Introduction to GPU Programming in Chapel

 8 months ago
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Introduction to GPU Programming in Chapel

Chapel is a programming language for productive parallel computing. In recent years, a particular subdomain of parallel computing has exploded in popularity: GPU computing. As a result, the Chapel team has been hard at work adding GPU support, making it easy to create vendor-neutral and performant GPU programs. This aspect of the Chapel compiler has seen rapid improvements since its initial release, and continues to receive enhancements and performance fixes over time. This tutorial will provide an introduction to Chapel’s GPU programming features.

Although frameworks such as CUDA and HIP are commonly used for programming GPUs, this tutorial does not assume familiarity with them. Examples will make use of some general-purpose features of Chapel, and this post will explain them along the way. For a more deliberate introduction to Chapel, see the Advent of Code series on this blog, or check the Learning Chapel page for more resources.

In this post, we’ll jump right in to using Chapel’s GPU programming features. If you’re interested in a refresher on what problems GPUs are useful for, check out the Appendix section containing this information.

Locales and on Statements: The Foundation of Chapel

When GPUs are in play, it’s possible for code to be executing in different places: it could be running either on a CPU, as most programmers are used to, or on a GPU. GPUs and CPUs differ significantly; code well-suited for one may not be well-suited for the other. Chapel gives the programmer control over where their code is running through its notion of locales. Quoting from the Chapel specification:

In Chapel, the locale type refers to a unit of the machine resources on which your program is running.

In other words, a locale is a part of the computer that can run code; this might represent a GPU or a CPU. Chapel’s on statement, when given a locale, can be used to explicitly state where a particular piece of code should be executed. For example, the following code computes and prints the even numbers up to ten, running the computation on the first GPU locale.

config const n = 5; // use 5-element arrays in examples by default, for brevity

on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int; // declare an array with n elements
                     // (to benefit from GPUs, you'd probably want n >> 5)
  foreach i in 1..n do
    A[i] = i * 2;

  writeln("The whole array A is: ", A); 
  for i in 1..n do
    writeln("A[", i, "] = ", A[i]);
Console output
The whole array A is: 2 4 6 8 10
A[1] = 2
A[2] = 4
A[3] = 6
A[4] = 8
A[5] = 10

The code starts with an on block targeting a GPU sub-locale. This block references here, a special variable that refers to the locale currently running the code. When GPU support is enabled, locales include a field called gpus, which is an array of sub-locales, each representing an installed GPU. On a locale with a single GPU, here.gpus will be a single-element array. On locales with more than one GPU (which is

common in supercomputers

), here.gpus will have as many elements as there are GPUs. Thus, here.gpus[0] is the machine’s first GPU.

(How do I enable GPU support?)

To enable GPU support, Chapel must be built with with the CHPL_LOCALE_MODEL environment variable set to gpu. In a Bash session, the variable can be set as follows:


If you have an NVIDIA GPU, this should be enough to compile and run GPU-enabled programs. For AMD GPUs, you will also need to specify your GPU’s architecture using the CHPL_GPU_ARCH environment variable:

export CHPL_GPU_ARCH=your_arch_here

Finally, even if you don’t have a GPU, Chapel provides a mode called ‘cpu-as-device’. In this mode, you still get a here.gpus array, and can write code targeting GPUS; however, your computer’s CPU will be used to execute all code. This makes it possible to develop GPU-enabled programs without access to a GPU. Setting the CHPL_GPU environment variable to cpu enables ‘cpu-as-device’ mode:

export CHPL_GPU=cpu

Please see the page on building chapel as well as the GPU technical note for more information on GPU-related environment variables.

The code generates even numbers by iterating over the indices one through five, multiplying each by two. GPUs are good at solving the same sub-problem many times in parallel; doubling each number can be its own sub-problem, making the loop in the example well-suited for GPU execution. The multiplication loop is written using the foreach keyword, which tells Chapel that it is safe to execute in parallel. The language takes care of the rest. Chapel has traditional for loops as well, like the second loop in the example. We’ll talk about the difference between the two further down.

Whereas the foreach loop in the example runs on the GPU, the writeln on line 9 doesn’t. Unlike the multiplications, printing a single string to the console is not a good match for the GPU. Generally, code that’s suitable for GPU execution can be broken up into many similar and independent pieces. For a loop, this translates into order-independence. A loop is order-independent if no iteration affects any of the others. Thinking back to our example, let’s examine the multiplication loop again:

  foreach i in 1..n do
    A[i] = i * 2;

We can observe that the result of 5*2 does not affect the computation of 3*2. Each iteration accesses a different element of A, so there are no data races. Thus, our example is an instance of an order-independent loop. Chapel leaves it up to the programmer to indicate which loops have this property; to assert that a loop is order-independent, it should be written using the foreach keyword.

It’s not hard to see why order-independent loops lend themselves well to GPU execution. If it doesn’t matter in what order the loop’s iterations are executed, then we can think of each iteration as an independent sub-problem to be handed off to a GPU core. This observation is the foundation of Chapel’s GPU support: order-independent loops can be executed in parallel on the GPU. In fact, Chapel will automatically convert order-independent loops into GPU code whenever it can.

(I know CUDA/HIP. Can you tell me more about how this works?)

In CUDA and HIP, writing a GPU-enabled program generally involves creating a function marked as device or global, and using this function in a kernel launch. Under the hood, Chapel does the same.

When Chapel encounters a GPU-eligible loop, it converts its body into a function, named something like chpl_gpu_kernel_filename_linenumber. If the loop body / newly defined kernel function contains calls to other functions or methods, Chapel also generates device versions of these.

Chapel inserts a kernel launch alongside the original loop. Since the same code could be executed from here.gpus[0] (GPU) or the default locale (CPU), Chapel preserves the loop as well. Thus, on a GPU it performs the kernel launch, and on a CPU, it falls back to the loop.

In comparison, the second loop in the example is order-dependent.

  for i in 1..n do
    writeln("A[", i, "] = ", A[i]);

We specifically intend for the elements of A to be printed in order. Because of this, the iteration that prints the fifth element has to happen after printing the fourth; there’s a dependency. In Chapel, loops whose iterations need to be executed one after another (called serial loops) are written using the for keyword. Loops written using for are not considered by the compiler for GPU execution.

We have now scrutinized almost every piece of the example. One significant piece remains: we also declared an array A to contain the even numbers:

on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int;

  // ... the rest of the even numbers example

An important aspect of the on statement is that variables declared inside an on block logically live on the locale targeted by the statement. Typically, this means that it’s faster to access these variables from that same locale, and slower from other locales. Here’s an example:

on firstLocale {
  var A: [0..10] int;
  A[0] = 1;   // Cheap to access 'A':
              // 'A' is accessed from the same locale that it lives on

  on anotherLocale {
    A[0] = 2;   // More expensive to access 'A':
                // 'A' is accessed from another locale


to make an array accessible from code that runs on the GPU (such as our foreach loop), the array must live on the GPU locale. This is why we declare A inside the on block, rather than outside of it. Had A been declared outside the on block, it would’ve been on the CPU locale, allocated in CPU memory.

Now we’ve gone over the whole introductory example, demonstrating how GPUs can be targeted in Chapel using on blocks and foreach loops. However, this example is a very simple program, meant to introduce key concepts in Chapel’s GPU support. What we’ve seen so far is only the beginning. In the next section, we’ll take a look at other features of Chapel that mesh seamlessly with GPU programming.

What Else Can You Do on a GPU?

A large portion of the Chapel language can run on the GPU. In this section, I’ll give a bit of a whirlwind tour of what can be done. To learn more about the individual language features I’ll be showing off, please take a look at the resources mentioned at the beginning of this article.

As we go through examples, the reader might wonder: how can we be sure that the code ran on the GPU? Tracking which code runs where is a slightly more advanced topic. For the sake of simplicity, I will define a custom function, numKernelLaunches. The word kernel typically refers to bits of code that run on a GPU. A kernel launch is the process of a CPU starting the execution of a kernel on the GPU. You don’t have to understand how my helper function works; it’s sufficient to think of numKernelLaunches as returning the total number of kernel launches since the last time we checked. I’ll be using this function to ensure that code ran on the GPU when we expected it to.

(I do want to see how the function is defined!)

use GpuDiagnostics;

proc startCountingKernelLaunches() {

proc numKernelLaunches() {
  var result = + reduce getGpuDiagnostics().kernel_launch;
  return result;


All examples in this section will be performed on the GPU locale.

on here.gpus[0] {

Let’s start with something fun. At the beginning of this article, we used the GPU to multiply some numbers by two using a foreach. We can do this even more succinctly using a Chapel feature called promotion. Promotion allows us to pass an array to an operation that requires a scalar value. When we do so, the operation is automatically performed on each element of the array. This is automatically done in parallel — potentially on the GPU.

If our operation is “multiply by two”, we can write code as follows:

  var Evens = 2 * [1,2,3,4,5];

  // One kernel launch from the promoted initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);
Console output
2 4 6 8 10

In just one simple line, we were able to write code that runs on the GPU.

Let’s move on to our next example. We can call most Chapel functions from code running on the GPU. The following example samples the built-in sine function sin on ten increments within the interval [0,2π)[0, 2\pi)[0,2π):

  use Math; // Include the 'Math' module for access to 'sin' and 'pi'

  const numSamples = 10;
  var A = [i in 0..#numSamples] sin(2 * pi * i / numSamples);


  // One kernel launch from the loop expression initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);
Console output
0.0 0.587785 0.951057 0.951057 0.587785 1.22465e-16 -0.587785 -0.951057 -0.951057 -0.587785

Functions called from the GPU can be user-defined and arbitrarily complex. In the following example, we use promotion again to compute the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. This example

is not at all optimized,

but serves as a good demonstration of using arbitrary functions in a kernel, including recursive ones.

  proc fib(x: int): int {
    if x <= 1 then return 1;
    return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);

  var Fibs = fib(0..#20);

  // One kernel launch from the promoted expression in the initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);
Console output

Here, fib is a normal Chapel function that is being promoted by calling it with the integer range 0..#20. Note that we are able to use it in a GPU kernel without needing to do anything special. This is true in general: in Chapel, once a function has been defined, it can be called from both the GPU and the CPU.

Loops can also be executed as part of a kernel. For our last example, we’ll define a two-dimensional array Square, then sum each of its columns on the GPU. The following code will initialize, populate, and print this new square array:

  var rows, cols = 1..5;
  var Square: [rows, cols] int;
  foreach (r, c) in Square.indices do
      Square[r, c] = r * 10 + c;

  writeln("Original array:");

  // Two kernel launches: one from initializing Square, one from the loop
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 2);
Console output
Original array:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
31 32 33 34 35
41 42 43 44 45
51 52 53 54 55

With the new Square array in hand, we move on to summing its columns. Inside the foreach loop, we use another for loop as we normally would.

  var ColSums: [cols] int;
  foreach c in cols do {
    var sum = 0;

    for r in rows do
      sum += Square[r, c];

    ColSums[c] = sum;
  writeln("Column sums:");

  // Two kernel launches: one from initializing ColSums, one from the loop
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 2);
Console output
Column sums:
155 160 165 170 175

Having gone through a few examples, we can conclude our on block and return to computing on the CPU.

} // end of `on here.gpus[0]`

Now we have seen several example computations using Chapel’s GPU support. Where can we run all of this code? Let’s talk about that next.

Where Can I Run Chapel Code for GPUs?

You might recall from the introduction that Chapel’s GPU support is vendor-neutral. This means that GPU-enabled Chapel code can be executed on both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, without any modifications! This includes all of the code presented in this article.

In fact, you don’t even need a GPU. Chapel supports a mode called ‘CPU-as-device’, which allows code targeting GPUs to transparently execute on the CPU. You can prototype GPU-enabled code on a laptop without dedicated graphics, then switch to a GPU-enabled machine whenever you like. In fact, this is how this article was written.

Finally, Chapel’s GPU support, like the rest of the language, is scalable. Programs prototyped on a laptop can easily be executed on a supercomputer, with good performance. Although writing code in a scalable way requires

some additional steps,

Chapel makes it easy to create parallel code that runs everywhere.


Chapel’s GPU support goes much deeper, but this might be a good stopping point for an introductory article — we’ve already covered a lot of ground! Let’s look back at a few of the things we’ve covered:

  • Chapel’s locales represent parts of the machine that can run code and store variables.
  • The on statement specifies where code should be executed, including on the GPU.
  • Order-independent loops, written using foreach, are automatically executed on the GPU.
  • Much of the Chapel language can be used in GPU code.
    • This includes promotion, functions plain and recursive, and loops.
  • All of this is vendor-neutral; Chapel works with both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs.

If you’d like to see more information on Chapel’s GPU support in particular, the tech note contains many details and examples of GPU code, and the GPU Programming section of the release notes from Chapel 1.32 contains a “crash course on GPU programming”.

Of course, we have not yet seen a practical example of solving a problem on the GPU. We also have not yet seen how to analyze the performance of GPU-enabled programs in Chapel, or how to improve said performance. Finally, we didn’t see how Chapel’s GPU support frictionlessly integrates with the rest of the language to allow writing code that runs across all GPUs and compute nodes. For a little sneak peek of that last point, take a look at this version of the “even numbers” example that runs on all GPUs in the system:

coforall loc in Locales do on loc {
  coforall gpu in here.gpus do on gpu {
    var Evens = 2 * [1,2,3,4,5];
    writeln("Even numbers computed on ", gpu, ": ", Evens);
Console output
Even numbers computed on LOCALE0-GPU0: 2 4 6 8 10
Even numbers computed on LOCALE0-GPU1: 2 4 6 8 10
Even numbers computed on LOCALE1-GPU0: 2 4 6 8 10
Even numbers computed on LOCALE1-GPU1: 2 4 6 8 10

In just six lines of code, we wrote a program that can make use of the computational resources of an entire supercomputer.

We will be coming back to all of the above topics in subsequent posts, starting with writing multi-node, multi-GPU programs. Stay tuned!

The entire Chapel program presented in this post can be viewed here:

config const n = 5; // use 5-element arrays in examples by default, for brevity

on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int; // declare an array with n elements
                     // (to benefit from GPUs, you'd probably want n >> 5)
  foreach i in 1..n do
    A[i] = i * 2;

  writeln("The whole array A is: ", A); 
  for i in 1..n do
    writeln("A[", i, "] = ", A[i]);

use GpuDiagnostics;

proc startCountingKernelLaunches() {

proc numKernelLaunches() {
  var result = + reduce getGpuDiagnostics().kernel_launch;
  return result;


on here.gpus[0] {

  var Evens = 2 * [1,2,3,4,5];

  // One kernel launch from the promoted initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);

  use Math; // Include the 'Math' module for access to 'sin' and 'pi'

  const numSamples = 10;
  var A = [i in 0..#numSamples] sin(2 * pi * i / numSamples);


  // One kernel launch from the loop expression initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);

  proc fib(x: int): int {
    if x <= 1 then return 1;
    return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);

  var Fibs = fib(0..#20);

  // One kernel launch from the promoted expression in the initializer
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);

  var rows, cols = 1..5;
  var Square: [rows, cols] int;
  foreach (r, c) in Square.indices do
      Square[r, c] = r * 10 + c;

  writeln("Original array:");

  // Two kernel launches: one from initializing Square, one from the loop
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 2);

  var ColSums: [cols] int;
  foreach c in cols do {
    var sum = 0;

    for r in rows do
      sum += Square[r, c];

    ColSums[c] = sum;
  writeln("Column sums:");

  // Two kernel launches: one from initializing ColSums, one from the loop
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 2);

} // end of `on here.gpus[0]`

coforall loc in Locales do on loc {
  coforall gpu in here.gpus do on gpu {
    var Evens = 2 * [1,2,3,4,5];
    writeln("Even numbers computed on ", gpu, ": ", Evens);

Appendix: What Sorts of Problems Benefit from GPUs?

A huge difference between a GPU and a CPU is the number of cores. A core is the part of a processor that’s responsible for executing instructions / machine code. Whereas I am writing this from a computer with around 10 CPU cores, a cursory Google search indicates that the NVIDIA RTX 4070 GPU (picked arbitrarily by searching “consumer NVIDIA GPU”) has 5888 cores —

over 500 times the number of cores in my CPU!

Of course, a CPU core is not the same as a GPU core: GPU cores tend to be much weaker individually.

For problems that can be decomposed into a large number of


pieces, having a large number of weak cores is ideal. Each core can receive its own share of the problem, and work on it


because each sub-problem is independent, all of the cores can be working on their share at exactly the same time. This can result in a very significant speedup over a single, powerful core: such a core would need to go through each of the pieces one after another.

One example of a problem amenable to GPU execution is rendering an image to a screen. In fact, as the name Graphics Processing Unit suggests, this was the very problem GPUs were developed to solve. When rendering, the color of each pixel can be computed relatively independently, based on depth and texture information; each core of the GPU can thus be working on a handful of pixels at a time, all in parallel, significantly speeding up the process.

An entire problem domain that is well-suited for GPU execution is linear algebra. In matrix multiplication, for example, each cell in the output matrix can be computed independently from all the other cells; once again, this means that each GPU core can be working on a handful of cells in parallel. Many things, including neural networks, can be formulated in terms of matrix operations; fast linear algebra leads to faster machine learning models.

The descriptions above should give you a taste of what can be done with GPUs. The next obvious question is how we can do all this with Chapel. This brings us to the topic of this blog: getting Chapel to run code on the GPU.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK