【译】.NET 8 网络改进(二) - 郑子铭

 7 months ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client

原文 | Máňa,Natalia Kondratyeva

翻译 | 郑子铭

修改 HttpClient 日志记录

自定义(甚至简单地关闭)HttpClientFactory 日志记录是长期请求的功能之一 (dotnet/runtime#77312)。


HttpClientFactory 添加的默认(“旧”)日志记录非常详细,每个请求发出 8 条日志消息:

  1. 使用请求 URI 启动通知 — 在通过委托处理程序管道传播之前;
  2. 请求标头 - 在处理程序管道之前;
  3. 使用请求 URI 启动通知 — 在处理程序管道之后;
  4. 请求标头——处理程序管道之后;
  5. 在通过委托处理程序管道将响应传播回之前,停止通知已用时间;
  6. 响应头——在传播回响应之前;
  7. 停止通知并显示经过的时间——在传播回响应之后;
  8. 响应标头 - 将响应传播回来之后。

这可以用下图来说明。在此图和下图中,* 和 [...] 表示日志记录事件(在默认实现中,日志消息被写入 ILogger),--> 表示通过应用程序层和传输层的数据流。

  Request -->
*   [Start notification]    // "Start processing HTTP request ..." (1)
*   [Request headers]       // "Request Headers: ..." (2)
      --> Additional Handler #1 -->
        --> .... -->
          --> Additional Handler #N -->
*           [Start notification]    // "Sending HTTP request ..." (3)
*           [Request headers]       // "Request Headers: ..." (4)
                --> Primary Handler -->
                                          // Server sends response
                <-- Primary Handler <--
*           [Stop notification]    // "Received HTTP response ..." (5)
*           [Response headers]     // "Response Headers: ..." (6)
          <-- Additional Handler #N <--
        <-- .... <--
      <-- Additional Handler #1 <--
*   [Stop notification]    // "End processing HTTP request ..." (7)
*   [Response headers]     // "Response Headers: ..." (8)
  Response <--

默认 HttpClientFactory 日志记录的控制台输出如下所示:

var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
await client.GetAsync("https://httpbin.org/get");
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.LogicalHandler[100]
      Start processing HTTP request GET https://httpbin.org/get
trce: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.LogicalHandler[102]
      Request Headers:
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.ClientHandler[100]
      Sending HTTP request GET https://httpbin.org/get
trce: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.ClientHandler[102]
      Request Headers:
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.ClientHandler[101]
      Received HTTP response headers after 581.2898ms - 200
trce: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.ClientHandler[103]
      Response Headers:
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.LogicalHandler[101]
      End processing HTTP request after 618.9736ms - 200
trce: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.test.LogicalHandler[103]
      Response Headers:

请注意,为了查看跟踪级别消息,您需要在全局日志记录配置文件中或通过 SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace) 选择加入该消息。但即使只考虑信息性消息,“旧”日志记录每个请求仍然有 4 条消息。

要删除默认(或之前添加的)日志记录,您可以使用新的RemoveAllLoggers() 扩展方法。它与上面“为所有客户端设置默认值”部分中描述的ConfigureHttpClientDefaults API 结合起来特别强大。这样,您可以在一行中删除所有客户端的“旧”日志记录:

services.ConfigureHttpClientDefaults(b => b.RemoveAllLoggers()); // remove HttpClientFactory default logging for all clients

如果您需要恢复“旧”日志记录,例如对于特定客户端,您可以使用 AddDefaultLogger() 来执行此操作。


除了能够删除“旧”日志记录之外,新的 HttpClientFactory API 还允许您完全自定义日志记录。您可以指定当 HttpClient 启动请求、接收响应或引发异常时记录的内容和方式。

如果您选择这样做,您可以同时添加多个自定义记录器 - 例如,控制台和 ETW 记录器,或“包装”和“不包装”记录器。由于其附加性质,您可能需要事先显式删除默认的“旧”日志记录。

要添加自定义日志记录,您需要实现 IHttpClientLogger 接口,然后使用 AddLogger 将自定义记录器添加到客户端。请注意,日志记录实现不应引发任何异常,否则可能会中断请求执行。

services.AddSingleton<SimpleConsoleLogger>(); // register the logger in DI

services.AddHttpClient("foo") // add a client
    .RemoveAllLoggers() // remove previous logging
    .AddLogger<SimpleConsoleLogger>(); // add the custom logger


// outputs one line per request to console
public class SimpleConsoleLogger : IHttpClientLogger
    public object? LogRequestStart(HttpRequestMessage request) => null;

    public void LogRequestStop(object? ctx, HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response, TimeSpan elapsed)
        => Console.WriteLine($"{request.Method} {request.RequestUri?.AbsoluteUri} - {(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode} in {elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms");

    public void LogRequestFailed(object? ctx, HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage? response, Exception e, TimeSpan elapsed)
        => Console.WriteLine($"{request.Method} {request.RequestUri?.AbsoluteUri} - Exception {e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");


var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("foo");
await client.GetAsync("https://httpbin.org/get");
await client.PostAsync("https://httpbin.org/post", new ByteArrayContent(new byte[] { 42 }));
await client.GetAsync("http://httpbin.org/status/500");
await client.GetAsync("http://localhost:1234");
GET https://httpbin.org/get - 200 OK in 393.2039ms
POST https://httpbin.org/post - 200 OK in 95.524ms
GET https://httpbin.org/status/500 - 500 InternalServerError in 99.5025ms
GET http://localhost:1234/ - Exception System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (localhost:1234)


上下文对象可用于将 LogRequestStart 调用与相应的 LogRequestStop 调用相匹配,以将数据从一个调用传递到另一个调用。 Context 对象由 LogRequestStart 生成,然后传递回 LogRequestStop。这可以是属性包或保存必要数据的任何其他对象。

如果不需要上下文对象,实现可以从 LogRequestStart 返回 null。


public class RequestIdLogger : IHttpClientLogger
    private readonly ILogger _log;

    public RequestIdLogger(ILogger<RequestIdLogger> log)
        _log = log;

    private static readonly Action<ILogger, Guid, string?, Exception?> _requestStart =
        LoggerMessage.Define<Guid, string?>(
            "Request Id={RequestId} ({Host}) started");

    private static readonly Action<ILogger, Guid, double, Exception?> _requestStop =
        LoggerMessage.Define<Guid, double>(
            "Request Id={RequestId} succeeded in {elapsed}ms");

    private static readonly Action<ILogger, Guid, Exception?> _requestFailed =
            "Request Id={RequestId} FAILED");

    public object? LogRequestStart(HttpRequestMessage request)
        var ctx = new Context(Guid.NewGuid());
        _requestStart(_log, ctx.RequestId, request.RequestUri?.Host, null);
        return ctx;

    public void LogRequestStop(object? ctx, HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response, TimeSpan elapsed)
        => _requestStop(_log, ((Context)ctx!).RequestId, elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, null);

    public void LogRequestFailed(object? ctx, HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage? response, Exception e, TimeSpan elapsed)
        => _requestFailed(_log, ((Context)ctx!).RequestId, null);

    public static class EventIds
        public static readonly EventId RequestStart = new(1, "RequestStart");
        public static readonly EventId RequestStop = new(2, "RequestStop");
        public static readonly EventId RequestFailed = new(3, "RequestFailed");

    record Context(Guid RequestId);
info: RequestIdLogger[1]
      Request Id=d0d63b84-cd67-4d21-ae9a-b63d26dfde50 (httpbin.org) started
info: RequestIdLogger[2]
      Request Id=d0d63b84-cd67-4d21-ae9a-b63d26dfde50 succeeded in 530.1664ms
info: RequestIdLogger[1]
      Request Id=09403213-dd3a-4101-88e8-db8ab19e1eeb (httpbin.org) started
info: RequestIdLogger[2]
      Request Id=09403213-dd3a-4101-88e8-db8ab19e1eeb succeeded in 83.2484ms
info: RequestIdLogger[1]
      Request Id=254e49bd-f640-4c56-b62f-5de678eca129 (httpbin.org) started
info: RequestIdLogger[2]
      Request Id=254e49bd-f640-4c56-b62f-5de678eca129 succeeded in 162.7776ms
info: RequestIdLogger[1]
      Request Id=e25ccb08-b97e-400d-b42b-b09d6c42adec (localhost) started
fail: RequestIdLogger[3]
      Request Id=e25ccb08-b97e-400d-b42b-b09d6c42adec FAILED


例如,如果您打算阅读和记录请求和响应内容,请注意,它可能会对最终用户体验产生不利的副作用并导致错误。例如,请求内容可能在发送之前被消耗,或者巨大的响应内容可能最终被缓冲在内存中。此外,在 .NET 7 之前,访问标头不是线程安全的,可能会导致错误和意外行为。


我们期望同步 IHttpClientLogger 接口适用于绝大多数自定义日志记录用例。出于性能原因,建议不要在日志记录中使用异步。但是,如果严格要求日志记录中的异步访问,您可以实现异步版本 IHttpClientAsyncLogger。它派生自 IHttpClientLogger,因此可以使用相同的 AddLogger API 进行注册。

请注意,在这种情况下,还应该实现日志记录方法的同步对应项,特别是如果该实现是面向 .NET Standard 或 .NET 5+ 的库的一部分。同步对应项是从同步 HttpClient.Send 方法调用的;即使 .NET Standard 表面不包含它们,.NET Standard 库也可以在 .NET 5+ 应用程序中使用,因此最终用户可以访问同步 HttpClient.Send 方法。



  • 包装处理程序管道(添加到管道的顶部,对应于上面旧日志记录概述部分中的 1、2、7 和 8 号消息)
  Request -->
*   [LogRequestStart()]                // wrapHandlersPipeline=TRUE
      --> Additional Handlers #1..N -->    // handlers pipeline
          --> Primary Handler -->
          <-- Primary Handler <--
      <-- Additional Handlers #N..1 <--    // handlers pipeline
*   [LogRequestStop()]                 // wrapHandlersPipeline=TRUE
  Response <--
  • 或者,不包装处理程序管道(添加到底部,对应于上面旧日志记录概述部分中的第 3、4、5 和 6 号消息)。
  Request -->
    --> Additional Handlers #1..N --> // handlers pipeline
*     [LogRequestStart()]             // wrapHandlersPipeline=FALSE
          --> Primary Handler -->
          <-- Primary Handler <--
*     [LogRequestStop()]              // wrapHandlersPipeline=FALSE
    <-- Additional Handlers #N..1 <-- // handlers pipeline
  Response <--


在将重试处理程序添加到管道的情况下(例如 Polly 或某些重试的自定义实现),包装和不包装管道之间的区别最为显着。在这种情况下,包装记录器(位于顶部)将记录有关单个成功请求的消息,记录的经过时间将是从用户发起请求到收到响应的总时间。非包装记录器(位于底部)将记录每次重试迭代,第一个可能记录异常或不成功的状态代码,最后一个记录成功。每种情况下消耗的时间都是纯粹在主处理程序中花费的时间(实际在网络上发送请求的处理程序,例如 HttpClientHandler)。


  • 包装案例 (wrapHandlersPipeline=TRUE)
  Request -->
*   [LogRequestStart()]
        --> Additional Handlers #1..(N-1) -->
            --> Retry Handler -->
              --> //1
                  --> Primary Handler -->
                  <-- "503 Service Unavailable" <--
              --> //2
                  --> Primary Handler ->
                  <-- "503 Service Unavailable" <--
              --> //3
                  --> Primary Handler -->
                  <-- "200 OK" <--
            <-- Retry Handler <--
        <-- Additional Handlers #(N-1)..1 <--
*   [LogRequestStop()]
  Response <--
info: Example.CustomLogger.Wrapping[1]
      GET https://consoto.com/
info: Example.CustomLogger.Wrapping[2]
      200 OK - 809.2135ms
  • 不包装案例 (wrapHandlersPipeline=FALSE)
  Request -->
    --> Additional Handlers #1..(N-1) -->
        --> Retry Handler -->
          --> //1
*           [LogRequestStart()]
                --> Primary Handler -->
                <-- "503 Service Unavailable" <--
*           [LogRequestStop()]
          --> //2
*           [LogRequestStart()]
                --> Primary Handler -->
                <-- "503 Service Unavailable" <--
*           [LogRequestStop()]
          --> //3
*           [LogRequestStart()]
                --> Primary Handler -->
                <-- "200 OK" <--
*           [LogRequestStop()]
        <-- Retry Handler <--
    <-- Additional Handlers #(N-1)..1 <--
  Response <--
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[1]
      GET https://consoto.com/
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[2]
      503 Service Unavailable - 98.613ms
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[1]
      GET https://consoto.com/
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[2]
      503 Service Unavailable - 96.1932ms
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[1]
      GET https://consoto.com/
info: Example.CustomLogger.NotWrapping[2]
      200 OK - 579.2133ms

.NET 8 Networking Improvements

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