GitHub - sdushantha/qr-filetransfer: ? Transfer files over WiFi from your comput...

 6 years ago
source link: https://github.com/sdushantha/qr-filetransfer
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Transfer files over WiFI from your computer to your smartphone from the terminal



# clone the repo
> git clone https://github.com/sdushantha/qr-filetransfer.git

# install the requirements
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt


usage: qr-filetransfer.py [-h] -f FILE

Note: Both devices needs to be connected to the same network

Transfer a single file

python3 qr-filetransfer.py -f /path/to/file.txt

Transfer a full directory. Note: the directory gets zipped before being transferred

python3 qr-filetransfer.py -f /path/to/directory

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