Digital Wellbeing adds 30-minute pause to Wind Down (APK Download)

 4 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/01/20/digital-wellbeing-adds-30-minute-pause-to-wind-down-apk-download/
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Digital Wellbeing adds 30-minute pause to Wind Down (APK Download)

Digital Wellbeing adds 30-minute pause to Wind Down (APK Download)

Digital Wellbeing is excellent for keeping track of your smartphone usage. As well as recording how much time you spend in each app, the number of notifications you receive, and how many times you unlock your phone, the software's Wind Down feature helps ensure you get some me-time by limiting distractions and turning the display grayscale so you can focus on more important things. In the latest beta version of the app, Google is adding some flexibility by allowing you to pause Wind Down briefly.

Scheduling Wind Down to start when you go to bed and end when you wake up is great, but it's also rather rigid. You may go to bed feeling more awake, or having some work that needs finishing before you turn in. Before, you had to switch Wind Down off and then remember to switch it back on later.


Left: Wind Down offering pause option, Right: Wind Down paused

If you have some tasks to finish off before putting your phone down, tapping the new "pause for 30 minutes" button will give you the time you need. Once that half hour is up, Wind Down will kick in again. If you don't need as much time as that, the notification will remain and let you switch Wellbeing back on at a time that suits you.

This feature is rolling out to those in the beta program for Digital Wellbeing, but it appears to be a server-side switch, so it may not show up for you yet. You can sign up for the Digital Wellbeing beta on the Play Store, or grab it directly from APK Mirror.

  • Thanks:
  • João Coelho

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