Human Pancreas and Duodenum Plastinated Body Exhibits

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.textarea.com/plastination/human-pancreas-and-duodenum-plastinated-body-exhibits-1260/
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Human Pancreas and Duodenum Plastinated Body Exhibits

Thehuman pancreas and duodenum plastinated specimen for medical school anatomy teaching and plastination museum. Meiwo Science provides, non-toxic and non-irritating odor, and is preserved for more than 50 years, for lifelong service. Human pancreas and duodenum plastinated body exhibits clearly shows: superior part, descending part, horizontal part, ascending part, head of pancreas, body of pancreas, tail of pancreas, major duodenal papilla, minor duodenal papilla, pancreatic duct, accessory pancreatic duct. Learn more about plastinated human bodies, contact Meiwo. https://www.meiwoplastination....

Human Pancreas and Duodenum Plastinated Body Exhibits
Human Pancreas and Duodenum Plastinated Body Exhibits

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