BNAC Adapt-UI for Documents Download

 5 months ago
source link: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-q-a/bnac-adapt-ui-for-documents-download/qaq-p/13591261
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BNAC Adapt-UI for Documents Download


in our team we are trying to use the Adapt-UI-Functionalities for the Business Network Asset Collaboration Documents App.

Our main goal is that we want to replace the download button for the files with a custom button that calls some custom logic. This logic should receive the documentID as parameter and get the document stream via API to send this to an external server that puts a watermark on the file.



In the Adapt-UI section we can remove the download button, but we can not add a custom button. Is this even possible and what would be the next steps to implement some custom logic for the above mentioned API-calls?

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

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