New Apple Pencil to have haptic feedback

 2 months ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/new_apple_pencil_to_have_haptic_feedback-news-62649.php
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New Apple Pencil to have haptic feedback

Apple is working on a new Apple Pencil, and this one will apparently come with some exciting new features, according to Mark Gurman at Bloomberg. The upcoming stylus will feature haptic feedback built-in, making the writing experience feel more natural.

This will hopefully be at least somewhat customizable, so it will act differently depending on what you're doing with the pen, but such details haven't been outed yet.

New Apple Pencil to have haptic feedback

Other recent rumors also claimed it would come with a squeeze detection mechanism. When you pair that with the double-tap gesture, it could result in iPad owners having more ways to interact with their tablets.

Intriguingly, the next Apple Pencil might also work with the Vision Pro headset, though it's unclear exactly how or why. The new Apple Pencil is expected to become official on May 7 alongside the long-awaited iPad Pro and iPad Air refreshes.

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