Afterplace’s First Update of 2024 Brings In Hundred New Lines of Dialog, New Sce...

 4 months ago
source link: https://machash.com/touch-arcade/367125/afterplaces-first-update-2024-brings-hundred-new-lines/
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By Mikhail MadnaniFeb 20, 2024, 1:12 am106 ptsphoto of Afterplace’s First Update of 2024 Brings In Hundred New Lines of Dialog, New Scenes, New Postgame Content, and More imageEvan Kice’s open world adventure Zelda-inspired experience Afterplace ($6.99) has gotten a surprisingly good amount of post launch support to bring in quality if life features, visual upgrades for modern iOS devices, and more. The last update brought in 120fps following it winning anApple Design Award. Today,…

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