Today on The Vergecast: OpenAI’s legal woes, and a big ol’ CES preview.

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/5/24026670/today-on-the-vergecast-openais-legal-woes-and-a-big-ol-ces-preview
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Today on The Vergecast: OpenAI’s legal woes, and a big ol’ CES preview.Skip to main contentPosted Jan 5, 2024, 4:32 PM UTCComments1 Comment / 1 New

Today on The Vergecast: OpenAI’s legal woes, and a big ol’ CES preview.

AI gadgets are about to be everywhere. But who owns the AI, and who should benefit when you use it? Who gets paid when my fridge recommends a recipe, is really the question I’m asking. We get into the battle between The New York Times and OpenAI, get excited about what’s coming at CES, and wonder about what happens when your movie theater projector just can’t hang anymore.

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