Codeforces Round #932 (Div. 2) Editorial

 6 months ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client
By i_love_penguins, 6 days ago, translation, In English

1935A - Entertainment in MAC

Idea: i_love_penguins
Preparation: i_love_penguins
Editorial: i_love_penguins

Implementation on C++
Implementation on Python

1935B - Informatics in MAC

Idea: AndreyPavlov
Preparation: AndreyPavlov, i_love_penguins
Editorial: AndreyPavlov

Implementation on C++
Implementation on Python

1935C - Messenger in MAC

Idea: i_love_penguins
Preparation: i_love_penguins
Editorial: i_love_penguins

Implementation on C++
Implementation on Python

1935D - Exam in MAC

Idea: IzhtskiyTimofey
Preparation: IzhtskiyTimofey
Editorial: IzhtskiyTimofey

Implementation on C++
Implementation on Python

1935E - Distance Learning Courses in MAC

Idea: IzhtskiyTimofey
Preparation: AndreyPavlov
Editorial: AndreyPavlov

Implementation on C++

1935F - Andrey's Tree

Idea: AndreyPavlov
Preparation: IzhtskiyTimofey
Editorial: IzhtskiyTimofey

Implementation on C++

We hope you liked our problems!

3 days ago, # |

Very fast editorial

3 days ago, # |

I think D is easier than C lol. It takes me nearly 50 mins to come up with C, but only 25 mins on D.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    D was alot harder for me but that may be just cause I'm bad at math.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 2  


    Man you are Pro!!

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    True, my stupid ass got stuck on C but D took me like 10 mins.

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    Me too, I only used 10 mins actually lol

  • 33 hours ago, # ^ |

  • 24 hours ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 2  


    I have a doubt in the editorial of problem C. When I fix L and R i.e the border values, then why checking only summation of all a_i such that it does not exceed l-(b[r]-b[l]) is sufficient? Shouldn't we also ensure that we have taken a[l] and a[r] in that summation?

    • 22 hours ago, # ^ |

      Rev. 2  


      Technically speaking, you are right, but it doesn't matter here whether you take it or not,

      Say a[L] and a[R] are not in the cur(from editorial's implementation), say the a[L+d] and a[R-e] (R-e >= L+d) are the leftmost and right most a's included in the cur, then when the loops are at i = L+d and j = R-e this case is going to counted or maybe even bigger subset of a's (since difference of b's is smaller here, than when i = L and j = R, since b's are sorted), hence the multiset s doesn't exactly contain the a's which are considered in the current loop but the answer comes right (a clever implementation !!)

      PS : My submission in contest also works exactly on your line of thinking, you can check that out here 249816460, Although the code is very messy :(

3 days ago, # |

Python implementation, love to see it :)

3 days ago, # |

C is much harder than D,I even used a segment tree to solve it.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    can you share the solution using segment tree

  • 30 hours ago, # ^ |

    I solve C,in contest time using a o(n^3) algorithmn.But someone hack me.However,the second day,I solve the problem in a o(n^3) algorithmn again.Using 2.1s to solve the 3s limited problem

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


Problem C can be solved in if we use binary search to find the answer.

UPD: Sorry, I was wrong. Yesterday I had an idea of using binary search and I was sure that would work. I even saw some solutions using binary search, so I did not code it. But today I found out they had different time complexities. My bad.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    My code with such an asymptotic received a TLE.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Can you explain how?

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Binary search — the size of the subset and check if there is a subarray of length with cost no larger than . The rest is the same with the editorial.

      • 3 days ago, # ^ |

        Rev. 2  


        why to check only subarray when we can choose subsequence also ???

        • 3 days ago, # ^ |

          I did think in binary search approach but then couldn't prove why subarray selection can be considered optimal instead of subsequence selection. Like, if I am starting at as first element and want to select elements, the optimal selection may be by chosing instead of .
          This can happen because can be insanely high while may be only a bit higher than .

          • 3 days ago, # ^ |

            i also couldn't figure out why selecting only the subarray works, why not the subsequence??

        • 10 hours ago, # ^ |

          we are not checking whole subarray here we are checking some elements in the subarray.Here we can use priority_queue or multiset in order to get the maximum number of elements whose sum is less than l-(dif) where dif is the difference between bi value of first and last element of subarray :)

      • 3 days ago, # ^ |

        It seems that your own submission is not using binary search. Can you show us your code?

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    it also can be solved in O(n^2)


  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 4  


    Binary Search can be applied: 249807781


    Main Idea:

    If we can select a subsequence of size k, so can we select a subsequence of size k' < k. (monotonicity is obvious.)

    Now remains to check if a subsequence of length k exists that doesnt exceed the limit.

    Let's assume we fixed the left and right borders. As pointed out, only the sum of the remaining a-values matters because the b-values are only important if they are on the borders.

    So we need to compute for all subarrays the sum of the smallest k-2 a-values not included in the borders.

    To achieve this, let's iterate over R from 2 to n, set L = R-1 and maintain a multiset that stores the smallest k-2 values currently included in our window. To expand our window, we just need to update the multiset with the a-value of index L.

    Total asymptotics is O(n^2logn). If you have any further questions please don't refrain from asking.

3 days ago, # |

IMO C was too hard

3 days ago, # |

Problem E is a fairly interesting and educational problem, I like it!!!

3 days ago, # |

Only if I read D before C... xD

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 6  


Really liked the problem B.

  • The key observation that hit me was "the mex of every subarray will actually be the mex of entire array if answer exists."
  • The 2nd observation was if answer exists, we only need 2 subarrays.
  • In O(N) we can find the mex of entire array.
  • Then pick first subarray starting from index 1 until you have read all numbers from [0, mx).
  • Then find mex for remaining array, and check if it equals to mex of entire array.
Pseudo Code
  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Nice! Same here...for the second one though, I just maintained a prefix array of mexes going from n-1 -> 0. Then, I compute the mex for each from and compare if leftmex == suffixmex[i+1], which is mostly the same as what you're saying, I think! I think the second observation that you only need 2 subarrays was the most useful for me.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    bro really called python pseudocode damn

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Lol. There's subtle differences which make it more valid to call this pseudo-code.

      If it were python,
      1. It would be def solve and not function solve.
      2. set = {} would just create a dictionary object making set.insert(i) invalid.
      3. I am assuming set = {} is a set that only stores distinct integers, which help me in calculating if I have seen all numbers from 0 to mx-1.
      4. getMex is assumed to be well understood and implemented by the user.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Thank You for breaking this down! I was having a hard time understanding the editorial but this makes so much sense.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Bro if 0 is more that two in the array,then 1 is also same but 2 is just 1 then answer should be no?

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Yeah, but that approach is not scalable or simplify-able to write code IMO.

      It has lots of corner cases too, I also started with thinking if there's any non-negative number which occurs only once, then answer will be no.

      • 3 days ago, # ^ |

        "the mex of every subarray will actually be the mex of entire array if answer exists.",

        If mex is k and k-1 is just one time in the whole array,then answer must be no ?

        • 3 days ago, # ^ |

          Yes, that is correct, but it's not useful. Even if is the mex and appears twice, or even if all values in appear twice, there might still be no solution, for example .

          • 2 days ago, # ^ |

            Yeah,after that I will just build my two segment 0 to k-1 first then again 0 to k-1 for the second time.If I can build answer is yes otherwise no.I have already get ac in that way.But thank you for your analysis.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    I did it exactly like this and thought authors really messed up with it. Turns out there's a much simpler solution.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    why does 0 1 1 return -1?

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      Rev. 2  


      The mex of the array is 2

      You can't divide it into 2 segments

      [0,1] = 2, [1] = 0

      Not okay. So -1.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Wow u back to cp?

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 3  


    A typo?

    set.insert(i) should be set.insert(arr[i])

  • 23 hours ago, # ^ |


3 days ago, # |

Unbelievably fast editorial PLUS 2 language implementations?! Wow -- what an effort by the organizers, thank you!!!

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


What is wrong with this solution?

void solve(){
    long n;
    string s;
    string result;
        result = s;
  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    You are only checking for the first character of the string. You should check the whole string. Your code will fail on this string "adba"

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |


  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 2  


    You are comparing the first and the last character of the string instead of comparing the complete string with its reverse.

    Consider the string "acba". Take n to be any even number. Now, your code will output "acba", even though "abcaacba" is lexicographically smaller.

    To correct this, check for reverseStr<str instead.

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Yeah , the problem was if the last and first are equal I have to keep checking for the condition (s[s.size()-i-1]<s[i])

      Thank you for answering!

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    thats the same solution as mine

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    You can try the example acba

3 days ago, # |

Problem C was a little too difficult for me to understand. Great round anyways

3 days ago, # |

C is quite easy for me but unfortunately forgets the case where x+y and y-x equal s in D :(

3 days ago, # |

B was very nice.

3 days ago, # |

C has DP solution in . 249790851

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    not offending you but what do you expect you are contributing with these comments...most of the people don't understand the code because you know what logic you wrote...it doesn't have comments either. Some understand wrong solutions and concepts get unclear...please if u comment then atleast give a small explanation of ur code

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


We can solve with easy dp solution. First, sort all pairs by value.

Now, sum of is equal to Let's say is minimum value of sum . Answer is maximum , if .

Base is

The transition is

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    please explain your solution clearly by writing the states then the transitions so that it helps us...these types of comments create in us confusion related to the topics...please answer

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      Rev. 3  


      I think I explained it good, maybe some pseudo-code will help you. Ask if it is not

      We must choose maximum lenght subsequence such sum of is minimum (we want to choose minimum sum, because we want this sum be not greater than , if minimum sum is greater than it means every sum will be greater than ).

      So, let's iteratate in non-decreasing order of values , for we store base (because is minimal value, that is, . And in formula we get , so current value will be and we must substract it).

      Now transition is simple: choose previous length and try to add new value in it, increasing lenght by

      sort pairs by b[i] value 
      d[len] = INF
      d[1] = a[1] - b[1]
      for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
         for(int len = 1; len <= n; len++ ){
              check if (len + 1) will be answer after we add a[i] b[i] pair in it
         for(int len = n; len >= 2; len-- ){
              d[len] = min(d[len], d[len - 1] + a[i])
         d[1] = min(d[1], a[i] - b[i])
      print ans

      Upd: my submission during the contest [here]

      • 47 hours ago, # ^ |

        Thanks...I got it !! sorry if my comment sounded rude

        • 13 hours ago, # ^ |

          Bro doesn't even try to understand. You just want fast food.

3 days ago, # |

Did someone manage to pass a solution with complexity , where is , for problem E? My first two solutions with that complexity gave TLE on test 30, but with the TL and the constraints I believe it should be able to pass. Here is my last submission with that complexity, in case anyone is interested: 249817071. I ended up solving it in doing the same but with sweepline.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    maybe you can try to use scanf to read and printf to print answer. I think your code is correct in time complicity.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Yes, my passed with the help of pragmas.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    249812906 is , it passes in 1300ms without any extra optimizations. Feel free to hack if you think you can make it TLE (I might try hacking it myself later)

3 days ago, # |

Was n^2log^2 not intended to pass for C? Was going to CM then FST lol.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    My n^2log^2 solution passed, but it most likely would not have passed, had I used multiset or some other heavy O(logn) data structure, instead of priority queue.

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Yeah I used a PST so it's kinda my fault, but I think the TLE case should have been in pretests atleast.

      • 3 days ago, # ^ |

        feels bad :I

    • 21 hour(s) ago, # ^ |

      I used a multiset for solving in time and it passed, I think the constant of the time complexity would make a huge difference in this case.

3 days ago, # |

Can someone help me in problem C? I am trying to upsolve C and looking at the editorial would be my last option. Till now I have understood the problem and have thought of taking input for the message set as an array of pairs, and will try to sort it firstly on the basis of Api and then on the basis of Bpi and then form sets using dp to find the size of messgaes, Now should I move forward or should I change my approach ? Any hints?

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Maybe you should try to sort pairs by because if you select some pairs and the optimal way to arrange them is sort them with

3 days ago, # |

Thanks for the lightning fast editorial

3 days ago, # |

C can also be solved using dp, dp[i][j] -> minimin time needed to read exactly j messages where i being the last one. This solution will be O(n^3) TLE but we can optimize it by using prefix dp .AC

3 days ago, # |

I really liked problem E, but I misread C so I didn't have the time to implement it :(.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    ngl idgaf fr

3 days ago, # |

My problem E solution(AC after contest) should be where is max grade value (maybe smaller than that, the constant should be really small though). I assumed that for interval that end at , number of that will change the max value is at most , and for each interval , the grade that we must consider is also at most when transition to .

For those who are interested: 249836964. Feel free to hack!

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Meh, I had an solution but decided not to implement because I thought it would TLE.

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 3  


I have a quite different solution of C. First, sort the array in the non-increasing order of ().

If we can get a set of size , we can get a size , so we can binary search on the final answer.

Let the final answer be and the set is => .

The final set is the sum of the minimum values of of the selected segement which gives and we can use a priority_queue or multiset to handle it.

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    same as mine. We are goofs, the O(n^2) solution was so much easier :skull:

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      Agreed. We got lucky with the constraints of . I wasn't able to come up with the O(n^2) solution :'(

3 days ago, # |

why does 0 1 1 array in B return -1

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Because if you select 0 and 1 1, the mex for first segment is 1, and for the second segment is 0, or if you select 0 1 and 1, the mex on the first segment is 2 and in the second is 0, so again mexs are different.

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      thank you,i didnt get that part at first

3 days ago, # |

Thanks for fast editorial

3 days ago, # |

Can anyone explain what's wrong with this idea.


Here dpi1 denotes the maximum number of messages that can be read if ith message is the last one read. dpi0 denotes the minimum time needed to read dpi1 number of messages if ith message is the last one read.

So the answer will be max(dpi1) over all i.

Please someone tell me what's wrong with the above idea/code.

3 days ago, # |

C has a simpler solution in O(nsq) where the solution before i can be maintiained in just a vector storing better answer upto i-1

Array a is sorted by b. best stores the min val of (ai+aj+ak...)-(bi) for cnt elements to make ans with a new term az+bz need to be added

        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int cnt=i+1;cnt>=2;cnt--){
                ll prevmin=best[cnt-1];
                ll cans=prevmin+a[i].a;

3 days ago, # |

for C, why the check v[r][0] - v[l][0] + cur > L works.

For the case when we pop a message from the heap that belongs to l or r index, shouldn't we change v[r][0] - v[l][0] to v[r - 1][0] - v[l][0] or v[r][0] - v[l + 1][0]

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Exactly my doubt..pls someone clear.. even if we delete some ai in l to r why are we still considering V[r] — V[l] ?

3 days ago, # |

I messed up C, made it . I didn't realise that for a given start value of . If an element has to be discarded, it just has to be discarded!
I initially thought of a 2 pointer like thing, but discarded it later, and kind of brute forced without considering this fact.

Aside from that: Seems like the demographics have changed!
I remember getting severe negative deltas at such performances (such as mine today, in terms of rank).

3 days ago, # |

time travel editorial

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


Can someone help with Problem C ?
The tutorial's O(N^3logN) solution seems correct to me, but I have some hiccups in accepting the O(N^2logN) solution.

My question is in transitioning for (l, r) to (l, r+1)

  1. Answer for (l, r) would be picking as many smaller a's as possible with sum <= L-(a[l]+a[r]+(b[r]-b[l])), lets say you maintain the set S of best a's that fit this equation.
  2. Now, in the transition into (l, r+1) pair, using a[r] is optional. What if a[r] was too high that caused us to remove some good a's in previous iteration from S that could have been used for the solution of (l, r+1).

I know the solution lies where if a[r] was too high, the multiset would have already removed that first, but then, let's be honest, we are not really calculating the exact answer for (l, r) pair in the first place.

Could someone help with a precise explanation here?

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 2  


    In the solution, for the [l,r] interval, we are not maintaining number of smaller a's with sum <= L - (a[l] + a[r] + (b[r] - b[l])).

    Rather, for every interval [l, r], our priority_queue / multiset maintains the list of a's which lie in [l, r], with sum <= L - (b[r] - b[l]). only (which means we do not fix a[l] and a[r] to always be included in the sum).

    Now, 4 cases arise for interval [l, r]:

    1. Both a[l] and a[r] are included in the set of the smallest sum.
    2. a[l] is included but a[r] is not included
    3. a[r] is included but a[l] is not included
    4. both a[l] and a[r] are not included.

    For case 1, we know that this is the best set of a's maintained for [l, r], so we can do mx = max(mx, count) here. For every other case, we have some other interval [l_inner, r_inner] where l_inner and r_inner are indices of the leftmost and the rightmost included a's.

    For every [l, r] interval where case 1 is not applicable, we say that the current count is less than or equal to the count of [l_inner, r_inner] (This is because b[r_inner] - b[l_inner] <= b[r] - b[l] increasing the possible number of items we can pick for the sum within limit).

    So, for any [l, r] where cases 2, 3 and 4 exist, the answer will always be <= answer of [l_inner, r_inner].

    Also, we can see that for the interval [l_inner, r_inner], elements at l_inner and r_inner will be always be chosen in the sum. Since we are looping through all the possible values of l and r, it is ensured that we will calculate [l_inner, r_inner].

    So, this is why we do not need to calculate the exact sum for [l, r], but rather b[r] - b[l] + (sum of a's) <= L.

    Hope this helps and is not too confusing.

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Rev. 3  


      In other words where . Since we are iterating all possible we are also going over all

      • 3 days ago, # ^ |

        Yes, correct

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Great explanation.

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      Great Explanation!!!

      So our first priority is to maintain all possible gaps/distance [l,r], and for that particular distance we are calculating maximum possible count. (Make Sense).

      I was thinking greddily and why we we not updating [l,r] in the case if we are removing first and last element of subset we are choosing.(We don't required it, we can simply calculate max soln for all possible distance).

3 days ago, # |

Why no implementations of E and F in python

3 days ago, # |

Can someone tell me what am I missing in C problem ? I sorted in increasing order of b and found the required time for n messages , then I removed the messages one by one , checking which would reduce the time by maximum .. as soon as this sum was getting less than l , I was printing the current number of messages in the set...


  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Same issue, unsure what 591st tc in 2nd test case is? 249827779

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


For problem F, it can be proved that for any node , there always exists an optimal set of edges such that there is at most one edge of the form , and all other edges are of the form (and possibly one .

In fact, we only require an edge of the form when there is some neighbor of with . In all other cases, it is sufficient to add all the valid edges (and possibly one edge of the form ) to unite the entire tree.

3 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


The phase of the coding journey where you are done with the first div 2 question in maximum 5-10 mins and then spend the next two hours coming up with O(n^5) solutions

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Same Solution

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    Can you explain what you did?

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      Rev. 4  


      first of all we will store values in a vector<pair<int,int>> v and sort according to bi. (if you don't know why, ask)

      now, my dp[i][j] has following arguments i and j.

      i: chosen subset will end at i. j: chosen subset will have j values

      and dp[i][j] is the minimum cost of choosing optimal subset such that it ends at i and have j values in it.

      answer will be maximum value of all js such that dp[i][j]<=l.

      now transition: well I lied above dp[i][j] is not the minimum cost of choosing the optimal subset but rather it is dp[i][j] = minimum cost — v[x].second. where x is the index of the first value in the subset.

      and it's not only ending at i its minimum cost for all indexes <=i with values count j —

      transition works as follows dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + v[i].first + v[i].second.

      a lot of things happened here dp[i-1][j-1] = minimum cost — v[x].second(explained above) is the amongst all the ending indexes < i, such that we get minimum cost — v[x].second so dp[i][j] = minimum cost + v[i].first + (v[i].first-v[x]) now since the b values are sorted only contribution we will get from b is (v[i].second-v[x].second)

      now we will do dp[i][j]= min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j]-v[i].second) (because we want to make it (minimum cost — v[x].second)).

      • 2 days ago, # ^ |

        Rev. 3  


        what made you choose to sort in accordance with bi

        got it :<)

      • 47 hours ago, # ^ |

        Wow...your solution was great. I mean thinking of such states and transitions are great. please share some more prblms like this if you have where the state definition is not trivial and transitions require critical thinking...i Specially liked the part where you are using ur dp array to check if it is <= l...and at the next step making it such that it helps in recalculation of next dp states.

        please share more problems like this

        • 44 hours ago, # ^ |

          this is a common technique where we have to separate f(i) and f(j) if we are dealing with pairs. (here essentially we are dealing with every thing before index j and j) let me give you a trivial example.

          suppose we have been given a array "arr" with some values and we have to calculate no of pairs such that arr[i]*arr[j] = 1 (mod 1e9+7)

          we can just loop in the array store 1/arr[i] (mod 1e9+7) in a hashmap and add and+=mp[arr[i]]; code:

          map<int,int> mp; int ans = 0;

          int inverseMod(int val) for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ ans+=mp[arr[i]]; mp[inverseMod(arr[i])]++; }

          the main idea being used in that dp solution is that only.

    • 3 days ago, # ^ |

      well i did not explain it very clearly if you have any doubt just ask me.

      • 2 days ago, # ^ |

        now we will do dp[i][j]= min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j]-v[i].second) (because we want to make it (minimum cost — v[x].second)).

        i don't get it when are you choosing to have v[x].second in dp[i][j] because if choosing ith as optimal then only we should add v[i].second to dp[i][j] so then if it's no optimal it shouldn't be added and shouldn't be subtracted in future

        • 2 days ago, # ^ |

          i don't clearly understand your question.

        • 2 days ago, # ^ |

          Rev. 3  


          dp[i][j] before this code "dp[i][j]= min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j]-v[i].second)"

          is taking the following form -> sum of all ai's in the subset + (v[i].second-v[x].second)

          now i am making it dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j], sum of all ai's in the subset-v[x].second)

3 days ago, # |

Can someone explain why in the editorial of problem C when extracting elements from the multiset the value of v[r].first - v[l].first doesn't get updated? According to the logic, the value of v[r].first - v[l].first will decrease as we remove the greatest element from the multiset.

  • 3 days ago, # ^ |

    if you think deeply it still covers all the cases. If we're removing a value of the element and still considering it's b value, this case has already been covered earlier at index with smaller b value which will be optimal than the current one.

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    I agree. Posted the same query here.

2 days ago, # |

I solved B using two pointers: 249886727. It works because mex is monotone by inclusion. Imo your editorial code is quite confusing for beginners. I would scan the array forward and backward instead of inventing how to update mex while removing a number.

2 days ago, # |

Problem C

Can anyone tell me what's wrong in my code ? 249887053

logic -> for any range of l and r, we must add a[l] + a[r] + b[r] — b[r] in sum and for remaining we can use priority queue.

2 days ago, # |

In problem C, Can someone tell me whether the approach below works somehow?

I thought if I made this array a complete graph, and tried to find the minimum spanning tree starting at each vertex, then the maximum diameter amongst all the MST's should be the answer.

2 days ago, # |

For the solution of problem 1935C, when iterating over all , the messages and are certainly read. However, when extracting elements from set s (which contains the values of the messages), no care is taken that messages and are not extracted. Can someone explain this?

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    If messages or are removed from the set, we're now calculating the cost incorrectly: the cost we calculate is larger that the true cost, and this might mean that our answer is too small.

    But that is actually never a problem. If or gets removed when considering the range , the range is definitely not optimal ( or , depending on which element got removed, would be at least as good as ). Since we comsider all ranges, including and , we won't miss the optimal solution.

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      Yes, but it doesn't seem satisfying IMO, I have posted similar doubt comment above.
      Also if element l gets removed, note that though l+1 may have less value in a but it definitely also has bigger b value which helps when its the smallest b. Now the answer to that is, but we will include l+1 in our for loop iteration, so that case gets covered.

      The point here is, this seems to be working only because of many other reasons behind the scenes which are skipped in editorial.

      Would like a cleaner general approach to handle such situations with more clarity without worrying over the behind-the-scenes forces making this work.

      • 2 days ago, # ^ |

        Just to avoid all this I didn't include lth element and rth element in the multiset. Instead, I added them explicitly. And guess what I got WA this way. And I ended up not being able to solve the problem in the contest.

        Here is my code : Submission It would be very helpful if you could point out where this code is failing.

        • 2 days ago, # ^ |

          I tried the same way and my submission fails at the same test case. This needs rectification.

          • 2 days ago, # ^ |

            I was not able to do anything today just to figure out why it is going wrong.

          • 2 days ago, # ^ |

            Take a look at Ticket 17407 from CF Stress for a counter example.

            • 2 days ago, # ^ |

              Thanks buddy

          • 2 days ago, # ^ |

            I just printed that test case that it was failing for.

            The thing is that when we are fixing lth and rth element we might remove a smaller element that might be useful afterwards just to keep rth element.

            • 47 hours ago, # ^ |

              Thanks for the clarification

2 days ago, # |

Rev. 2  


why not in c we have taken 1st and 2nd minimum value of b . why we have taken max and min value?

2 days ago, # |

I tried to use dp for the C, passed the sample cases but got wrong answer. Need some help(´・_・`) My code

2 days ago, # |

I am still confused about the formula , . The formula always gets minimum , as the sequence is ordered. How to proof the formula clearly ???

    • 2 days ago, # ^ |

      When the sequence of B is odered, why the formula always get minimum ? I want to the reason.Please teach me ,i am willing to know!

      • 2 days ago, # ^ |

        I think you misunderstood this. Let's observe formula:

        Sum of values does not require any order, we can just sum them.

        What about sum of differences of , of course, we want to minimize this sum (so that sum is not greater than )

        Now, we can forget about values (their sum does not depend on order we choose values). But if we got values , it's always optimal to sort them. For example, gives sum , but gives sum . Why? You can see abs function as distance beetween two points on straight line. It's easy to see, that sorting gets the minimum sum.

        Now, we can sort values by and choose sum values to our answer. Let's closer look at , it's equal to , there are pairs etc for all from to , and now this sum equal to

        • 2 days ago, # ^ |

          i am appreciate your reply! The words resolve my question!

          For example, b=[1,6,1,5] gives sum 6−1+6−1+5−1=14 , but b=[1,1,5,6] gives sum 1−1+5−1+6−5=5 . Why? You can see abs function |x−y| as distance beetween two points x,y on straight line. It's easy to see, that sorting gets the minimum sum.

          Also , you assist me to deepen insigth about the problem. Thank you !

          • 2 days ago, # ^ |

            NP! (Not like NP-problems by these authors, but "No problem")

            • 2 days ago, # ^ |

              "NP" means "No problem" ? if my guess is right , it is fun and straightforward!

        • 24 hours ago, # ^ |

          I have one more doubt. While we are selecting the l and r and checking whether the sum of elements in between them is less than l-(b[r]-b[l]), we are taking the sum of some a[i]'s, but the problem is that as soon as we fix l and r, shouldn't we also make sure that a[l] and a[r] are always there in our sum? But proceeding greedily without taking care of them is getting accepted. How is this correct? Please help me with reason why we don't need to make sure that the sum always includes a[l] and a[r].

          Thank You

          • 23 hours ago, # ^ |

            I must say, I don't know why greedy works. My solution is DP

2 days ago, # |

You can solve A without n at all. You just need to find the minimum lexicographic string between the regular string, the inverted string + the usual string, the usual string + the inverted string

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    You have to use in your proof, author's C++ solution don't use

2 days ago, # |

in second how to prove this that if we can not separate array into two segments then it is also not possible for us to do it if the number of segments are increased ?

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    If there is answer in such segments we can always reduce it into segments. So, it is not possible to find answer in segments, we won't find it in any bigger segments (if there is answer in bigger number of segments, we would reduce it into segments and found it there).

  • 2 days ago, # ^ |

    Let us assume for array , we have a valid partition into subsegments each having . If we consider merging subsegments and (), the of the new subsegment would also be (as it too would contain all elements from to but would not feature ). Continuing this process will lead us to partition array into any number of subsegments less than .

    We can conclude that if there is a valid partition of into subsegments, a valid partition into subsegments must exist. As a corollary, if cannot be partitioned into segments, it cannot be partitioned into segments. This would prove your argument for .

2 days ago, # |

I solved C using DP and lazy propagation (I know overkill). Basically is the minimum cost to get elements in the range . Let's sort the elements by . In that case . This so far is . We can optimize it by making a segment tree that supports lazy propagation for each , however that gets MLE. If we iterate over we notice that we only care about so we can use only 2 segment trees. Why do we need lazy? When go from to , the difference between and all such that will increase by so we can update them using lazy propagation. The answer is the maximum such that there is some , thus the solution is . Code: 249828732

47 hours ago, # |

Can anyone help me on why I'm getting munmap_chunk() RTE on pretest 1 for Problem C? If I run each test case on the 1st pretest one by one, then there is no RTE! Submission: 249970089

46 hours ago, # |

Can someone help me with B i have the same idea as editorial but i dont know why iam getting WA here is my code: 249976418

  • 44 hours ago, # ^ |

    Consider the test case:

    This might help.

39 hours ago, # |

in problem C, when i remove the max element multiset, if i use erase, i WA but i use extract, it AC. Why Ex: mst.erase(mx); (WA) mst.extract(mx); (AC) but when i use extract, my complier ERROR

  • 39 hours ago, # ^ |

    i found my mistake, sorry everybody

32 hours ago, # |

In the author's solution to problem C, can anyone please explain how it is ensured that the end points v[l].second and v[r].second are covered in the multiset and also in the sum (as we are simply removing values greedily)?

  • 31 hour(s) ago, # ^ |

    Rev. 3  


    I think if the multiset is not empty, there must be v[l+a].second() and v[r-b].second() in the multiset, so

24 hours ago, # |

in problem c, if we add the 'a' value of left element to the multiset , while removing the max element arent we messing up the boundary element? like if left is 0 and its value is (a,b)=(10,1), in future if we remove 10 from multiset we r still holding 0 as left element in the remaining run of the second loop, which seems wrong to me, plz anyone help me to understand this.

  • 24 hours ago, # ^ |

    this is my code ,the only difference is i am not adding the boundary element to multiset,i dont know why am i getting wa, can someone help me?

    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

    ll sum=0;
                while(nums.size()!=0 && sum+v[i].second+v[j].second+v[j].first-v[i].first>x)
                     auto it=nums.end();
    • 23 hours ago, # ^ |

      found what's wrong , i assumed taking the current right element is always best , but its not the case, some times we have to skip the current right element,

      ac code

              ll sum=po[i].second;
                  while(nums.size()!=0 && sum+po[j].first-po[i].first>x)
                      auto it=nums.end();
  • 24 hours ago, # ^ |

    Same doubt I also have.

24 hours ago, # |

Why I am getting Runtime Error in the solution of C. I have checked that I am not accessing an unallocated memory. Please help me.

My Submission

  • 24 hours ago, # ^ |

    error in comp funtion

    try this

    bool comp(vector&u,vector&v){ return u[1]<v[1]; }

22 hours ago, # |

There is a nice dp way to solve the problem C. After sorting the pairs according to b[i]. lets dp[pos][len][2] be the state. Here pos means any prefix of array dp[pos][len][0] refers minimum possible total cost of any subsequence of length len of the prefix pos and we have stopped taking new value here. and dp[pos][len][1]refers minimum possible total cost of any subsequence of length len of the prefix pos and we will take one or more element to the choosen subsequence. here is my solution link : https://codeforces.com/contest/1935/submission/249842011

  • 22 hours ago, # ^ |

    My Dp uses only 1 state

    • 22 hours ago, # ^ |

      yeah its possible to reduce one dimension. Actually i have done this in my solution. I have use this extra dimension for simplification.

20 hours ago, # |

You don't have to use DSU or binary search machinery in problem F. You can simply join components as follows:

  1. For each component with , join to . This joins all components extending above .
  2. For each component with that doesn't extend above , join to . Also, if there are any components with , join to for such a component which has the smallest value of , unless this value is . You can reason inductively to see that this joins all components which extend below , either via the edges added in this step or via the edges added in step 1.
  3. This joins everything unless you need to add the edge , in which case, add it.

8 hours ago, # |

Rev. 3  


Has anyone done this for C?

For j such that b[j] < b[i]:

For j such that b[j] > b[i]:

Answer = max cnt over all dp(i, cnt) such that dp(i, cnt) < l

For finding min(dp(j, cnt — 1) — b[j] & j < i), use range min segment trees over compressed b[i] values. Each cnt will have its own 2 segment trees (one with +b[j], one with -b[j]). Feeling lazy to implement

8 hours ago, # |

Rev. 3  


For problem E, if n = 2 and y1 = 5 and y2 = 9 and let's consider cases when x1 = 0 and x2 = 0. If we look at the highest bit = 3, then this bit appears twice in numbers <= y2 [number 8 (1000) and 9 (1001)]. I don't think we can set all bits less than 3 in the answer. You can only pick one number out of the two. Here we choose 9. And in order to set all bits to 1 we will have to choose 6 (110) from other number which is not possible. Can somebody rephrase what the editorial is trying to say?

  • 41 minute(s) ago, # ^ |

    "Suppose we are iterating over bit , then if such a bit occurs times in numbers there are several cases:"

    This means the number of times that a bit occur in , not in . In your example, when you have and , when we are looking for the highest bit = , then , so you put the bit in the answer. After that, the next bit is , that appears once in , so you put the bit in res, then, bit doesn't appears in any of them, and bit appears both in and , so, the answer is .

4 hours ago, # |

Edutorial solution of problem B works without
while (mex2 && !cnt2[mex2 — 1]) --mex2; lines.

32 minutes ago, # |

Hey, in case any of you are looking for a slightly detailed editorial on Problems B to E, here's my attempt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrnshSV0qy0&t=5061s&ab_channel=DecipherAlgorithmswithSaptarshi

Btw I got a great comment seeking solution of C in O(n^2) (that I didn't care thinking myself because my O(n^2 * log(n)) worked during contest. But then, putting a thought, I could see that the a very common DP approach — direct Knapsack — would work in O(n^2). I'll consider uploading one video on that, as we all know how much DP knowledge is valuable in these contests.

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