Goal Tracker - Track your Goals

 6 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/goal-tracker-track-your-goals
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Goal Tracker - Track your Goals

Plan, progress & achieve goals

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Empower your journey with Goal Tracker—cultivate balance, set meaningful goals, and track progress effortlessly. Check-In for insights, habit tracking for consistency. Elevate your aspirations today.
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Hey everyone,

Ever jot down your 2024 goals and wish there was an app to track them? That's why I made Goal Tracker! Customize focus areas, add goals, and track milestones effortlessly. Check-In helps discover new goals and keeps life balanced—beyond just work.

Bonus: Secure iCloud syncing for all your data.

Give Goal Tracker a spin—I'd love your feedback!

Thanks Taher

Hey super useful app! Tried it just now. Congratulations on the launch @taher_dev ! One suggestion, if you can improve the UI and also make the logo and overall theme a bit more bright and vivid…right now feels a bit monotonous
Hey there! I really liked Goal Tracker and how it focuses on cultivating balance along with tracking goals. I'm curious to know if the app offers any personalized recommendations or tips based on the progress and habits tracked? It would be great to have some guidance on how to improve and stay motivated throughout the journey. Keep up the great work!

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