Bugs I’ve filed on browsers

 3 months ago
source link: https://nolanlawson.com/2024/03/03/bugs-ive-filed-on-browsers/
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Bugs I’ve filed on browsers

Posted March 3, 2024 by Nolan Lawson in Web. Tagged: browsers. 2 Comments

I think filing bugs on browsers is one of the most useful things a web developer can do.

When faced with a cross-browser compatibility problem, a lot of us are conditioned to just search for some quick workaround, or to keep cycling through alternatives until something works. And this is definitely what I did earlier in my career. But I think it’s too short-sighted.

Browser dev teams are just like web dev teams – they have priorities and backlogs, and they sometimes let bugs slip through. Also, a well-written bug report with clear steps-to-repro can often lead to a quick resolution – especially if you manage to nerd-snipe some bored or curious engineer.

As such, I’ve filed a lot of bugs on browsers over the years. For whatever reason – stubbornness, frustration, some highfalutin sense of serving the web at large – I’ve made a habit of nagging browser vendors about whatever roadblock I’m hitting that day. And they often fix it!

So I thought it might be interesting to do an analysis of the bugs I’ve filed on the major browser engines – Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit – over my roughly 10-year web development career. I’ve excluded older and lesser-known browser engines that I never filed bugs on, and I’ve also excluded Trident/EdgeHTML, since the original “Microsoft Connect” bug tracker seems to be offline. (Also, I was literally paid to file bugs on EdgeHTML for a good 2 years, so it’s kind of unfair.)

Some notes about this data set, before people start drawing conclusions:

  • Chromium is a bit over-represented, because I tend to use Chromedriver-related tools (e.g. Puppeteer) a lot more than other browser automation tools.
  • WebKit is kind of odd in that a lot of these bugs turned out to be in proprietary Apple systems (Safari, iOS, etc.) rather than WebKit proper. (At least, this is what I assume the enigmatic rdar:// response means. [1])
  • I excluded one bug from Firefox that was actually on MDN (which uses the same bug tracker).

The data

So without further ado, here is the data set:

Browser Filed Open Fixed Invalid Fixed%
Chromium 27 4 14 9 77.78%
Firefox 18 3 8 7 72.73%
WebKit 25 6 12 7 66.67%
Total 70 13 34 23 72.34%

Notes: For “Invalid,” I’m being generous and including “duplicate,” “obsolete,” “wontfix,” etc. For “Fixed%,” I’m counting only the number fixed as a proportion of valid bugs.

Some things that jump out at me from the data set:

  • The “Fixed%” is pretty similar for all three browsers, although WebKit’s is a bit lower. When I look at the unfixed WebKit bugs, 2 are related to iOS rather than WebKit, one is in WebSQL (RIP), and the remaining 3 are honestly pretty minor. So I can’t really blame the WebKit team. (And one of those minor issues wound up in Interop 2024, so it may get fixed soon.)
  • For the 3 open Firefox issues, 2 of them are quite old and have terrible steps-to-repro (mea culpa), and the remaining one is a minor CSS issue related to shadow DOM.
  • For the 4 open Chromium issues, one of them is actually obsolete (I pinged the thread), 2 are quite minor, and the remaining one is partially fixed (it works when BFCache is enabled).
  • I was surprised that the total number of bugs filed on Firefox wasn’t even lower. My hazy memory was that I had barely filed any bugs on Firefox, and when I did, it usually turned out that they were following the spec but the other browsers weren’t. (I learned to really triple-check my work before filing bugs on them!)
  • 6 of the bugs I filed on WebKit were for IndexedDB, which definitely matches my memory of hounding them with bug reports for IDB. (In comparison, I filed 3 IDB bugs on Chromium and 0 on Firefox.)
  • As expected, 5 issues I filed on Chromium were due to ChromeDriver, DevTools, etc.

If you’d like to peruse the raw data, it can be found below:

Chromium data

Status ID Title Date
Fixed 41495645 Chromium leaks Document/Window/etc. when navigating in multi-page site using CDP-based heapsnapshots Feb 22, 2024 01:02AM
New 40890306 Reflected ARIA properties should not treat setting undefined the same as null Mar 2, 2024 05:50PM
New 40885158 Setting outerHTML on child of DocumentFragment throws error Jan 8, 2024 10:52PM
Fixed 40872282 aria-label on a should be ignored for accessible name calculation Jan 8, 2024 11:24PM
Duplicate 40229331 Style calculation takes much longer for multiple s vs one big Jun 20, 2023 09:14AM
Fixed 40846966 customElements.whenDefined() resolves with undefined instead of constructor Jan 8, 2024 10:13PM
Fixed 40827056 ariaInvalid property not reflected to/from aria-invalid attribute Jan 8, 2024 08:33PM
Obsolete 40767620 Heap snapshot includes objects referenced by DevTools console Jan 8, 2024 11:53PM
New 40766136 Restoring selection ranges causes text input to ignore keypresses Jan 8, 2024 07:20PM
Fixed 40759641 Poor style calculation performance for attribute selectors compared to class selectors May 5, 2021 01:40PM
Obsolete 40149430 performance.measureMemory() disallowed in headless mode Feb 27, 2023 12:26AM
Obsolete 40704787 Add option to disable WeakMap keys and circular references in Retainers graph Jan 8, 2024 05:52PM
Fixed 40693859 Chrome crashes due to WASM file when DevTools are recording trace Jun 24, 2020 07:20AM
Fixed 40677812 npm install chrome-devtools-frontend fails due to preinstall script Jan 8, 2024 05:17PM
New 40656738 Navigating back does not restore focus to clicked element Jan 8, 2024 03:26PM
Obsolete 41477958 Compositor animations recalc style on main thread every frame with empty requestAnimationFrame Aug 29, 2019 04:06AM
Duplicate 41476815 OffscreenCanvas convertToBlob() is >300ms slower than Feb 18, 2020 11:51PM
Fixed 41475186 Insertion and removal of overflow:scroll element causes large style calculation regression Aug 26, 2019 01:34AM
Obsolete 41354172 IntersectionObserver uses root’s padding box rather than border box Nov 12, 2018 09:43AM
Obsolete 41329253 word-wrap:break-word with odd Unicode characters causes long layout Jul 11, 2017 01:50PM
Fixed 41327511 IntersectionObserver boundingClientRect has inaccurate width/height Jun 1, 2019 08:28PM
Fixed 41267419 Chrome 52 sends a CORS preflight request with an empty Access-Control-Request-Headers when all author headers are CORS-safelisted Mar 18, 2017 02:27PM
Fixed 41204713 IndexedDB blocks DOM rendering Jan 24, 2018 04:03PM
Fixed 41189720 chrome://inspect/#devices flashing “Pending authorization” for Android device Oct 5, 2015 03:59AM
Obsolete 41154786 Chrome for iOS: openDatabase causes DOM Exception 11 or 18 Feb 9, 2015 08:30AM
Fixed 41151574 Empty IndexedDB blob causes 404 when fetched with ajax Mar 16, 2015 11:37AM
Fixed 40400696 Blob stored in IndexedDB causes null result from FileReader Feb 9, 2015 10:34AM

Firefox data

ID Summary Resolution Updated
1704551 Poor style calculation performance for attribute selectors compared to class selectors FIXE 2021-09-02
1861201 Support ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription reflection FIXE 2024-02-20
1762999 Intervening divs with ids reports incorrect listbox options count to NVDA FIXE 2023-10-10
1739154 delegatesFocus changes focused inner element when host is focused FIXE 2022-02-08
1707116 Replacing shadow DOM style results in inconsistent computed style FIXE 2021-05-10
1853209 ARIA reflection should treat setting null/undefined as removing the attribute FIXE 2023-10-20
1208840 IndexedDB blocks DOM rendering 2022-10-11
1531511 Service Worker fetch requests during ‘install’ phase block fetch requests from main thread 2022-10-11
1739682 Bare ::part(foo) CSS selector selects parts inside shadow roots 2024-02-20
1331135 Performance User Timing entry buffer restricted to 150 DUPL 2019-03-13
1699154 :focus-visible – JS-based focus() on back nav treated as keyboard input FIXE 2021-03-19
1449770 position:sticky inside of position:fixed does’t async-scroll in Firefox for Android (and asserts in ActiveScrolledRoot::PickDescendant() in debug build) WORK 2023-02-23
1287221 WebDriver:Navigate results in slower performance.timing metrics DUPL 2023-02-09
1536717 document.scrollingElement.scrollTop is incorrect DUPL 2022-01-10
1253387 Safari does not support IndexedDB in a worker FIXE 2016-03-17
1062368 Ajax requests for blob URLs return 0 as .status even if the load succeeds DUPL 2014-09-04
1081668 Blob URL returns xhr.status of 0 DUPL 2015-02-25
1711057 :focus-visible does not match for programmatic keyboard focus after mouse click FIXE 2021-06-09
1471297 fetch() and importScripts() do not share HTTP cache WORK 2021-03-17

WebKit data

ID Resolution Summary Changed
225723 Restoring selection ranges causes text input to ignore keypresses 2023-02-26
241704 Preparser does not download stylesheets before running inline scripts 2022-06-23
263663 Support ariaBrailleLabel and ariaBrailleRoleDescription reflection 2023-11-01
260716 FIXE adoptedStyleSheets (ObservableArray) has non-writable length 2023-09-03
232261 FIXE :host::part(foo) selector does not select elements inside shadow roots 2021-11-04
249420 DUPL :host(.foo, .bar) should be an invalid selector 2023-08-07
249737 FIXE Setting outerHTML on child of DocumentFragment throws error 2023-07-15
251383 INVA Reflected ARIA properties should not treat setting undefined the same as null 2023-10-25
137637 Null character causes early string termination in Web SQL 2015-04-25
202655 iOS Safari: timestamps can be identical for consecutive rAF callbacks 2019-10-10
249943 Emoji character is horizontally misaligned when using COLR font 2023-01-04
136888 FIXE IndexedDB onupgradeneeded event has incorrect value for oldVersion 2019-07-04
137034 FIXE Completely remove all IDB properties/constructors when it is disabled at runtime 2015-06-08
149953 FIXE Modern IDB: WebWorker support 2016-05-11
151614 FIXE location.origin is undefined in a web worker 2015-11-30
156048 FIXE We sometimes fail to remove outdated entry from the disk cache after revalidation and when the resource is no longer cacheable 2016-04-05
137647 FIXE Fetching Blob URLs with XHR gives null content-type and content-length 2017-06-07
137756 INVA WKWebView: JavaScript fails to load, apparently due to decoding error 2014-10-20
137760 DUPL WKWebView: openDatabase results in DOM Exception 18 2016-04-27
144875 INVA WKWebView does not persist IndexedDB data after app close 2015-05-28
149107 FIXE IndexedDB does not throw ConstraintErrors for unique keys 2016-03-21
149205 FIXE IndexedDB openKeyCursor() returns primaryKeys in wrong order 2016-03-30
149585 DUPL Heavy LocalStorage use can cause page to freeze 2016-12-14
156125 INVA Fetching blob URLs with query parameters results in 404 2022-05-31
169851 FIXE Safari sends empty “Access-Control-Request-Headers” in preflight request 2017-03-22


I think cross-browser compatibility has improved a lot over the past few years. We have projects like Interop and Web Platform Tests, which make it a lot more streamlined for browser teams to figure out what’s broken and what they should prioritize.

So if you haven’t yet, there’s no better time to get started filing bugs on browsers! I’d recommend first searching for your issue in the right bug tracker (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit), then creating a minimal repro (CodePen, JSBin, plain HTML, etc.), and finally just including as much detail as you can (browser version, OS version, screenshots, etc.). I’d also recommend reading “How to file a good browser bug”.

Happy bug hunting!


1. Some folks have pointed out to me that rdar:// links can mean just about anything. I always assumed it meant that the bug got re-routed to some internal team, but I guess not.

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