Extended Chart of Methods for Solving Rubik’s Cube

 4 years ago
source link: https://networkscience.wordpress.com/2019/12/13/extended-chart-of-methods-for-solving-rubiks-cube/
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This is a network related to Rubik’s Cube .


It shows an overview of methods that can be used to solve the puzzle.  Each node in the network (dark rectangle) is an intermediate state, while each edge (annotated with rounded rectangles) is a step.

The chart can be read from top to bottom:  The topmost state represents the scrambled state of the cube; the bottommost state represent the solved puzzle.  Known methods to solve the cube, such as the CFOP or the Roux method, are shown as colored lines going from top to bottom.  Each connection (shown as gray lines) represents other theoretically possible methods to solve the puzzle.

Mathematically, each state is a subgroup of the overall Rubik’s Cube group , and each edge is a subgroup relationship.

More details and explanations about the chart are included in the chart itself, so I’m keeping this blog post short.

The full chart is available as a PDF file, and includes HTTP links for all references.  It has A0 format:


PDF file – 398 kiB

As always, please report any error you may find.

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