Big Tech keeps spending billions on AI. There’s no end in sight.

 2 months ago
source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/25/microsoft-google-ai-investment-profit-facebook-meta/
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Big Tech keeps spending billions on AI. There’s no end in sight.

Much of the money is going to new data centers, which are predicted to place huge demands on the U.S. power grid

April 25, 2024 at 7:21 p.m. EDT
Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg speak to Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang at a Senate forum on AI in September. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

SAN FRANCISCO — The biggest tech companies in the world have spent billions of dollars on the artificial intelligence revolution. Now they’re planning to spend tens of billions more, pushing up demand for computer chips and potentially adding new strain to the U.S. electrical grid.

In quarterly earnings calls this week, Google, Microsoft and Meta all underlined just how big their investments in AI are. On Wednesday, Meta raised its predictions for how much it will spend this year by up to $10 billion.Google plans to spend around $12 billion or more each quarter this year on capital expenditures, much of which will be for new data centers, Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat said Thursday. Microsoft spent $14 billion in the most recent quarter and expects that to keep increasing “materially,” Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood said.

Gerrit De Vynck is a tech reporter for The Washington Post. He writes about Google, artificial intelligence and the algorithms that increasingly shape society. He previously covered tech for seven years at Bloomberg News. Twitter
Naomi Nix is a staff writer for The Washington Post, covering Meta and other social media companies. Before joining The Post in 2022, she was a reporter for Bloomberg News and the Chicago Tribune. Twitter

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