit more later, this rule is not necessarily an alternative to the intersection impls I discussed at first. In fact, the two can be used together, and complement each other quite well.

Some examples

Let’s revisit some of the examples we’ve been working through and see how the rule would apply. The first three examples illustrate the first three clauses. Then I’ll show some other interesting examples that highlight various other facets and interactions of the rules.

Blanket impl of Clone for Copy types

First, we started out considering the case of trying to add a blanket impl of Clone for all Copy types:

impl<T: Copy> Clone for T {
  default fn clone(&self) -> Self {

We were concerned before that there are existing impls of Clone that will partially overlap with this new blanket impl, but which will not be full subsets of it, and which would therefore not be considered specializations. For example, an impl for the Option type:

impl<T: Clone> Clone for Option<T> {
  fn clone(&self) -> Self {
    self.as_ref().map(|c| c.clone())

Under these rules, this is no problem: the Option impl will take precedence over the blanket impl, because its types are more specific.

Note the interesting tie-in with the orphan rules here. When we add blanket impls, we have to worry about backwards compatibility in one of two ways:

  • existing impls will now fail coherence checks that used to pass;
  • some code that used to use an existing impl will silently change to using the blanket impl instead.

Naturally, the biggest concern is about impls in other crates, since those impls are not visible to us. Interestingly, the orphan rules require that those impls in other crates must be using some local type in their signature. Thus I believe the orphan rules ensure that existing impls in other crates will take precedence over our new blanket impl – that is, we are guaranteed that they are considered legal specializations, and hence will pass coherence, and moreover that the existing impl is used in preference over the blanket one.

Dump trait: Reuse requires full subset

In previous blog post I gave an example of a Dump trait that had a blanket impl for Debug things:

trait Dump {
    fn display(&self);
    fn debug(&self);

impl<T> Dump // impl A
    where T: Debug,
    default fn display(&self) {
    default fn debug(&self) {
        println!("{:?}", self);

The idea was that some other crate might want to specialize Dump just to change how display works, perhaps trying something like this:

struct Widget<T> { ... }

impl<T: Debug> Debug for Widget<T> {...}

// impl B (note that it is defined for all `T`, not `T: Debug`):
impl<T> Dump for Widget<T> {
    fn display(&self) {

Here, impl B only defines the display() item from the trait because it intends to reuse the existing debug() method from impl A. However, this poses a problem: impl A only applies when Widget<T>: Debug, which may be true but is not always true. In particular, impl B is defined for any Widget<T>.

Under the rules I gave, this is an error. Here we have a scenario where impl B does specialize impl A (because its types are more specific), but impl B is not a full subset of impl A, and therefore it cannot reuse items from impl A. It must provide a full definition for all items in the trait (this also implies that every item in impl A must be declared as default, as is the case here).

Note that either of these two alternatives for impl B would be fine:

// Alternative impl B.1: provides all items
impl<T> Dump for Widget<T> {
    fn display(&self) {...}
    fn debug(&self) {...}

// Alternative impl B.2: full subset
impl<T: Debug> Dump for Widget<T> {
    fn display(&self) {...}

There is some intersection with backwards compatibility here. If the impl of Dump for Widget were added before impl A, then it necessarily would have defined all items (as in impl B.1), and hence there would be no error when impl A is added later.

Using where clauses to detect Debug

You may have noticed that if you do an index into a map and the key is not found, the error message is kind of lackluster:

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    map.insert("a", "b");
    // Error: thread 'main' panicked at 'no entry found for key', ../src/libcore/option.rs:700

In particular, it doesn’t tell you what key you were looking for! I would have liked to see ‘no entry found for “c”’. Well, the reason for this is that the map code doesn’t require that the key type K have a Debug impl. That’s good, but it’d be nice if we could get a better error if a debug impl happens to exist.

We might do so by using specialization. Let’s imagine defining a trait that can be used to panic when a key is not found. Thus when a map fails to find a key, it invokes key.not_found():

trait KeyNotFound {
    fn not_found(&self) -> !;

impl<T> KeyNotFound for T { // impl A
    fn not_found(&self) -> ! {
        panic!("no entry found for key")

Now we could provide a specialized impl that kicks in when Debug is available:

impl<T: Debug> KeyNotFound for T { // impl B
    fn not_found(&self) -> ! {
        panic!("no entry found for key `{:?}`", self)

Note that the types for impl B are not “more specific” than impl A, unless you consider the where clauses. That is, they are both defined for any type T. It is only when we consider the where clauses that we see that impl B can in fact be judged more specific than A. This is the third clause in my rules (it also works with specialization today).

Fourth example: AsRef

One longstanding ergonomic problem in the standard library has been that we could add all of the impls of the AsRef trait that we wanted. T: AsRef<U> is a trait that says “an &T reference can be converted into a an &U reference”. It is particularly useful for types that support slicing, like String: AsRef<str> – this states that an &String can be sliced into an &str reference.

There are a number of blanket impls for AsRef that one might expect:

  • Naturally one might expect that T: AsRef<T> would always hold. That just says that an &T reference can be converted into another &T reference (duh) – which is sometimes called being reflexive.
  • One might also that AsRef would be compatible with deref coercions. That is, if I can convert an &U reference to an &V reference, than I can also convert an &&U reference to an &V reference.

Unfortunately, if you try to combine both of those two cases, the current coherence rules reject it (I’m going to ignore lifetime parameters here for simplicity):

impl<T> AsRef<T> for T { } // impl A

impl<U, V> AsRef<V> for &U
    where U: AsRef<V> { }  // impl B

It’s clear that these two impls, at least potentially, overlap. In particular, a trait reference like &Foo: AsRef<&Foo> could be satisfied by either one (assuming that Foo: AsRef<&Foo>, which is probably not true in practice, but could be implemented by some type Foo in theory).

At the same time, it’s clear that neither represents a subset of one another, even if ignore where clauses. Just consider these examples:

  • String: AsRef<String> (matches impl A, but not impl B)
  • &String: AsRef<String> (matches impl B, but not impl A)

However, we’ll see that we can satisfy this example if we incorporate intersection impls; we’ll cover this later.

Detailed explanation: drilling into subset of types

OK, that was the high-level summary, let’s start getting a bit more into the details. In this section, I want to discuss how to implement this new rule. I’m going to assume you’ve read and understood the “Algorithmic formulation” section of the specialization RFC, which describes how to implement the subset check (if not, go ahead and do so, it’s quite readable – nice job aturon!).

Implementing the rules today basically consists of two distinct tests, applied in succession. RFC 1210 describes how, given two impls I and J, we can say define an ordering Subset(I, J) that indicates I matches a subset of the types of J (the RFC calls it I <= J). The current rules then say that I specializes J if Subset(I, J) holds but Subset(J, I) does not.

To decide if Subset(I, J) holds, we apply two tests (both of which must pass):

  • Type(I, J): For any way of instantiating I.vars, there is some way of instantiating J.vars such that the Self type and trait type parameters match up.
    • Here I.vars refers to “the generic parameters of impl I”
    • The actual technique here is to skolemize I.vars and then attempt unification. If unification succeeds, then Type(I, J) holds.
  • WhereClause(I, J): For the instantiation of I.vars used in Type(I, J), if you assume I.wc holds, you can prove J.wc.
    • Here I.wc refers to “the where clauses of impl I”.
    • The actual technique here is to consider I.wc as true, and attempt to prove J.wc using the standard trait machinery.

The algorithm to test whether an impl I can specialize an impl J is this:

  • Specializes(I, J):
    • If Type(I, J) holds:
      • If Type(J, I) does not hold:
      • Otherwise, if WhereClause(I, J) holds:
        • If WhereClause(J, I) does not hold:
        • else:
          • false
    • false

You could also write this as Specializes(I, J) is:

Type(I, J) && (!Type(J, I) || WhereClause(I, J) && !WhereClause(J, I))

Unlike before, we also need a separate test to check whether reuse is legal. Reuse is legal if Subset(I, J) holds.

You can view the Specializes(I, J) test as being based on a partial order, where the <= predicate is the lexicographic combination of two other partial orders, Type(I, J) and WhereClause(I, J). This implies that it is transitive.

Combining with intersection impls

It’s interesting to note that this rule can also be combined with the rule for intersection impls. The idea of intersection impls is really somewhat orthogonal to what exact test is being used to decide which impl specializes another. Essentially, whereas without intersection impls we say: “two impls can overlap so long as one of them specializes the other”, we would now add the additional possibility that “two impls can overlap so long as some other impl specializes both of them”.

This is helpful for realizing some other patterns that we wanted to get out of specialization but which, until now, we could not.

Example: AsRef

We saw earlier that this new rule doesn’t allow us to add the reflexive AsRef impl that we wanted to add. However, using an intersection impl, we can make progress. We can basically add a third impl:

impl<T> AsRef<T> for T { } // impl A

impl<U, V> AsRef<V> for &U
    where U: AsRef<V> { }  // impl B

impl<W> AsRef<&W> for &W { ... } // impl C

Impl C is a specialiation of both of the others, since every type it can match can also be matched by the others. So this would be accepted, since impl A and B overlap but have a common specializer.

(As an aside, you might also expect a generic transitivity impl, like impl<T,U,V> AsRef<V> for T where T: AsRef<U>. I haven’t thought much about if such an impl would work with the specialization rules, since I’m pretty sure though that we’d have to improve the trait matcher implementation in any case to make it work, as I think right now it would quickly overflow.)

Example: Overlapping blanket impls for Dump

Let’s see another, more conventional example where an intersection impl might be useful. We’ll return to our Dump trait. If you recall, it had a blanket impl that implemented Dump for any type T where T: Debug:

trait Dump {
    fn display(&self);
    fn debug(&self);

impl<T> Dump // impl A
    where T: Debug,
    default fn display(&self) {
    default fn debug(&self) {
        println!("{:?}", self);

But we might also want another blanket impl for types where T: Display:

impl<T> Dump // impl B
    where T: Display,
    default fn display(&self) {
        println!("{}", self);
    default fn debug(&self) {

Now we have a problem. Impl A and B clearly potentially overlap, but (a) neither is more specific in terms of its types (both apply to any type T, so Type(A, B) and Type(B, A) will both hold) and (b) neither is more specific in terms of its where-clauses: one applies to types that implement Debug, and one applies to types that implement Display, but clearly types can implement both.

With intersection impls we could resolve this error by providing a third impl for types T where T: Debug + Display:

impl<T> Dump // impl C
    where T: Debug + Display,
    default fn display(&self) {
        println!("{}", self);
    default fn debug(&self) {
        println!("{:?}", self);

Orphan rules, blanket impls, and negative reasoning

Traditionally, we have said that it is considering backwards compatible (in terms of semver) to add impls for traits, with the exception of “backwards impls” that apply to all T, even if T is guarded by some traits (like the impls we saw for Dump in the previous section). This is because if I add an impl like impl<T: Debug> Dump for T where none existed before, some other crate may already have an impl like impl Dump for MyType, and then if MyType: Debug, we would have an overlap conflict, and hence that downstream crate will not compile (see RFC 1023 for more information on these rules).

This new proposed specialization rule has the potential to change that balance. In fact, at first you might think that adding a blanket impl would always be legal, as long as all of its members are declared default. After all, any pre-existing impl from another crate must, because of the orphan rules, have more specific types, and will thus take precedence over the default impl (moreover, since there was nothing for this impl to inherit from before, it must still inherit). So something like impl Dump for MyType would still be legal, right?

But there is actually still a risk from blanket impls around negative reasoning. To see what I mean, let’s continue with a simplified variant of the Dump example from the previous section which doesn’t use intersection impls. So imagine that we have the Dump trait and the following impls:

// crate `dump`
trait Dump { }
trait<T: Display> Dump for T { .. }
trait<T: Debug + Display> Dump for T { .. }

So, these are pre-existing impls. Now, imagine that in the standard library, we decided to add a kind of “fallback” impl of Debug that says “any type which implements Display, automatically implements Debug”:

impl<T: Display> Debug for T {
  fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
    Display::fmt(self, fmt)

Interestingly, this impl creates a problem for the crate dump! Before, its two impls were well-ordered; one applied to types that implement Display, and one applied to types that implement both Debug and Display. But with this new impl, all types that implement Display also implement Debug, so this distinction is meaningless.

But wait, you cry! That impl looks awfully familiar to our motivating example from the very first post! Remember that this all started because we wanted to implement Clone for all Copy types:

impl<T: Copy> Clone for T { .. }

So is that actually illegal?

It turns out that there is a crucial difference between these two. It does not lie in the impls, but rather in the traits. In particular, the Copy trait is a subtrait of Clone – that is, anything which is copyable must also be cloneable. But Display and Debug have no relationship; in fact, the blanket impl interconverting between them is effectively imposing an undeclared subtrait relationship Display: Debug. After all, now some type T implements Display, we are guaranteed that it also implements Debug.

So this suggests that the new rule for semver compatibility is that one can add blanket impls after the fact, but only if a subtrait relationship already existed.

As an aside, this – along with the similar example raised by withoutboats and reddit user oconnor663 – strongly suggests to me that traits need to “predeclare” strong relationships, like subtraits but also mutual exclusion if we ever support that, at the point when they are created. I know withoutboats has some interesting thoughts in this direction. =)

However, another possibility that aturon raised is to use a more syntactic criteria for when something is more specialized – in that case, Debug+Display would be considered more specialized than Display, even if in reality they are equivalent. This may wind up being easier to understand – and more flexible – even if it is less smart.


This post lays out an alternative specialization predicate that I believe helps to overcome a lot of the shortcomings of the current subset rule. The rule is fairly simple to describe: impls with more specific types get precedence. If the types of two impls are equally generic, then the impl with more specific where-clauses gets precedence. I claim this rule is intuitive in practice; perhaps more intuitive than the current rule.

This predicate allows for a number of scenarios that the current specialization rule excludes, but which we wanted initially. The ones I have considered mostly fall into the category of adding an impl of a supertrait in terms of a subtrait backwards compatibly:

  • impl<T: Copy> Clone for T { ... }
  • impl<T: Eq> PartialEq for T { ... }
  • impl<T: Ord> PartialOrd for T { ... }

If we combine with intersection impls, we can also accommodate the AsRef impl, and also get better support for having overlapping blanket impls. I’d be interested to hear about other cases where the coherence rules were limiting that may be affected by specializaton, so we can see how they fare.

One sour note has to do with negative reasoning. Specialization based on where clauses (orthogonally from the changes proposed in this post, in fact) introduces a kind of negative reasoning that is not currently subject to the rules in RFC 1023. This implies that crates cannot add blanket impls with impunity. In particular, introducing subtrait relationships can still cause problems, which affects a number of suggested “bridge” cases:

  • impl<R, T: Add<R> + Clone> AddAssign<R> for T
    • anything that has Add and Clone is now AddAssign
  • impl<T: Display> Debug for T
    • anything that is Debug is now Display

There may be some room to revise the specialization rules to address this, by tweaking the WhereClause(I, J) test to be more conservative, or to be more syntactical in nature. This will require some further experimentation and tinkering.


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