Falco, Open Source Web Performance Monitoring

 4 years ago
source link: https://github.com/theodo/falco
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Falco · an Open Source WebPageTest runner


Falco helps you monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites.


  • :microscope: Automatically run audits multiple times a day in many conditions
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: See the evolution of key performance metrics to easily spot regressions
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Invite the whole team so that everyone (devs, ops, product, marketing…) is involved in performance
  • Audit the performance of individual URLs or entire user journeys ( even on Single Page Apps! )
  • Easily access and compare WebPageTest results between audits
  • :see_no_evil: Can be used with your own Private Instance of WebPageTest

You can try a demo version by logging in to https://falco.theo.do with the credentials demo / demodemo .

Quick start

You can deploy Falco on Heroku by clicking on the following button:

You will need to provide your credit card details to Heroku, but you will be under the free tier by default. You can find more details on why they are needed and Heroku’s pricing policy in the docs .

After deployment, you can connect to Falco (and the admin interface at /admin/ ) with the credentials admin and admin : make sure to change your password after connecting!

Heroku Teams user? Click here to deploy Falco.
Heroku Teams do not allow for free Dynos, thus the above button will not work. Instead, you can click the following, Heroku Teams-specific button that will create “hobby”-sized dynos:


Full documentation for Falco lives on the docs website .


Thanks for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to contribute to this project. Get started here .

Contributors :sparkles:

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ( emoji key ):

UzqU32b.jpg!webNicolas Goutay
:computer: :book: Z3q6Zn3.png!webGuillaume Cornet
:computer: Q7jUryJ.jpg!webKevin Raynel NJzM7rN.jpg!webGontier Cécile
:computer: nMVFzur.jpg!webLouis Pinsard
:computer: 3Ybeuej.png!webVincent Larrat
:computer: ZZBNnau.jpg!webantkahn
:computer: rI7V7vR.jpg!webFrançois Farge
:computer: MNrY3iJ.jpg!webEtienneGrall
:computer: baAJ3my.jpg!webAlexandre Fauquette
:computer: BJ7viee.png!web0xflotus
:book: ErIZjq3.jpg!webRoy
:book: UrYr2aB.jpg!webAlbéric Trancart

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


The ongoing development of Falco is proudly sponsored by Theodo .

Our Paris, London & New York teams of full-stack developers and agile experts bring together the tech, the talent and the experience to develop your web, mobile and software applications in record time.

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