FTC Bans X-Mode From Selling Phone Location Data - Slashdot

 5 months ago
source link: https://news.slashdot.org/story/24/01/09/2053225/ftc-bans-x-mode-from-selling-phone-location-data
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FTC Bans X-Mode From Selling Phone Location Data (techcrunch.com) 8

Posted by msmash

on Tuesday January 09, 2024 @03:52PM from the moving-forward dept.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has banned the data broker X-Mode Social from sharing or selling users' sensitive location data, the federal regulator said Tuesday. From a report: The first of its kind settlement prohibits X-Mode, now known as Outlogic, from sharing and selling users' sensitive information to others. The settlement will also require the data broker to delete or destroy all the location data it previously collected, along with any products produced from this data, unless the company obtains consumer consent or ensures the data has been de-identified. X-Mode buys and sells access to the location data collected from ordinary phone apps. While just one of many organizations in the multibillion-dollar data broker industry, X-Mode faced scrutiny for selling access to the commercial location data of Americans' past movements to the U.S. government and military contractors. Soon after, Apple and Google told developers to remove X-Mode from their apps or face a ban from the app stores.

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