Your 2024 Horoscope Is Here to Give You a Glimpse Into the Year Ahead

 8 months ago
source link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/2024-horoscope-glimpse-ahead-140000728.html
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Your 2024 Horoscope Is Here to Give You a Glimpse Into the Year Ahead

Meghan Rose
Mon, January 1, 2024, 11:00 PM GMT+9·16 min read

Art by Channing Smith

Ready for your 2024 horoscope? This year will be filled with major, once-in-a-lifetime transits that will affect each sign differently. It will bring changes in career, love, personal growth, society at large, and everything in between.

With so much change and transformation happening for everyone, it’s important to get grounded and set your intentions for the future—especially because the last few weeks of 2023 will have been impacted by a Mercury retrograde. But January 1 kicks off back on track, allowing all of us to start this year off on the right foot.

The horoscope predictions for 2024 below are sure to give you an upper hand as you navigate through a brand new year. And although each planetary transit holds important information, you’ll want to pay special attention to the most important astrology transit dates below.

Important astrological dates in 2024

Pluto’s dance between Capricorn and Aquarius: Pluto (the planet of transformation and rebirth) will shift back into unconventional and humanitarian Aquarius on January 20. There will be a period of Pluto retrograde that begins on May 2, when we find it drifting back into accolade- and money-driven Capricorn again on September 1 where it will sit until November 19 before entering Aquarius (for good!) until 2043. Talk about once-in-a-lifetime changes occuring!

Mars will also be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius on February 13: This will shake up everyone’s Valentine’s day with newfound confidence and approaches to life and love!

Jupiter enters Gemini May 25 and stays here until June 9, 2025: During this powerful transit with the planet of luck, fortune, optimism, and expansion, we will be rewarded for our witty ideas and ability to network with the right people in order to bring our dreams to life. Being bold is important, but allow this time period to be spent focusing on taking calculated and innovative steps ahead.

Side note: Just before this transit, Jupiter will meet up with Uranus in materialistic and loyal Taurus for the first time in 14 years on April 20. This will bring extreme change to your finances, relationship to materialism, long-term financial plans, and career before it shifts into Gemini on May 25.

Venus cazimi on June 4 in Gemini: Gemini placements will get plenty of attention this year, and that continues as this powerful and transformative transit brings together the planet of love (Venus) with the sun. This is a great time to embody the energy of Gemini in it’s highest form: intelligent, curious, inquisitive, connective, chatty, and open-minded energy is recommended!

The solar and lunar eclipses of 2022

  • March 25: lunar eclipse in Libra

  • April 8: total solar eclipse in Aries

  • September 18: lunar eclipse in Pisces

  • October 2: solar eclipse in Libra

Because the North and South Nodes will continue on in the signs of Aries and Libra throughout 2024, this is where one of our eclipses will take place. Our focus this year is on finding a balance between codependency and hyper-independence. Can we instead find middle ground with interdependence? This will test our ability to rely on others, be there in a reliable way for those we care about, and still know ourselves as individuals.

Mercury retrograde dates

This year, we will deal with Mercury retrograde periods in all three of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). This signals a recalibration in how we listen to our inner voice and allow ourselves to be led by spirit. Be prepared to explore existential thoughts, make instinctive decisions, and gain a sense of empowerment around your intuition. Mercury retrogrades are not a period to fear, but to prepare for.

  • April 1-April 15 in Aries

  • August 4-August 28 in Leo

  • November 25-December 15 in Sagittarius

Your 2024 horoscope

Now for the main event. 2024 will bring new and exciting opportunities for each of the signs to take advantage of. Fortune favors the bold, and this year will surely do the same. Be willing to get involved with causes you care about, think about how your actions affect the greater collective, and ultimately speak up for what you believe in. Try to start this year with the clarity that Mercury stationing direct in Sagittarius will bring us all on January 1, and then read on below for your in-depth 2024 yearly horoscopes for your sun and rising sign below.


With the North Node in your sign all year long, you will feel like you are on the right path and moving at high speeds! When the Libra lunar eclipse arrives on March 25, you will feel a sense of deep connection and alignment in your love life. However, relationships of all kinds in your life will benefit from this transit. Any struggles or limitations you felt leading up to this will dissolve as you start to see eye-to-eye with your peers.

When Venus enters your sign of bold and fiery Aries on April 5, you will see a change in the way you are being perceived by others, and the level of self-acceptance that you feel towards your ever-evolving self. You are meant to grow and change, so who’s to say that your behavior is unlike you? Let others judgment roll right off your shoulders this year as you skyrocket into the version of you that you’ve always wanted to become. Your career and sense of self will be interwoven as you start to realize what’s important to you and go full-force into bringing that reality to life.


Dear Taurus, this year is about to upgrade your life in a plethora of new ways. With Jupiter sitting in your sign for the first five months of the year, you are bound to realize your worth and power in a whole new way. The best part about this is that once Jupiter is done transiting your first house of self and appearance, blessing you with a new look and identity that aligns with your ultimate goals, it will enter Gemini on May 25 and start lighting up your second house of money, finances, and work.

You might struggle with letting go of friends and relationships that are bogging you down from achieving your highest heights, but that pain is worse in its anticipation than it is in all actuality. You are going to realize that your own habits and patterns are causing challenges, so it might be time to cut back or even go cold turkey.


Dearest Gemini, with the planet of luck, expansion, and good fortune (Jupiter) entering your sign on May 25, you are going to have more than enough to celebrate in your life from the mid-point onward. The first few months of this year might feel extremely overwhelming as you scramble to get your footing with your housing and career. Don't fret, this is a great opportunity for you to lean on your community and ask for others to fill in the gap where you feel like you are lacking. This test of ego and pride will then set you up for a year of success and stability.

2024 will be a year where you realize that the more solid your foundation is, the more freedom you will have. Although it can feel counterintuitive, let yourself be led by what feels good, rather than what you think you “should” do. Life is not about comparison, so the less you compare yourself to others, the more easily abundance and happiness will flow to you this year.


Cancer, this year is going to bring you the chance of a lifetime when it comes to your career! You might initially feel scared about taking this leap, but if you allow yourself to lean into trust and uncertainty, you will find that the universe has been supporting you to take this step all along. You are going to gain awareness from the right people, with your name circulating in powerful rooms even when you are not around. Take this year to shift focus from appeasing others and convincing people to “pick you” and instead, pick yourself, your close inner circle, and the life that you desire—everything outside of your control will fall right into place.

You are going to have to work through people-pleasing tendencies and emotional manipulation tactics that are clouding your judgment. Instead of blaming others for this feeling of “stuckness,” why not acknowledge your part in the process so that you can finally move forward from this habit once and for all? The later part of the year will have you thinking about upgrading your love life as Pluto sits in Capricorn from September 1-November 19. This final stint of the planet of transformation in your sister sign will ask you to release fear around commitment and take action where action is due.


Dear Leo, most of 2024 will ask you to focus on your close relationships and long-term commitments. With Pluto (the planet of transformation and rebirth) sitting in your sister sign, Aquarius, for most of the year, you are going to experience a once-in-a-lifetime love or opportunity that you will commit yourself to. You are going to explore yourself in a newfound way as the outermost planet transits your seventh house of committed relationships and contracts. You may even sign on to a new job, to play a new role in someone’s life, or find yourself in a new home.

There will be long “terms” to whatever it is you’re agreeing to, so you will need to ask yourself what your end goal is. If you are moving, marrying, or working to impress anyone other than yourself, this is the year where you will finally break free from the fear of being judged. 2024 is when you realize how powerful you are. Don’t take action for any other reason than fulfilling your destiny and living for yourself! Even if that means backtracking on a previously agreed-upon plan.


My dearest Virgo, you are going to realize how easy life can be once you give up on the habit of worrying and doubting yourself. When the lunar eclipse in Libra arrives on March 25 and falls in your second house of material possessions, wealth, and work, you will release old habits that kept you in fear, debt, and undervaluing yourself or your work. Your career is going to ascend to new heights in 2024, leaving you feeling like the star of the show. The only thing that ever held you back from shining was being surrounded by the wrong people. Now that you’ve kicked them to the curb, watch as life starts to change through this clear channel you’ve created.

You are going to realize that your eagerness to appease a partner, a friend group, your family, or onlookers was only happening due to fear of rejection. But the joke's on them, as you start to watch yourself rise up and leave everyone with negative thoughts in the dust. You will see yourself land a new gig, collaboration, or financial opportunity that changes your life forever (and for the better) this year. With Jupiter (the ruling planet of expansion and travel) sitting in your ninth house of travel and cross-cultural affairs for the first five months of the year, go enjoy your bag somewhere magical, Virgo!


With the South Node sitting in your sign for the entirety of 2024, you are going to want to focus on clearing out karmic debt. That might include deep shadow work, or simply acknowledging the ways in which you’ve felt held back from reaching your fullest potential. You might be unknowingly putting yourself out by wasting time, money, energy, or some combination of these valuable assets living in the past.

2024 is the year to welcome in major change—and it might just be at the cost of your comfort. You might be moving to a new city, starting a new career path, or diving head first into a new relationship. The path you choose will ultimately lead you into the chapter of your life where you can be at ease.


Dear Scorpio, this year is asking you to shed, release, and be born anew. 2023 may have been immensely difficult for you to navigate. However, with a Venus cazimi arriving on June 4 in the sign of Gemini and lighting up your eighth house of endings, transformations and rebirth, you will have a chance to do as Scorpio’s do and rise from the ashes of a past you no longer identify with. There may have been terribly constricting aspects of your life that put you in a headspace of lack and fear. However, those same elements will not be entering 2024 with you.

If the loss of those things (or people) was difficult, you will be pleasantly surprised with how quickly you are able to adapt to this new life without it (or them) this year. Your ability to transform this year will be off the charts, so choose wisely who you want to become. Your wish is the universe’s command this year and it looks like that will be especially evident around the summer. Be prepared to go through major upgrades in your career and reputation around the Mercury Retrograde in Leo that starts on August 4 and lands in your tenth house.


Happy New Year, my dear centaurs! 2024 is going to be a year of forgiveness, softening, and community for you. As you deal with a round of Mercury retrogrades that fall in the fire signs, you will notice that every opportunity you give yourself to reflect will be met with kindness and compassion—both for yourself and those who may have hurt you. You will be stunned with how open-hearted and accepting you are this year as you start to bury the past and allow it to fertilize and improve your present moments. You are a strong and willing warrior, and this year is going to show you that some of the toughest battles are not fought with violence or anger, but rather with sensitivity and inner courage. You deserve a life of ease, and that will now be gifted to you through making amends with your past.

You might even strike up conversations with someone you’ve been holding a grudge against around the time that the Venus cazimi arrives in your seventh house of partnerships and longevity on June 4. Be willing to put your weapons down and simply talk through any discomfort that arises this year. You are more capable than you know, and you deserve to be rid of this heavy weight once and for all.


Dear Capricorn, this year is going to be one to remember! You are transcending beyond hatred, doubt, and negativity that may have been bestowed upon you and finally realizing how important your sense of self is. You are not meant to live up to someone else’s expectations of you. Instead, you are realizing what’s important to you when no one else’s opinions are involved. When the total solar eclipse in Aries arrives on April 8 and lights up your fourth house of home and family, asking you to root into your heart and prioritize what (and who) really matters.

You are stepping into a season of your life that will be filled with connectivity and community, but beyond the people you see daily through work or workouts, these will be forever faces that help you through the calm and the storm. You are building a chosen family, one that really matches the fiber of your spirit and makes you feel safe and seen. You are going to notice an urge to slow down this year that is met with a “you don’t need to rush if you don’t want to” sentiment that will heal something deep inside of your heart. Enjoy what 2024 has to offer you!


Dear Aquarius, with Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion) entering fellow air sign Gemini on May 25 and lighting up your fifth house of romance, creativity, and pleasure, you will find that life seems to unfold in the most magical of ways for you this year. 2024 is going to be a year full of delightful friendships, fun travel, and a budding romance that will excite you but also heal something inside of you.

You are usually the one that others look to for contrarian views, outlandish ideas, and jaw-dropping jokes—in other words, there is a level of unknown that follows all that you do. But this year, life is going to start to lock into place, giving you a chance to see how powerful you are when you have the right people in your corner, reliable work, and the abundance that you’ve been seeking. No longer will you be in an upward chase towards the life that you desire, instead, you will be living it this year. You will start to look around in 2024 and notice that everything feels like it’s in its rightful place, including you. What will you do with all of this safe (yet sexy) new energy?


Dearest Pisces, this year will have you feeling fun and fancy free as you start to dive into new hobbies and life paths that are completely unfamiliar to you. You might be switching up where you live or expanding your family in some way with Jupiter in Gemini on May 25 landing in your fourth house of home and family. Your main focus this year will be on planting roots and allowing yourself to grow into your fullest expression of self through deep connection and stability. Instead of relying on external forces for validation and a sense of self, you will take note of how well you’ve done over the past few years and start to relish in self acceptance and a life of ease.

You are gently guiding yourself towards a path of self-expression through being kind to yourself, and 2024 is going to show you how undeniably these two things go hand in hand. Yes, you could be in your dream job or relationship while being unkind to yourself, but what good would it do? And how long would it last? Not very long, and not very fulfilling, so let this year be a testament to how far kindness and self-compassion can get you. You will be shocked at how well this year ends if you can use all 12 of these months wisely and with love.

Originally Appeared on Glamour

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